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Displaying 3517 - 3528 of 4357

Rights talk and rights practice: challenges for Southern Africa

LandLibrary Resource
декабря, 2002
South Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa

This research in Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe looks at the practice of rights claiming on the ground, in the context of 'legal pluralism' and complex, politicised institutional settings. In the southern African context rights are formulated and claimed in a very unlevel playing field and are highly contested.

Risk-sharing networks among households in rural Ethiopia

LandLibrary Resource
декабря, 2002
Sub-Saharan Africa

This paper tests the role of informal risk-sharing networks by setting up a limited commitment model and using panel data on informal credit transactions from Ethiopia.Findings:enforcement problems limit the direct role of credit transactions in risk sharing arrangements between rural households, whether the villages are ethnically homogenous or nothouseholds with more land have better access t

People in motion: an entitlements approach to Karimojong agro-pastoralism

LandLibrary Resource
декабря, 2002
Sub-Saharan Africa

This paper describes and analyses people’s security of access to means of production among the Karimojong herd-owners who inhabit the North-Eastern districts of Uganda. It claims that Ugandan statutory land management policy and law undermines the customary tenure system, thereby threatening access security for Karimojong agro-pastoralists.

Poverty, institutions, peasant band conservation investment in Northern Ethiopia

LandLibrary Resource
декабря, 2002
Sub-Saharan Africa

This PhD thesis provides an econometric analysis of various aspects of the rural economy in Northern Ethiopia.The thesis consists of five papers:an in-depth analysis of poverty, its distribution, dynamics and its correlates within the framework of the role of economic reforms on poverty reduction in a remote, unstable and environmentally troubled regionlooks at the issue of the efficacy of a mi

TRANCRAA and communal land rights: lessons from Namaqualand

LandLibrary Resource
декабря, 2002
South Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa

This policy brief argues that the time, funding and institutional support required to carry out tenure reform in South Africa have been seriously under-estimated. Reformed tenure rights are ineffective and vulnerable if isolated from other entitlements such as training, finance and integrated development initiatives.

Feedback report on communities reactions to the findings on the study of HIV/AIDS and its impacts on land tenure and livelihoods in Lesotho

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
декабря, 2002
Sub-Saharan Africa

This report is a follow up of a study that was carried out in the year 2001/2 commissioned by the FAO and SARPN. The main objective of the initial study was an assessment of the negative impacts of HIV/AIDS on livelihoods of the affected and infected communities through lowering their agricultural productivity.

New stakeholders and the promotion of agro-silvo-pastoral activities in southern Burkina Faso: false start or inexperience?

LandLibrary Resource
декабря, 2002
Burkina Faso
Sub-Saharan Africa

This paper explores and evaluates the impact of a new form of large-scale agriculture which is becoming an increasing phenomenon in southern Burkina Faso. With severe ecological deterioration and food deficits, small-scale agriculture is usually seen as the key to economic prosperity, social solidarity and sustainable management of local resources.