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Charter of Demands: Actualizing Women’s Land Rights in Africa

Reports & Research
октября, 2016

The Kilimanjaro Initiative is a rural women’s mobilisation from across Africa towards an iconic moment at the foot of Mt Kilimanjaro in October 2016. Objectives include raising awareness on existing frameworks and safeguards around large scale land based initiatives and demand for their application in securing legitimate tenure rights of rural women in Africa. Presents a charter of demands and recommendations.

Land reform – the solution to rural poverty?

Reports & Research
сентября, 2016

A critical assessment of 22 years of land reform policies in South Africa. Concludes that land reform has been captured by elites. The most powerful voices are those of ‘emerging’ black capitalist farmers (often with non-farm incomes), traditional leaders, large-scale white commercial farmers and agribusiness corporates, who are all benefiting more than the poor.

Land Use, Ownership and Allocation in Sudan

Reports & Research
сентября, 2016

Includes land regulatory framework; foreign direct investment and large-scale land acquisition; mechanized farming agriculture; lack of transparency and corruption in land use and allocation; land and conflict. Argues that land tenure insecurity has resulted from the imposition of formal law that does not recognize individual rights to unregistered land. State authorities have considered unregistered land to be state land and thus available to transfer to private commercial interests, the military, land speculators, and elites without regard for customary rights.

When investors come knocking: ensuring African women have a say

Reports & Research
июня, 2016

In much of sub-Saharan Africa, women have little say in decisions over land. Unless proactive steps are taken to enable women to have a stronger voice, large-scale agribusiness projects will leave them even more marginalised. Though there has been little research in this area, an emerging body of thinking and practice provides clear pointers as to how governments, NGOs and investors might mitigate such risks in future, particularly by explicitly addressing gender issues head-on from the very outset.

Reshaping the Debate on Land Alienation in Africa: What are the Origins of Social Change?

Reports & Research
апреля, 2016

Based on current research in eastern Uganda, looks at inter-family conflicts over land, many of which go unresolved for years. Some fear that titling will lead to future dispossession as titled land is easier to sell. Such small-scale disputes do not drive the research and media agenda but represent the vast majority of conflicts over land in Africa.

Stocks and flows of natural and human-derived capital in ecosystem services

Peer-reviewed publication
февраля, 2016

There is growing interest in the role that natural capital plays in underpinning ecosystem services. Yet, there remain differences and inconsistencies in the conceptualisation of capital and ecosystem services and the role that humans play in their delivery. Using worked examples in a stocks and flows systems approach, we show that both natural capital (NC) and human-derived (produced, human, social, cultural, financial) capital (HDC) are necessary to create ecosystem services at many levels. HDC plays a role at three stages of ecosystem service delivery.

Whose waters? Large-scale agricultural development and water grabbing in the Wami-Ruvu River Basin, Tanzania

января, 2016

In Tanzania like in other parts of the global South, in the name of 'development' and 'poverty eradication' vast tracts of land have been earmarked by the government to be developed by investors for different commercial agricultural projects, giving rise to the contested land grab phenomenon. In parallel, Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM ) has been promoted in the country and globally as the governance framework that seeks to manage water resources in an efficient, equitable and sustainable manner.

Medium and Large-Scale Farmers and Agricultural Mechanization in Ghana

января, 2016

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) in collaboration with the Savannah Agricultural Research Institute (SARI) of Council for Scientific and Industrial Research and Ministry of Food and Agriculture designed "Medium and Large-Scale Farmers and Agricultural Mechanization in Ghana" survey targeting large to medium scale farmers and tractor owners.

Soil carbon management in large-scale Earth system modelling: implications for crop yields and nitrogen leaching

декабря, 2015

Results demonstrate that the effects of management on cropland can be beneficial for carbon and nutrient retention without risking (large) yield losses.

Nevertheless, effects on soil carbon are small compared with extant stocks in natural and semi-natural ecosystem types and managed forests.

While agricultural management can be targeted towards sustainable goals, from a climate change or carbon sink perspective avoiding deforestation or reforestation constitutes a far more effective overall strategy for maintaining and enhancing global carbon sinks.