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Rapport de compilation et d’analyse des données existantes sur le secteur des plantations forestières de Madagascar : Etat des plantations villageoises et familiales malgaches d’aujourd’hui

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2000

This thirty-page report is the third out of three reports written on forest resources in Madagascar. It is aimed at the collection, analysis of data related to the forest plantations sector in Madagascar. Different from the other two reports, it deals with issues related to village plantations and its uses by local families. The report is composed of six main topics dealing with the methodologies used, the surface of the plantations, total volume of these, the commercial aspects, the duration of rotation and the dynamics of reforestation and exploitation.

Estudo de caso: o mercado de terras rurais na região da zona da mata de Pernambuco, Brasil

Institutional & promotional materials
ноября, 2000

Apesar do otimismo tanto do Governo como de alguns setores da sociedade brasileira ao afirmar que a reforma agrária através do mercado é uma opção viável e desejável para resolver o problema fundiário e a pobreza rural do país, o presente estudo mostra que persistem diversos problemas para o desenvolvimento do mercado de terras rurais brasileiras. A oferta restritiva, facilitada pela aquisição fraudulenta de terras públicas e pelo poder político que ainda permanece associado à propriedade fundiária, aparece como um dos principais obstáculos para a democratização do acesso à terra.

La participación de pequeños productores en el mercado de tierras rurales en El Salvador

Institutional & promotional materials
ноября, 2000
El Salvador

El presente documento sobre la participación de los pequeños productores en el mercado de tierras rurales en El Salvador, se sustenta en el procesamiento de información secundaria, en entrevistas a informantes calificados y en una encuesta a productores agropecuarios que realizan sus actividades por cuenta propia. Se hace una revisión de los principales hitos en el proceso de transformación agraria en el país y de las instituciones vinculadas al mercado de tierras, como elementos importantes del entorno en que aquel funciona.

Property Rights in Women's Empowerment in Rural India: A Review

Policy Papers & Briefs
июля, 2000

This paper examines the importance of property rights in women’s empowerment in rural India. Arguments justifying the need for granting property rights to women are presented and the distinction is made between legal (formal) and customary (informal) rights. The ineffectiveness of legal right in absence of customary rights has been discussed. Customary rights also become ineffective due to other institutional impediments. These impediments have been discussed.

An Overview of the recognition of Native Title in the Commonwealth of Australia

Policy Papers & Briefs
марта, 2000

..Rights to land in Burma are bound up with issues of ethnic conflict, militarisation and lack of democratic institutions.
A future democratic Burma will need to seek ways to resolve competing claims to land, taking into account such issues
as traditional ownership by particular ethnic nationalities, return of displaced persons, varying religious ties to land,
development imperatives and agricultural demands. The chosen method of resolution will need to address, as much as
possible, the needs for certainty, efficiency and a fair hearing for those concerned.

Pavimentando el otro sendero: tierras rurales, el mercado y el Estado en América Latina

Institutional & promotional materials
марта, 2000
South America
Central America

Resumen En la mayoría de los países de América Latina, los temas relacionados con la tenencia de tierras ocupan un lugar destacado en el programa político. En la búsqueda de soluciones para este problema, ha llamado considerablemente la atención en los últimos años el mecanismo de mercado como un sistema potencialmente capaz de producir una distribución más eficiente y equitativa no sólo de recursos, sino también de oportunidades económicas. Estos cambios se evidencian, por ejemplo, en recientes reformas legales importantes en Bolivia, México o Perú.

Land tenurial systems and the adoption of Mucuna planted fallow in the derived savannas of West Africa

декабря, 1999

In 1987, an improved resource management system that incorporates velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens var. utilis) to address soil fertility and weed (Imperata cylindrica) infestation was introduced to the small-scale farmers in a densely populated area of the derived savannas in Benin Republic (West Africa). Six years later, an adoption study was conducted to assess factors driving the adoption process. Four types of land tenure systems based on mode of access to land were identified: divided inheritance, purchasing, gifts, and sharecropping/renting.

Property rights reform in Philippine agriculture: framework for analysis and review of recent experience

декабря, 1999
Eastern Asia

This paper constructs a framework for and reviews studies on property rights reforms in the agricultural and natural resources sector. In the case of agrarian reform, several hypotheses are posited: that agrarian reform will increase the rate of capital accumulation of beneficiaries and improve tenurial security, but may have negative impacts on land access, investments of landowners, and efficiency of land use. For the natural resources sector, the implications of open access and promotion of property rights are surveyed for the Philippine case.

Assessing the relationship between property rights and technology adoption in smallholder agriculture: a review of issues & empirical methods

декабря, 1999

This paper identifies key issues and develops guidelines for conducting research on the relationships between property rights and technology adoption in smallholder agriculture.The topics addressed in the paper are: definition of scope and termskey issues pertaining to the relationships between technology adoption and property rights variables data collection and measurement issuesanalyses and interpretation of findings The primary target groups for this paper are researchers and policy analysts wishing to undertake or interpret empirical research

Droits de propriété, action collective et technologies dans la gestion des ressources naturelles

Policy Papers & Briefs
декабря, 1999

La dégradation des ressources naturelles est devenue un problème mondial qui menace les moyens d’existence de millions de pauvres. De nombreuses technologies très prometteuses sont actuellement disponibles, notamment en matière de gestion des ressources naturelles, mais les exploitants agricoles et les autres intervenants hésitent souvent à les employer. Pourquoi? Bien que de nombreux facteurs puissent l’expliquer, l’absence de droits de propriété garantis et l’insuffisance d’actions collectives devrait retenir l’attention des décideurs et des développeurs
de technologie.