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Displaying 85 - 96 of 195

Andean Countries : A Strategy for Forestry, Volume 2. Bolivia

июля, 2014

The World Bank's revised forest
policy came into being in 2002 and covers all types of
forests. It has the following key objectives: (i) harnessing
the potential of forests to reduce poverty in a sustainable
manner; (ii) integrating forests effectively into
sustainable development; and (iii) protecting vital local
and global environmental services and values. The policy
enables the bank to fully engage in forestry throughout the

Wage Growth, Landholding, and Mechanization in Agriculture : Evidence from Indonesia

марта, 2014

This paper uses farm panel data from
Indonesia to examine dynamic patterns of land use, capital
investments, and wages in agriculture. The empirical
analysis shows that an increase in real wages has induced
the substitution of labor by machines among relatively large
farmers. Large farmers tend to increase the scale of
operation by renting in more land when real wages increase.
Machines and land are complementary if the scale of

Sementes da luta pela terra na Fronteira Brasil-Uruguai:

Reports & Research
февраля, 2014
South America
A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo investigar as mudanças recentes no espaço agrário da fronteira Brasil-Uruguai, mais precisamente no que diz respeito à questão agrária e camponesa. Com um viés libertário, procurase realizar uma análise a respeito da introdução dos projetos de Assentamentos Rurais de Reforma Agrária no município de Santana do Livramento-RS e das recentes ocupações de terra em Bella Unión-UY. Para tal, elabora-se um resgate histórico a respeito do conceito de campesinato com ênfase na discussão a respeito do anarquismo agrário.

The Dilemma of Implementing Property Taxation in Tanzania amidst Unending Search for Yielding Strategy.

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013

Property taxation has a long history of implementation in Dar es Salaam; yet Local Government Authorities (LGAs) ability to raise revenue through property tax has remained low. This article examines various initiatives by the government to develop a functional property tax system capable of generating sufficient revenue for the LGAs. It observes that while there have been efforts to develop the capacity of LGAs in exploiting the property tax revenue source, the tax base coverage and revenue collection levels are still critical, calling for more attention.

Women’s Rights and Leadership Forums

Policy Papers & Briefs
ноября, 2013

In northern Tanzania, new grassroots groups called Women’s Rights and Leadership Forums (WRLFs) are mobilizing women and men in pastoralist communities to promote and defend local land rights. This briefing highlights some of the WRLFs’ achievements and strategies; asks how these forums, which appear to be a part of an emerging grassroots social movement for land rights, can be further supported; and explores whether such forums could be replicated elsewhere in the region

Negotiating Access to Land in Nepal

Peer-reviewed publication
ноября, 2013

In a rural agrarian economy like that of Nepal, land has traditionally been a primary source of livelihood and security, as well as a symbol of status. Thousands of poor farmers are completely dependent on land for their livelihoods, yet not all of them have access to or control over this fundamental resource. Negotiation for access to land has been a lengthy and complicated process. It remains so in the changed political context of Nepal, where increasing numbers of emerging actors need to be considered, often with conflicting claims and counterclaims.

National Agriculture Policy

Legislation & Policies
сентября, 2013

The NAP 2013 aims at addressing challenges that continue to hinder the development of the agricultural sector; these include low productivity; over dependence on rain-fed agriculture; inadequate agriculture support services; poor infrastructure; weak agro-industries; low quality of agricultural produce; inadequate participation of the country’s private sector in agriculture; environmental degradation and crop pests and diseases.