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Observing System Simulation Experiment for Hydros Radiometer-Only Soil Moisture Products

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2005
United States of America

Based on 1-km land surface model geophysical predictions within the United States Southern Great Plains (Red-Arkansas River basin), an observing system simulation experiment (OSSE) is carried out to assess the impact of land surface heterogeneity, instrument error, and parameter uncertainty on soil moisture products derived from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Hydrosphere State (Hydros) mission.

Dimensões humanas do uso e cobertura das terras na Amazônia: uma contribuição do LBA

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2005

An understanding of changes in Amazonian landscapes depends on documentation about alterations in land cover. This article highlights the efforts of the Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazônia (LBA) related to the topic. In particular, a longitudinal study has analyzed the social and biophysical dimensions of land use/land cover, using a multi-scalar georeferenced approach. The study areas represent a gradient of soil fertility in Amazônia and include distinct landscape mosaics, from the Amazon estuary and the Bragantina region to northeastern Rondônia.

Climate sensitivity to tropical land surface changes with coupled versus prescribed SSTs

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2005

Tropical land cover change experiments with fixed sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) and with an interactive ocean are compared to assess the relevance of including the ocean system in sensitivity studies to land surface conditions. The results show that the local response to deforestation is similar with fixed and simulated SSTs. Over Amazonia, all experiments simulate a comparable decrease in precipitation and no change in moisture convergence, implying that there is only a change in local water recycling.

Observing System Simulation Experiment for Hydros Radiometer-Only Soil Moisture Products

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2005
United States of America

Based on 1-km land surface model geophysical predictions within the United States Southern Great Plains (Red-Arkansas River basin), an observing system simulation experiment (OSSE) is carried out to assess the impact of land surface heterogeneity, instrument error, and parameter uncertainty on soil moisture products derived from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Hydrosphere State (Hydros) mission.

Analysis of deforestation patterns in the Baekdudaegan preservation area using land cover classification and change detection techniques; the feasibility of restoration

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2005

The Baekdudaegan Mountain Range is a backbone of the Korean Peninsula which has special spiritual and sentimental significance for Koreans and significant ecological value to diverse organisms. Despite the importance of this region, however, the natural environment of Baekdudaegan has been severely threatened by a variety of human activity and tremendous forest fires. To make management and restoration plans for the deforested areas, it is necessary to investigate quantitatively such natural and human-induced physical changes.

Influence of climate, elevation, and land use in regional herpetofaunal distribution in Tochigi Prefecture, Japan

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2005

Understanding the relationship between the distribution of organisms and their environment is important for regional conservation planning. While most herpetofaunal community studies address environmental influence on species richness, few studies describe environmental influence on species composition at geographic scales. Field surveys of herpetofauna were conducted during 1994-2000 in Tochigi Prefecture, which covers ca. 6400 km_ of mainland Japan and includes a wide range of elevation, annual mean temperature, and human population densities.

Habitat use of adult White-throated Robins during the breeding season in a mosaic landscape in Costa Rica

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2005
Costa Rica

Most work on the effects of land-cover change on tropical birds has focused on forest-interior birds because these species are assumed to be the most severely affected by forest loss. However, even species that use human-altered habitat types may be severely affected by forest loss. White-throated Robins (Turdus assimilis) frequently nest in coffee and pasture in southern Costa Rica, although several lines of evidence suggest the species could not exist solely in agricultural habitat.

Land Use: the Kyoto protocol, the FAO definition of forest and the Italian Inventory of Forests and Carbon Stocks

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2005

In 2000, after the international agreement on the Kyoto Protocol of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the United Nation Food and Agriculture Organization decided to adopt a new set of basic forest and forest change definitions. The main change is that new definitions are no more related to land cover but to land use. The entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol requires now that national forest related data must be based on land use concept.

[Investigation of natural grasslands in Latvia]

Conference Papers & Reports
декабря, 2005

Investigations of grasslands in Latvia started at the beginning of the 20ty century. One of the main goals was investigation of vegetation classification. In Latvia typology of natural grasslands in several investigation periods is based on different criterions: (1) economic typology, (2) grasslands vegetation physionomic classification according to dominant method, (3) classification of flora according to Braun-Blanquet method.

Indices of bird‐habitat preference from field surveys of birds and remote sensing of land cover: a study of south‐eastern England with wider implications for conservation and biodiversity assessment

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2005

Aim This paper describes the development of novel indices of bird‐habitat preference to examine bird species’ use of habitats and their distributions relative to habitats. It assesses the implications for bird conservation regionally and the scope for biodiversity assessments generally. Location A 200 km by 400 km area of farmland with seminatural and urban areas, covering south‐eastern England. Methods Cluster analysis was used to link birds to landscapes. Cluster centroid coordinate values were processed to derive indices of bird‐habitat preference.

Influence of vegetal cover and time of placing in acorns germination in a dehesa

Conference Papers & Reports
декабря, 2005

The natural regeneration in the dehesa has been object of numerous studies, due to the ecologic and economic importance of such ecosystems. In this work is exposed a test of acorns germination of Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp, in the North of Córdoba (Spain), under three environmental conditions corresponding to the most traditional land uses of the dehesa: grazing, cereal sowing and fallow, each one with a different vegetal cover. A fourth group of acorns was placed in a tree nursery under controlled conditions.