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Dwesa-Cwebe: Brief analysis

Training Resources & Tools
августа, 2006
South Africa

This review follows a five day day field based learning session on the failure to implement the co management agreement in Dwesa Cwebe. It highlights a range of problems evident in 2007/8 including:

National Forest Policy.

National Policies
июня, 2006

The overall objective of the present national cross-sectoral Forest Policy is to achieve sustainable forest management that would ensure sustainable increases in the economic, social and environmental benefits from forests and trees for the present and future generation including the poor and the vulnerable groups.

Consenso Científico sobre los Recursos Forestales

Policy Papers & Briefs
декабря, 2005

Este dossier es un summary fiel del destacado informe de consenso científico publicado en 2006 por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO): "Evaluación de los recursos forestales mundiales 2005. Hacia la ordenación forestal sostenible" El dossier completo se encuentra disponible en: http://www.greenfacts.org/es/recursos-forestales/ Cerca del 42 % de los bosques primarios se encuentran en Sudamérica.

National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan.

National Policies
декабря, 2005

Tonga’s biological diversity and natural resources are protected, conserved and enriched and are appreciated and enjoyed by her present and future generations and the rest of the world. The Guiding Principles are: Tonga has full sovereign rights over her biological diversity and natural resources. 2) The Government of Tonga takes the leading role to ensure the protection, conservation and sustainable management of its biodiversity, through effective governance and leadership and in full consultation with all stakeholders.The following 8 Theme Areas are defined: 1) Forest Ecosystems.

Politique Nationale de l’Aménagement du Territoire, 2006.

National Policies
декабря, 2005

La Politique Nationale de l’Aménagement du Territoire vise les objectifs suivants: l’Equipement du territoire national; l’Amélioration des conditions et du cadre de vie des populations; la Promotion des collectivités territoriales; la Préservation de l’environnement; et le Renforcement de l’intégration sous régionale.

Rural Land Use Policy for Fiji.

National Policies
декабря, 2005

The Rural Land Use Policy for Fiji is a national policy with a multi-sectoral approach. The general principle of this Policy is to determine responsibilities of the State, landowners and land users in the fields of sustainable rural development, land management, protection of natural resources, having regard to biophysical, cultural, social and commercial factors.Technical, institutional and legal framework will be strengthened and assessment will be carried out on agricultural land, pastures and forests to ensure efficient land use.

National Land Use Policy.

National Policies
декабря, 2005

It is against inappropriate decisions in the allocation of land use activities that are manifested, among others, in form of: land degradation, mainly soil erosion, loss of vegetation cover; loss of biological diversity, wetlands degradation, pollution, uncontrolled urban development, conflicts over land use, and reduced land productivity that government committed resources for the preparation of this National Land Use Policy.The policy aims to support the national objectives on poverty eradication and economic growth while at the same time ensuring sustainable utilisation of natural resour

Estudio de Caso. Gestión Descentralizada de Áreas Protegidas en Costa Rica

Reports & Research
ноября, 2005
Latin America and the Caribbean
Costa Rica

Este informe presenta el estudio de caso correspondiente a la experiencia de Costa Rica en la implementación de su Sistema Nacional de Áreas de Conservación (SINAC). En la primera sección se ofrece un bosquejo de la situación actual de las áreas silvestres protegidas costarricenses, dando énfasis a los aspectos de la institucionalidad, la legislación, las políticas, el sistema de categorías de manejo empleado y algunos aspectos relacionados con la planificación, el manejo y el financiamiento de las áreas protegidas, así como con las amenazas que estas enfrentan.