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Displaying 733 - 744 of 1732

Urbanization and Poverty Reduction : The Role of Rural Diversification and Secondary Towns

сентября, 2013

A rather unique panel tracking more than
3,300 individuals from households in rural Kagera, Tanzania
during 1991/4-2010 shows that about one in two
individuals/households who exited poverty did so by
transitioning from agriculture into the rural nonfarm
economy or secondary towns. Only one in seven exited poverty
by migrating to a large city, although those moving to a
city experienced on average faster consumption growth.

Understanding the Sources of Spatial Disparity and Convergence : Evidence from Bangladesh

сентября, 2013

This paper utilizes the mixed effects
model to measure and decompose spatial disparity in per
capita expenditure in Bangladesh between 2000 and 2010. It
finds a significant decline in spatial disparity in urban
areas and the country as a whole but no substantial change
in rural areas. The decomposition analysis indicates that
average years of education, the percentage of households
with electricity connections, and phone ownership account

World Bank for Results 2011

сентября, 2013

This first World Bank for Results report
provides the Bank's shareholders, partners, and
external stakeholders with an integrated view of results and
performance in recent years. It serves as a companion to the
World Bank Corporate Scorecard. Aggregating results that
countries have achieved with Bank support against the
backdrop of global development results, the report also
assesses operational and organizational performance at the

Statistics for Small States : A Supplement to the World Development Indicators 2009

сентября, 2013

In 2000 the World Bank made a corporate
commitment to organize a small states Forum each year in the
context of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World
Bank annual meetings. The forum is intended to raise the
profile of small states issues and provide an opportunity
for small state officials to bring their views and ideas to
the attention of the international community. Forty-eight
World Bank members comprise the small states forum, all but

Integrated Forestry Development in the Middle East and North Africa

сентября, 2013
Northern Africa
Western Asia

This Policy Note discusses the status of
Forestry in the Middle East and North Africa Region (MNA) of
the Bank. The Policy Note is a product of the FAO Investment
Center in Rome, the International Food Policy Research
Institute (IFPRI) and the Bank. Experience in natural
resource management shows that to adequately address
sustainable development, solutions must go beyond any single
sector, and be cross-sectoral. They must also go beyond

Islamic Republic of Iran : An Agricultural Policy Note

сентября, 2013

This report addresses key structural,
institutional, and sectoral policy impediments to achieving
a higher, and sustained economic growth in the sector, and
poverty reduction in rural areas of Iran. It focuses mainly
on an assessment of agricultural development outcomes, a
discussion of the agricultural policy agenda, and provides
recommendations for future policy dialogue between the Bank,
and the Government of Iran. On examining development

Mozambique Country Economic Memorandum : Growth Prospects and Reform Agenda

сентября, 2013

This Country Economic Memorandum reviews
the significant changes Mozambique underwent in the last
five years, specifying that to continue its rapid growth,
and reduce its high levels of poverty, the country will need
to adopt a new set of reforms. Such reforms, focused on
increasing the profitability of agriculture, and promoting
labor-intensive manufacturing activities, hold the best hope
to move poverty into prosperity. Three factors - increased

Madagascar : Rural and Environmental Sector Review, Volume 2. Technical Annexes

сентября, 2013

This review aims to provide the
Government of Madagascar with a situation assessment and
insights and guidance on how to position the rural and
environment sector as an engine for inclusive and
sustainable economic growth. The review has cast the
analytical net quite widely with the aim to come up with a
comprehensive overview of the sector. In view of the
intimate linkages between rural development and the

Handbook for Preparing a Resettlement Action Plan

августа, 2013

This handbook intends to document the
essential steps for best practice in the design, and
implementation of resettlement action plans. Given that
involuntary resettlement entails both the physical
displacement of peoples, and the disruption of their
livelihoods, social development specialists at the
International Finance Corporation (IFC), worked together
with project developers to ensure consistent, and pragmatic

Sustaining Forests : A Development Strategy

августа, 2013

Forest resources directly contribute to
the livelihoods of 90 percent of the 1.2 billion people
living in extreme poverty and indirectly support the natural
environment that nourishes agriculture and the food supplies
of nearly half the population of the developing world.
Forests also are central to growth in many developing
countries through trade and industrial development. However,
mismanagement of this resource has cost governments revenues

Poverty in Albania : A Qualitative Assessment

августа, 2013

This qualitative assessment of poverty
in Albania seeks to deepen the understanding of poverty in
the country, first, by involving poor Albanians in a process
of exploring the causes, nature, extent of poverty, and how
it affects their livelihoods. Second, it is intended to
support the Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
(PRSP). Third, it supports preparation of the Country
Assistance Strategy (CAS), and the Living Standards

Rural Poverty Alleviation in Brazil : Toward an Integrated Strategy

августа, 2013

The objective of this report is to
design an integrated strategy for rural poverty reduction in
Brazil. It contains an updated and detailed profile of the
rural poor in the northeast and southeast regions of Brazil;
identifies key determinants of rural poverty in these
regions; and proposes a five-pronged strategic framework and
a tentative set of policy options. The latter were
identified via an analysis of rural poverty determinants