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Best Practices for Sustainable Forest Management in Southeast Asia

Reports & Research
мая, 2007
South-Eastern Asia

Despite a long history of forest conversion and forest degradation due to unsustainable logging practices, the natural forests of Southeast Asia still constitute an immense renewable resource and provide vital contributions to the economic and social development of the region. Invariably, the countries of the region commit to the principle of sustainable forest management (SFM), as expressed in their respective forest policies and/or sector strategies. In line with the international policy debate (e.g.

National Environmental Action Plan of Estonia for 2007-2013

National Policies
февраля, 2007

The National Environmental Action Plan of Estonia is a national cross-sectoral action plan of Estonia for the period 2007-2013. Its main objective is to present a consensual list of nationally prioritised activities aimed at achieving the primary goals of the environmental policy specified in the national Environmental Strategy, indicating the financing needs and discussing the most optimal use of non-budgetary funding sources.The Action Plan aims to ensure food and potable water safety.

A Fair Share? Experiences in Benefit Sharing from Community-Managed Resources in Asia

Reports & Research
декабря, 2006
South-Eastern Asia

This book captures the main lessons and issues emerging from national and regional discussions on 'benefit sharing.' It also presents one case study from each country, selected to highlight issues in different sectors. As we struggle to find ways to strengthen the poverty reduction potential of CBNRM, we hope that this book offers some practical areas to target for future action. 

Status of Community Based Forest Management in Lao PDR

Reports & Research
декабря, 2006

This literature study, conducted under a collaborative framework between NAFRI and RECOFTC, was developed to analyze the status of community contribution to forest resource management in Lao PDR and the modes and extent that communities are or have been involved in the different applied models. The report aims to give an overview of community based forest initiatives up to now, analyze lessons, challenges and opportunities and give guidance for future work.

Improving the effectiveness of collective action

Policy Papers & Briefs
декабря, 2006
Southern Asia

"The forest management strategy of Nepal is based on people’s participation, which is known as community forestry. This approach was formally introduced in 1978 to encourage active participation of local people in forest management activities as a means to improve their livelihoods. Under the community forestry structure, local people make decisions regarding forest management, utilization and distribution of benefits from a forest; they are organized as a Community Forest User Group.

Decentralization and environmental conservation

Policy Papers & Briefs
декабря, 2006
Southern Asia

This paper analyzes how women’s participation affects institutional outcomes related to the decentralized governance of community forests in Madhya Pradesh, India. The analysis is based on data from a representative sample of 641 cases of joint forest management, India’s flagship program to involve communities in forest governance. We focus on two outcomes relevant for local livelihoods: control of illicit grazing and control of illicit felling in the forest.

Adil gender: mengungkap realitas perempuan Jambi

Policy Papers & Briefs
декабря, 2006

In recent years, the term ‘gender’ has become a hot discussion topic in various forums and media. Many development sectors require gender analysis as a component of a program’s implementation. However, even today, many people still equate gender with sex or even, as a narrower definition, with women. This is particularly true in regions, where gender has not yet commonly been discussed, such as Bungo and Tanjung Jabung Barat (Tanjabbar) districts, Jambi.

Biodiversity in a Batak village of Palawan (Philippines): a multidisciplinary assessment of local perceptions and priorities

Reports & Research
декабря, 2006

This report identifies which resources and landscapes are important to the Batak people. It also documents their perceptions and priorities regarding forest management. By playing close attention to the Bataks’ perspectives, the “Levelling the Playing Field” project (LPF) is able to better understand their opinions and hopes for the present and future use of their natural resources.

Comparison of local government’s policies on Kutai and Dayak Benuaq villages in Kutai Barat, Indonesia: factors influencing village life and household well-being since decentralization

Reports & Research
декабря, 2006

This case study report examines relevant factors influencing village life and household well-being since decentralization has been practiced in local government of Kutai in Indonesia. The principal aim is to understand the impacts of these processes and to compare local government’s policies on Kutai and Dayak Benuaq villages. This report looks on changes that had taken place in Jambuq and Jerang Melayu villages since the new district of Kutai Barat was established in 1999.