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The Political Ecology of Transition in Cambodia 1989-1999: War, Peace and Forest Exploitation

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2000

Over the last decade, forests have played an important role in the transition from war to peace in Cambodia. Forest exploitation financed the continuation of war beyond the Cold War and regional dynamics, yet it also stimulated co-operation between conflicting parties. Timber represented a key stake in the rapacious transition from the (benign) socialism of the post-Khmer Rouge period to (exclusionary) capitalism, thereby becoming the most politicized resource of a reconstruction process that has failed to be either as green or as democratic as the international community had hoped.

Land Law Subsystems? Urban Vietnam as a case study

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 1998

Throughout Vietnam's long histoty, the central elite and peripheraI farming communities have been legaIly and culturally divided. This dichotomy was never as complete as the famous injunction that "the emperor's writ stops at the village gate" infers. InitiaIly, during the period of French colonisation and more recently since the introduction of doi moi (renovation) economic reforrns, central authorities have attempted to unify land management with universaI normative law.

Small-scale forest-based processing enterprises

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 1987

Small-scale forest-based processing enterprises comprise an important, but neglected, part of the forestry and forest industries sector. They process a large part of the raw materials from the forest and supply some of the main markets for forest products, in particular in the rural areas of developing countries.

Le financement international des actions forestières

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 1986

Ce numro d'Unasylva se veut en quelque sorte un reflet du Plan d'action forestier tropical puisque les articles de fond traitent du financement international an matire de foresterie (S.E. McGaughey) et des questions lies trois programmes principaux du plan, savoir, le bois de feu et l'nergie (G. Foley); l'amnagement des bassins versants, volet du programme sur la foresterie dans l'utilisation des terres (U. Chanphaka); et les industries forestires (T.M. Maloney).

La financiación internacional de la silvicultura

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 1986

El presente nmero de Unasylva refleja en cierto modo el Plan de accin forestal en los trpicos, ya que sus principales artculos se refieren a las inversiones internacionales en el sector forestal (S.E. McGaughey), y a cuestiones relacionadas con tres importantes programas del Plan: lea y energa (G. Foley); ordenacin de cuencas hidrogrficas, que es una seccin del programa sobre la funcin de la silvicultura en el aprovechamiento de la tierra (U. Chanphaka); e industrias forestales (T.M. Maloney).

Indicators for agricultural development

Conference Papers & Reports
января, 1984

This paper concentrates more on the indicators that deal more or less directly with the increase of agricultural productivity and production. There is the fundamental constraint then that because of the imprecise nature of some of the factors to be measured, the indicators themselves may not in fact be measuring what they were meant to measure. However, this does not relieve the user of constructor of indicators from the obligation to offer a hypothesis as a start and then work to the final “theorem” for that is what all indicators at the start are hypothesis.

Report on the pre-feasibility study on integrated rural development of the Mbeya and Rukwa Regions, Tanzania; and the Northern province (ISOKA, KASAMA and MBALA Districts) of Zambia

Reports & Research
марта, 1977

At the Third Meeting of the UNDAT Committee of Officials tabled proposals suggesting that scope existed for multinational cooperation in creating and developing rural settlements between Zambia's Northern Province and Tanzania Mbeya and Rukwa Regions, all of which fall within the hinterland of the international Tanzania - Zambia Railway (TAZARA)