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Displaying 229 - 240 of 1006

Women’s Legal Rights over 50 Years : What Is the Impact of Reform?

ноября, 2013

This study uses a newly compiled database of women's property rights and legal capacity covering 100 countries over 50 years to test for the impact of legal reforms on employment, health, and education outcomes for women and girls. The database demonstrates gender gaps in the ability to access and own property, sign legal documents in one's own name, and have equality or non-discrimination as a guiding principle of the country's constitution. In the initial period, 75 countries had gender gaps in at least one of these areas and often multiple ones.

Programa de Gobierno Michelle Bachelet 2014-2018.

National Policies
сентября, 2013

Este Programa de Gobierno Michelle Bachelet 2014-2018, al abordar las desigualdades que hay en el país y al realizar una reforma estructural en la educación, busca también generar las condiciones para mantener el crecimiento económico. Este es el primer paso para asegurar una economía más competitiva, con una mayor productividad y más innovadora. La realidad chilena impone la necesidad de una Nueva Agenda de Género basada en los derechos, igualdad y autonomía de las mujeres, impulsada por una institucionalidad renovada y de mayor rango.

Vanuatu Land Use Planning Policy

National Policies
августа, 2013

The Vanuatu Land Use Planning Policy is a national sectoral policy of Vanuatu for the period 2012-2017. Its main objective is to guide land use planning by setting priorities and outlining legislative and institutional settings to enable land use planning that encourages the best current use of Vanuatu’s land resources.The Policy aims to support food security.

Délibération cadre n° 02/2013/SC du 30 avril 2013 relatif au socle commun des valeurs kanak et les principes fondamentaux des droits autochtones coutumiers.

апреля, 2013
New Caledonia

La présente délibération vise à inscrire le droit coutumier dans un processus de mise en place d’un pluralisme juridique équilibré où le droit coutumier aura toute sa place et dans toutes les branches du droit.

Making Benefit Sharing Arrangements Work for Forest-dependent Communities : Overview of Insights for REDD+ Initiatives

марта, 2013

This overview paper positions the
question of benefit sharing in the context of REDD plus. It
shares findings from a cursory review of a sample of
Readiness Preparation Proposals (RPP) for REDD plus
submitted to the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF).
It deconstructs the concept of benefit sharing. It also
provides a summary of the main findings from three recent
studies on benefit sharing that were financed by the Program

Identifying and Working with Beneficiaries When Rights Are Unclear : Insights for REDD+ Initiatives

марта, 2013

Expert statements indicate that annually
approximately 20 billion dollars will be needed to prevent
90 percent deforestation in tropical countries. Development
practitioners are eager to see the benefits from REDD plus
initiatives shared with local partners. Equally important to
understanding how local partners might benefit are questions
such as, who should derive benefits from REDD plus
initiatives, and how to ensure these initiatives reach the

Ekoi and Etem in Karamoja - A study of decision-making in a post-conflict society

декабря, 2012
Sub-Saharan Africa

This book presents the findings of a nine-month action research process in Karamoja. Over the months, the broad topics of the research – land, peace and customary law – were refined to three precise areas of focus on how decisions are made: herder-cultivator disputes and Karimojong governance; peace and the links between customary and state law; and land alienation and associated state laws and policies. The research team, 23 young men and women from Karamoja, developed the initial text for this book in September 2013.

Land Reform (Amendment) Act 2013 (No. 31 of 2013).

декабря, 2012

This Act amends the Land Reform Act by addition of provisions (replacing sections 6,7 and 8) concerning, among other things; the certification of negotiator of land rights or land disputes of custom land owners; the identification of custom owners or disputing groups by the National Coordinator; consultation with the custom owners; procedures of the negotiation process including a custom owners’ consultation report; consent to a negotiated lease; notification of intention to register lease instrument; appointment of the Land Ombudsman; lodging of complaints with the Land Ombudsman; function

Carbon Rights in Ghana

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
декабря, 2012

For Ghana's national REDD plus scheme to be viable, the rights to carbon or the emission credits generated must be clearly delineated, and be accompanied by equitable and efficient benefit sharing systems. There are a number of approaches that the State can use to determine whom to vest the right to carbon in. If defined as a natural resource, the state would be vested with the rights. If recognized as an ecosystem service, then the right to the benefits would be vested in the owner of the trees.