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Towards wellbeing in forest communities: a source book for local government

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2007

Governments in many countries are decentralising to give more control over decision making and budgets to local administrations. One expectation of this change is that local governments will more effectively and efficiently respond to the poorest citizens in their jurisdictions. Decentralisation is especially significant to forest communities, which have historically benefited little from government services and poverty reduction programmes because of their physical isolation and social marginalisation.

Unjust-Enrichment-Volume 2

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2007

The figures of public resources estimated to have been channeled into private pockets are so high one hopes, obviously against hope, that they would turn out to be typographical errors. The figures of public resources estimated to have been channeled into private pockets are so high one hopes, obviously against hope, that they would turn out to be typographical errors.

Community Land Tenure and the Management of Community Land in Kenya

Policy Papers & Briefs
декабря, 2007

A majority of the Kenyan population live in rural areas accessing land and natural resources through customary systems and institutions that operate largely outside the mainstream legal framework of land administration. Although there are clear provisions in the Constitution and the Trust Land Act on management of trust land there appears to be an unwritten policy on the part of government that sees community land as land that is not owned but rather is available for County Councils and government to appropriate through the setting apart procedure

Report on Eviction and Resettlement of Pastoralists from Ihefu and Usangu-Mbarali District to Kilwa and Lindi Districts

Reports & Research
ноября, 2007

This study is focused on the effects of the eviction process of pastoralists from Mbarali to Lindi Rural and Kilwa Districts in Lindi Region. The study sampled six villages out 15 villages in Lindi Rural and Kilwa districts. The study employed semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions with district, village authorities, host communities and migrating pastoralists in selected villages.


Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2007

This guide is written for people who work in land administration and all those with an interest in land, land tenure and their governance. Although much has been written about the importance of good governance in achieving development goals, there is comparatively little material on good governance in land tenure and administration. Failings in governance have adverse consequences for society as a whole. By contrast, good governance can help achieve economic development and the reduction of poverty. Good governance matters.

Réforme agraire: colonisation et coopératives agricoles 2007/2

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2007
New Zealand

The articles in this issue supplement the recent publication "Good governance in land tenure and administration" (Land Tenure Studies No. 9), which provides practical advice for land professionals on improving governance in a land administration system or other land tenure arrangement.

Good governance in land tenure and administration

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2007

This guide is written for people who work in land administration and all those with an interest in land, land tenure and their governance. Although much has been written about the importance of good governance in achieving development goals, there is comparatively little material on good governance in land tenure and administration. Failings in governance have adverse consequences for society as a whole. By contrast, good governance can help achieve economic development and the reduction of poverty. Good governance matters.

Buena gobernanza en la tenencia y la administración de tierras

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2007

Los Estudios de la FAO sobre tenencia de la tierra son publicaciones concisas sobre el tema, a menudo complejo y polémico, de la tenencia de la tierra especialmente en relación con la seguridad alimentaria, la mitigación de la pobreza y el desarrollo rural. Los Estudios no pretenden ser exhaustivos sino reflejar las «buenas prácticas» identificadas por la FAO y muchos de sus colaboradores internacionales en relación con determinados aspectos particulares de la tenencia de la tierra y de su administración.

Bonne gouvernance des régimes fonciers et de l’administration des terres

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2007

Les Etudes sur les régimes fonciers réalisées par la FAO sont des exposés concis explorant le domaine, souvent complexe et sujet à controverse, du régime foncier, en particulier dans ses interactions avec la sécurité alimentaire, la réduction de la pauvreté et le développement rural. Ces études ne prétendent pas à l’exhaustivité, mais reflètent plutôt les «bonnes pratiques» identifiées par la FAO et ses nombreux collaborateurs internationaux dans le contexte spécifique d’un aspect donné des régimes fonciers et de leur administration.

A Guide to Property Law in Uganda

Peer-reviewed publication
ноября, 2007

This guide has been written as an information resource for government officials, community leaders, humanitarian aid workers, judges, lawyers and others whose responsibilities include upholding land and property rights in Uganda. It outlines the main provisions of Uganda’s constitutional and legal framework and the protection these provide to property rights. It briefly outlines the historical background to existing land tenure relations, describes the constitutional provisions relating to land in the 1995 Constitution and sets out the main provisions of the Land Act 1998.

African review report on land

Reports & Research
октября, 2007

The objective of this review is to assess the achievements, identify the constraints, and make recommendations for further actions needed to address land issues in Africa. The report deals with the review of efforts being made by African countries to ensure that policies and policy instruments support the best possible land use and sustainable management of land resources.

Recycled fable or immutable truth? Reflections on the 1973 land tenure reform project in Lesotho and lessons for the future

Journal Articles & Books
сентября, 2007

State efforts to reform the customary land tenure system of Lesotho have failed to produce intended outcomes. An explanation given for this failure is customary chiefs' opposition to state-sponsored reforms, as these were purportedly meant to curtail their power over land. This explanation initially appeared in 1974 connection with the Administration of Lands Act of 1973, and has since been handed down through generations of academics and policy analysts in Lesotho and outside and uncritically accepted as immutable truth.