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Tesauro plurilingüe de tierras

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2003
Burkina Faso
El Salvador

La temática relativa a la tenencia y explotación de tierras está de nuevo a la orden del día.

Land Administration Review: Armenia

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
сентября, 2001

At its sixty-first session in September 2000, the ECE Committee on Human Settlements accepted the proposal of the Bureau of the Working Party on Land Administration to provide expert assistance to Armenia on land administration issues (ECE/HBP/119, annex I, programme element “Land registration and land markets”).

Spatial data infrastructure developing trends and challenges

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
сентября, 2001

Administrators and politicians are beginning to recognize spatial information as a national re source as well as a part of the basic infrastructure that needs to be efficiently coordinated and managed in the interest of the nation. It is very important to develop policies for standardization, legal aspects, pricing, distribution, etc.

Inventarisatie van de behoefte aan geo-informatie over functioneel bodemgebruik in Nederland : het gebruik van een kaartenwaaier

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
декабря, 2000

Om inzicht te krijgen in de behoefte aan geo-informatie over het functioneel bodemgebruik onder potentiële gebruikers is een ondersteunend beslismiddel ontworpen. Het betreft een zogenaamde kaartenwaaier, die zowel op papier als op internet beschikbaar is gemaakt.

Executive summary : an integrated geo-information (GIS) with emphasis on cadastre and land information systems (LIS) for decision-makers in Africa

LandLibrary Resource
Conference Papers & Reports
апреля, 1999

The status of cadastral and land information systems in Africa is assessed, with specific reference to their capacity to assist decision-makers. Recommendations and guidelines are provided for the adaptation of existing systems and/or the development of new systems, so that they can be used for land reform, physical planning and integrated land administration.

Royaume du Maroc : Rapport national

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
октября, 1996

L’administration de la conservation Foncière, du cadastre et de la Cartographie (ACFCC) sous tutelle du Ministère de l’Agriculture et de la mise en valeur agricole, est I’organisme officiel chargé de I’établissement et maintenance de la carte Topographique de base du Royaume.