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Displaying 157 - 168 of 530

Climate-Smart Development : Adding Up the Benefits of Actions that Help Build Prosperity, End Poverty and Combat Climate Change

июня, 2014

This report describes efforts by the
ClimateWorks Foundation and the World Bank to quantify the
multiple economic, social, and environmental benefits
associated with policies and projects to reduce emissions in
select sectors and regions. The report has three objectives:
1) to develop a holistic, adaptable framework to capture and
measure the multiple benefits of reducing emissions of
several pollutants; 2) to demonstrate how local and national

Insurance and Inclusive Growth

июня, 2014

While the real sector and governments
(along with a few micro economists) have long recognized the
core economic role that the insurance function plays, the
mainstream economics profession has largely treated it as
invisible background. This literature review of the relevant
research, most of which has been carried out in the past few
decades, demonstrates that the insurance sector contributes
at a basic level to inclusive economic growth and the

Converting Land into Affordable Housing Floor Space

июня, 2014

Cities emerge from the spatial
concentration of people and economic activities. But spatial
concentration is not enough; the economic viability of
cities depends on people, ideas, and goods to move rapidly
across the urban area. This constant movement within dense
cities creates wealth but also various degrees of
unpleasantness and misery that economists call negative
externalities, such as congestion, pollution, and

What is the Cost of a Bowl of Rice? : The Impact of Sri Lanka's Current Trade and Price Policies on the Incentive Framework for Agriculture

июня, 2014

Since 2004, Sri Lanka has pursued inward
looking policies that have encouraged import substitution,
especially with respect to agricultural commodities. This
report provides empirical evidence to inform the policy
dialogue over the impact of current trade and price policies
on the incentive framework for agriculture in Sri Lanka.
This analysis provides a quantitative assessments of: (1)
the level of support to farmers producing import-competing

Bhutan Development Update, April 2014

июня, 2014

After a policy-engineered slowdown in
2012, which saw GDP growth decline to 4.8 percent, the
lowest since 2008, Bhutan's economy is expected to
rebound to 6.5 percent this year, supported by hydropower
construction and higher electricity and food production,
following favorable rains. The tight fiscal stance
introduced in 2012 has been maintained to bring spending in
line with lower non-hydro revenues and a slowdown in foreign

Implications of the Organization of the Commodity Production and Processing Industry : The Soybean Chain in Argentina

июня, 2014

The study includes four sections: i)
brief production background; ii) description of the
Argentine soybean value chain; iii) evolution of the main
policies and institutional regimes in Argentina; iv) lessons
learned related to the political economy and the industrial
organization. The study describes the main policies
implemented in Argentina during the last two decades which
had impact on the structure of the soybean value chain and

Liberia : Gender-Aware Programs and Women's Roles in Agricultural Value Chains

июня, 2014

This Policy Memorandum provides policy
advice to the government of Liberia (GOL) in an effort to
mainstream gender issues in policies, programs, and projects
supporting agricultural production and value-chain
development. It is organized as follows. Section I reviews
women's roles in Liberian agriculture and agricultural
value chains, drawing on a variety of data sources,
including the 2007 Core Welfare Indicator Questionnaire

Environmental Crisis or Sustainable Development Opportunity? Transforming the Charcoal Sector in Tanzania : A Policy Note

июня, 2014

The policy note builds on experience
from both Tanzania and other Sub-Saharan African countries
with similar socioeconomic and environmental contexts. This
policy note puts forward and discusses a range of policy
measures along the entire charcoal value chain in Tanzania.
The development of this policy note benefited from a variety
of recent studies on charcoal utilization and trade
conducted in the country. This policy note is structured as

Social Impacts of Costa Rica's PSA Program

июня, 2014

This paper discusses the social impacts
of Costa Rica's Payments for Environmental Services
(PSA) program and their effect on rural poverty. Although
the analysis is hampered by significant information gaps, we
believe that the PSA Program has probably managed to have an
impact on the poor. This impact is almost certainly positive
on the poor who were able to participate, but is difficult
to quantify. However, except for very few cases, it seems

Assessing the Potential for
Payments for Watershed Services to Reduce Poverty in
Highland Guatemala

июня, 2014

It has often been assumed that payments
for watershed services (PWS) would go mostly to poor land
users, thus contributing to poverty reduction, but there has
been little empirical verification to date. This paper uses
data from highland Guatemala to assess the potential for PWS
to reduce poverty by examining whether the recipients of
payments for environmental services are likely to be poor.
The watersheds in which PWS would be feasible due to the

Sustainable and Smart Cities

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
мая, 2014

This paper explores the challenges and opportunities that government officials face in designing coherent 'rules of the game' for achieving urban sustainability during times of growth. Sustainability is judged by three criteria. The first involves elements of day-to-day quality of life, such as having clean air and water and green space. The provision of these public goods has direct effects on the urban public's health and productivity. The second focuses on the city's greenhouse gas emissions.

Housing Matters

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
мая, 2014
Latin America and the Caribbean

Housing matters to the livability of cities and to the productivity of their economies. The failure of cities to accommodate the housing needs of growing urban populations can be seen in the proliferation of poorly serviced, high-density informal settlements. Such settlements are not new in the history of rapidly growing cities, their persistence results as much from policies as from economics and demographic transition. Slums have attracted most of the attention on urban housing in developing countries, and the Millennium Development Goals have given prominence to their reduction.