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Expropriation Bill [B4-2015]: public hearings with Deputy Minister in attendance

Legislation & Policies
июля, 2015
South Africa

The South African Institute of Race Relations said the Bill made it difficult for the compensation amount to be decided by a court, and the Bill did not allow the courts to examine and rule on the validity of the expropriation. The Bill tried to limit how often people could go to court about the amount of compensation. The IRR argued that 60 days was not enough time for the claimant to institute legal proceedings for the determination of the compensation, this should be extended to 180 days. Compensation should include damages for additional losses.

Legislación sobre acceso a la tierra en el Uruguay - Pablo Diaz. (julio 2015)

Policy Papers & Briefs
июля, 2015

Se trata de un aporte técnico para entender el contexto político, reivindicativo, pero principalmente legislativo del acceso a la tierra de sectores populares en el medio rural del Uruguay actual. El estudio parte de la intervención del Estado sobre el acceso a la tierra a través de las leyes e instrumentos complementarios a las mismas y la trama de sus aplicaciones concretas. Por lo tanto es un documento…

La legislación peruana y los derechos de pequeños agricultores y comunidades a la propiedad de las tierras - Laureano del Castillo. CEPES. (octubre 2014)

Policy Papers & Briefs
июля, 2015

Se presenta el estado actual de la legislación peruana sobre las tierras agrícolas y las posibilidades de que los pequeños productores, individuales y colectivos accedan a la tierra. La legislación peruana es resultado de las profundas modificaciones en los marcos institucionales y políticos vividos en las últimas décadas y por ello, se aparta de los lineamientos de los paises vecinos.

Corruption and land governance in Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
июня, 2015

In the recent past, high profile cases involving land governance problems have been thrust into the public domain. These include the case involving the grabbing of a playground belonging to Lang’ata Road Primary School in Nairobi and the tussle over a 134 acre piece of land in Karen. Land ownership and use have been a great source of conflict among communities and even families in Kenya, a situation exacerbated by corruption.

Development of land ownership relations in the agrarian sphere of the economy

Journal Articles & Books
июня, 2015

In a course of the research there was studied the historical path of the emergence of private property in the world and in what is now Belarus. The evolution of concepts of private property during the XIX - XX centuries was analyzed. Based on the history of private ownership of land, the provisions of Roman law, the need to raise interest of peasants in the effective management, it was shown a possible in the future way of the transfer of agricultural land to private ownership of peasants. The foregoing provisions are theoretical justification for these proposals.

Corporación Microempresarial Yunguilla: La propuesta sustentable de turismo comunitario

Reports & Research
мая, 2015

En las Reformas Agrarias de 1964 y 1973, se cambió la estructura de posesión de la tierra en Yunguilla, permitiendo la división de las haciendas para otorgar esas tierras a los ex-huasipungeros. Yunguilla solo tiene propiedades individuales, pero la organización comunal es fuerte.

La propiedad comunitaria de la tierra en Caspigasí del Carmen

Reports & Research
марта, 2015

Caso que muestra el esfuerzo de un grupo de personas de la comunidad para preservar las tierras colectivas, a las que tuvieron acceso en el marco del proceso de reforma agraria. Los protagonistas son varios de los ex trabajadores de la antigua hacienda de Caspigasí del Carmen, algunos de sus descendientes y un puñado de aliados locales.

Land grab in Brazil caused by lack of land governance

Conference Papers & Reports
февраля, 2015
South America

Brazil has the fifth-largest national land area in the world and this land resource represents a critical asset for the country’s urban, agricultural, and economic development, also providing essential environmental services. Nevertheless, it has a historical lack of governance over its lands, failing to provide secure land rights and to control the extensive frauds resulting in public and private land grabs. The objective of this study is to depict evidence of these land grabs and propose a typology for analyzing them.

Expropriation Bill

Legislation & Policies
января, 2015
South Africa

To provide for the expropriation of property for a public purpose or in the public
interest, subject to just and equitable compensation; and to provide for matters
connected therewith.