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Displaying 61 - 72 of 2191

Carbon footprints of forest degradation and deforestation by “Basic-Needs Populations”: A review

декабря, 2021

Forest conversion caused by subsistence or “basic needs populations” is difficult to track and measure. As the dynamics of these populations change over time, their carbon footprint impacts on natural resources also change. To reduce their potential negative impacts on forest resources, it is critical to understand what underlying causes influence their livelihoods practices. A systematic review was conducted to search for common basic needs livelihoods that result in forest loss and degradation, and thus in carbon footprint changes.

Gender relations and inequalities in the Amazon: The potential of geospatial systems to address gender inequalities

декабря, 2021

In order for geospatial services to reach their full potential to benefit the people and the environment of the Amazon at multiple scales (regional, national, sub-national, community) by supporting communities in monitoring their territories and addressing the various challenges they face (such as deforestation, illegal mining, climate change, and biodiversity loss), it is important to have an inclusive vision that considers both the situation of local women and other actors in the region.

Incentives for deforestation-free value chains in the Peruvian Amazon

декабря, 2021

This article has the following objectives: 1) to identify the bottlenecks in the cocoa and palm oil value chains in the Ucayali region (Peru), so that their different actors and links can contribute to avoid deforestation, and 2) based on these bottlenecks, to identify the enabling conditions and incentives (from the perspective of the actors in the different links of these value chains), necessary to reduce or avoid deforestation in this Amazon region.

Crop-livestock integration provides opportunities to mitigate environmental trade-offs in transitioning smallholder agricultural systems of the Greater Mekong Subregion

декабря, 2021

CONTEXT: The Greater Mekong Subregion has been undergoing rapid agricultural transformation over the last
decades, as traditional diverse subsistence-oriented agriculture is evolving towards intensified commercial
production systems. Negative environmental impacts often include deforestation, nutrient pollution, and
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
OBJECTIVE: This study aims to explore the potential of crop-livestock integration to mitigate trade-offs between

Gender, Deliberation, and Natural Resource Governance: Experimental Evidence from Malawi

декабря, 2021

Tropical deforestation is estimated to cause about one-quarter of anthropogenic carbon emissions, the second largest source of greenhouse gas emissions after fossil fuel combustion. Deforestation is also catastrophic for the communities that depend on tree harvesting for the livelihoods and who suffer the consequences of natural disasters linked to deforestation (e.g., mudslides). Avoiding the over-harvesting of communal forests in Malawi and other developing countries is particularly difficult because community members face enormous incentives to over-harvest.

Coupled forest zoning and agricultural intervention yields conflicting outcomes for tropical forest conservation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

декабря, 2021

Agricultural intensification and forest conservation are often seen as incompatible. Agricultural interventions can help boost food security for poor rural communities but in certain cases can exacerbate deforestation, known as the rebound effect. We tested whether coupling agricultural interventions with participatory forest zoning could improve food security and promote forest conservation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Becoming a ‘good producer’ in the agri-environmental project economy

декабря, 2021

Agri-environmental projects have been portrayed as tools for climate change adaptation and mitigation and to overcome processes of deforestation, soil erosion, issues of water availability, and biodiversity loss. This paper is concerned with the social organisation of knowledge around agri-environmental projects offered to farmers in the department of Caquetá in Colombia.

The government of Ucayali, Peru, adopts deforestation-free, low- emissions strategies to strengthen cocoa and palm oil value chains

декабря, 2021

The strategies developed to promote deforestation-free, low- emission cocoa and oil palm value chains have been officially adopted by the regional government of Ucayali to guide public and private stakeholders towards improved sectorial and agricultural development. Both documents have been developed by the Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT in the framework of a project on “Business models to address drivers of deforestation in Peru” or Sustainable Amazon Businesses (SAB).

Les forêts, les arbres et la diminution de la pauvreté en Afrique : Une synthèse politique élargie

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2021
Afrique septentrionale
Europe orientale
Malgré la richesse en ressources naturelles, la pauvreté reste un défi majeur dans les pays d'Afrique. Le continent abrite 70 % des personnes extrêmement pauvres du monde, dont beaucoup dépendent souvent des forêts, des arbres et des services écosystémiques qu'ils fournissent pour assurer leur subsistance. Bien qu'elles soient souvent négligées, les forêts et les systèmes arboricoles sont essentiels dans les efforts de lutte contre la pauvreté.

Relatório: Sistema de alerta de desmatamento em terras indígenas com registros de povos isolados

Reports & Research
ноября, 2021
América do Sul

No último boletim SIRAD I de 2021, apresentamos os resultados do mape amento de desmatamento detectados durante este período dentro dos territórios dos povos isolados. O ritmo de desmatamento descreceu em 15 % em relação ao ano passado, entretanto não temos motivos parar comemorar, pois as causas/motores que incentivam a invasão ilegal dessas terras continua forte. A maioria dos alertas de 2021 se concentraram dentro das Terras Indígenas Piripkura, Uru- Eu-Wau-Wau, Arariboia e Munduruku.

Land Rights Matter – Global Programme Responsible Land Policy

Institutional & promotional materials
ноября, 2021
Burkina Faso
Côte d'Ivoire

In this introductory video to the Global Programme Responsible Land Policy answers are given to what it wants to achieve, how it works and why land rights are so important. The Global Programme is commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), co-funded by the European Union and works in Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Laos, Madagascar, Peru (completed in 2021), Uganda and Paraguay (completed in 2018).


A Broken Canopy: Preventing Deforestation and Conflict in Colombia

Reports & Research
октября, 2021

In the five years following its historic 2016 peace accord, Colombia has seen a surge of forest razing and land clearance amid continuing unrest in the countryside. The rate of tree loss, which greatly lowers the country’s chances of meeting its zerodeforestation goal by 2030, is tied to conflict and violence. These ties are complex. Deforestation began to rise soon after the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), which had operated mostly from rural areas, declared a ceasefire in December 2014. It then gathered steam after the 2016 accord was signed.