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Particularitățile metodologice ale reglementării relaţiilor funciare agrare în Republica Moldova

Reports & Research
ноября, 2020

Relațiile funciare, începând cu etapa inițială a dezvoltării statului, reprezintă un product al societății. În istoria statalității Republicii Moldova se vor găsi mai multe etape inițiale. Este important a sublinia că, indiferent de acest fapt, relațiile funciare au fost printre primele și cele mai importante în dezvoltarea societății. Prin aceasta, se constată și conținutul social al relațiilor funciare. Perioada vizată în prezentul studiu, include etapa stabilirii statalității Republicii Moldova, anii 1991-2018 – perioadă în care are loc formarea unor relații funciare evidente.

Can rainfall shocks enhance access to rented land? Evidence from Malawi

Reports & Research
ноября, 2020

This study investigates whether and to what extent rainfall shocks recurring in Sub-Saharan Africa, that have been associated with distress land rentals, enhance short-term and medium-term access to rented land by tenant households. Tenant households’ rental decisions are modeled in the state-contingent framework with renting-in of land as a risky input choice. Our data is from three rounds of LSMS data from Malawi used to construct a balanced household panel, combined with corresponding district rainfall data that are used to generate seasonal district-wise rainfall shock variables.

Understanding Legal Barriers To Foreign Investment In Afghanistan

Peer-reviewed publication
ноября, 2020

Since a century ago, there have been many efforts to attract foreign investment in Afghanistan. These efforts include the codification of laws and policies and the provision of facilities for participation of foreign companies in the Afghan economy through partnership with the government and partnership with private sector in this country.

Creating land markets for rural revitalization: Land transfer, property rights and gentrification in China

Peer-reviewed publication
октября, 2020

The reform of collective land ownership in post-socialist contexts offers a useful window into how changes in property rights shape and structure the dynamics of territorial transformation. Focusing on China's rural revitalization campaign, this paper demonstrates how the state, as creator and regulator of land rights and property titles, facilitates landscape change by relaxing regulations over the lease of rural land and creating market institutions that favour land transfers to organized capital, in this case tourism companies and property developers.

New Shifts in Georgian Geography

Journal Articles & Books
сентября, 2020

Can historical and political circumstances change the meaning of such a solid and immutable phenomenon as a country’s geographical location? We mean, of course, “change” in terms of a country’s favourable or unfavourable place in the international economic and political system that surrounds it. Georgia is a small country of 69,700 square kilometres; it is located in the middle of the northern hemisphere, on the edge of moderate and subtropical climatic belts. In terms of its physicalgeographical situation, Georgia is favourably located.

A New Approach to the Collection and Spatial Analysis of Land Values in Lomé and Yaoundé

Peer-reviewed publication
августа, 2020

Understanding the land market is crucial when analyzing the spatial dynamics of cities. Spatial models, which are widely used to describe the growth of cities, are underdeveloped in Africa, due in part to the lack of urban data and/or the difficulty of collecting it. This paper presents a methodology for collecting analyzing land values in major sub-Saharan African cities. Through two case studies in the cities of Lomé and Yaoundé, it describes the implementation of such a methodology for collecting data on land prices and analyzing variations on an urban scale.

Accaparements de terres à main armée : Des milliers de familles sont violemment expulsées de leurs fermes en Ouganda

Reports & Research
июля, 2020

Trois sociétés multinationales – Agilis Partners, Kiryandongo Sugar Limited and Great Season SMC Limited – sont impliquées dans des accaparements de terres, des expulsions violentes de personnes hors de leurs habitations et à l'origine d'innombrables humiliations et du désespoir de milliers de familles demeurant dans le district de Kiryandongo, en Ouganda.

Les futurs du foncier : modes d’accumulation du capital, droit de propriété et production de la ville

Journal Articles & Books
мая, 2020

Fondement de toute implantation humaine et matière première de l’aménagement urbain, le foncier est devenu une cible privilégiée d’investissement par une multitude d’acteurs qui concourent à sa valorisation rapide dans un grand nombre de territoires urbains. Pour saisir les profondes mutations à l’œuvre dans les dynamiques foncières, nous les abordons dans ce chapitre en lien avec les transformations des cadres macro-économiques et institutionnels des capitalismes contemporains.

About the Origins of Modern Geoeconomic Foundations of Georgia

Journal Articles & Books
мая, 2020

Georgia is a country with a favorable geographical location, soil, climate conditions, natural and civilization resources, culture, human capital. Georgia is at the ancient transport crossroads which connected and connecting the countries of the North and South, West and East. The old Silk Road was the main artery crossing the country and connecting Europe and Asia. Georgia borders the Black Sea. To the east, via Azerbaijan, the country has historically been linked to the Caspian Sea and then to Central and Eastern Asia.

Exploring the relation between transparency of land administration and land markets: Case study of Turkey

Conference Papers & Reports
мая, 2020

Land is a scarce resource, and has a big share in the economic and social life of both developing and developed countries. Efficiently operating land markets are vital in the development of countries. Information unavailability is one of the most crucial differences between land and other markets, which can lead to asymmetrical information among various parties. Land administration systems contain a vast amount of data regarding attributes of land and land markets, and the transparency of these systems control the efficiency of the land markets’ operation.

BTI 2020 Country Report Malaysia

Reports & Research
апреля, 2020

Malaysia’s democratic transformation took a historical turn between 2017 and 2019. The opposition coalition, the Pakatan Harapan (Alliance of Hope, PH) won the May 9, 2018, general elections, setting the stage for Mahathir Mohamad, the chairman of the coalition, to become the 7th prime minister of Malaysia (he had previously served as the 4th prime minister). This was the first victory by an opposition coalition after 61 years of rule by the Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition led by the United Malays National Organization (UMNO).

BTI 2020 Country Report: Bhutan

Reports & Research
апреля, 2020

Bhutan’s democracy consolidated further following the third elections to National Council and National Assembly in 2018. In the primary round of National Assembly elections, voters favored a newly established third party, Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa (DNT), followed by the opposition in the last parliament, Druk Phuensum Tshogpa (DPT). The incumbent People’s Democratic Party (PDP) failed to advance to the general round.