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Displaying 913 - 924 of 1732

Azerbaijan : Inclusive Growth in a Resource-Rich Economy

января, 2013

Azerbaijan experienced a 'golden
age' in the last decade, during which the average
growth rate reached record high levels and poverty decreased
significantly. On average, the economy grew by 15.3 percent
per year in real terms during this period, mainly driven by
the oil sector (21.5 percent growth per year), but with a
significant contribution from the non-oil sector (11.1
percent per year). As a result, poverty declined

Rural Households in a Changing Climate

января, 2013

This paper argues that climate change
poses two distinct, if related, sets of challenges for poor
rural households: challenges related to the increasing
frequency and severity of weather shocks and challenges
related to long-term shifts in temperature, rainfall
patterns, water availability, and other environmental
factors. Within this framework, the paper examines evidence
from existing empirical literature to compose an initial

Does Urbanization Affect Rural Poverty? Evidence from Indian Districts

января, 2013

Although a high rate of urbanization and
a high incidence of rural poverty are two distinct features
of many developing countries, there is little knowledge of
the effects of the former on the latter. Using a large
sample of Indian districts from the 1983-1999 period, the
authors find that urbanization has a substantial and
systematic poverty-reducing effect in the surrounding rural
areas. The results obtained through an instrumental variable

Empowering Women : Evidence from a Field Experiment in Afghanistan

января, 2013

In societies with widespread gender
discrimination, development programs that encourage female
participation in local governance can potentially redress
gender imbalances in economic, political, and social
outcomes. Using a randomized field experiment encompassing
500 Afghan villages, this study finds that a development
program which incorporates mandated female participation
increases female mobility and involvement in income

Is India’s Manufacturing Sector Moving Away from Cities?

января, 2013

This paper investigates the urbanization
of the Indian manufacturing sector by combining enterprise
data from formal and informal sectors. It finds that plants
in the formal sector are moving away from urban and into
rural locations, while the informal sector is moving from
rural to urban locations. Although the secular trend for
India's manufacturing urbanization has slowed down, the
localized importance of education and infrastructure has

Liberia Country Program Evaluation 2004-2011 : Evaluation of the World Bank Group Program

января, 2013

This report evaluates the outcomes of
World Bank Group support to Liberia from its post-war
reengagement in 2003 through 2011. The country has moved
from total disarray to a solid foundation for inclusive
development. Although development has not moved forward as
quickly as hoped, substantial progress has been made. Public
finance and key institutions have been rebuilt; crucial
transport facilities have been restored; and hospitals,

Natural Capital, Ecological Scarcity and Rural Poverty

января, 2013

Much of the rural poor -- who are
growing in number -- are concentrated in ecologically
fragile and remote areas. The key ecological scarcity
problem facing such poor households is a vicious cycle of
declining livelihoods, increased ecological degradation and
loss of resource commons, and declining ecosystem services
on which the poor depend. In addition, developing economies
with high concentrations of their populations on fragile

Development of Biofuels in China : Technologies, Economics and Policies

января, 2013

China promulgated the Medium and
Long-Term Development Plan for Renewable Energy in 2007,
which included targets of 2010 and 2020 for various
renewable energy technologies including biofuels. The 2010
biofuel targets were met and even surpassed except for
non-grain fuel ethanol; however, there is debate on whether
and how the country will be able to meet the 2020 biofuels
target. This paper provides a resource and technological

Rethinking the Form and Function of Cities in Post-Soviet Countries

января, 2013

Eurasian cities, unique in the global
spatial landscape, were part of the world's largest
experiment in urban development. The challenges they now
face because of their history offer valuable lessons to
urban planners and policymakers across the world from places
that are still urbanizing to those already urbanized. Today,
Eurasian cities must respond to three big changes: the
breakup of the Soviet Union, the return of the market as the

An Analysis of Physical and Monetary Losses of Environmental Health
and Natural Resources in India

января, 2013

This study provides estimates of social
and financial costs of environmental damage in India from
three pollution damage categories: (i) urban air pollution;
(ii) inadequate water supply, poor sanitation, and hygiene;
and (iii) indoor air pollution. It also provides estimates
based on three natural resource damage categories: (i)
agricultural damage from soil salinity, water logging, and
soil erosion; (ii) rangeland degradation; and (iii)

Population density, migration, and the returns to human capital and land: Highlights from Indonesia

Reports & Research
декабря, 2012

Rapid population growth in many developing countries has raised concerns regarding food security and household welfare. To understand the consequences of population growth on in the general equilibrium setting, we examine the dynamics of population density and its impacts on household outcomes using panel data from Indonesia. More specifically we explicitly highlight the importance of migration to urban sectors in the analysis. Empirical results show that human capital in the household determines the effect of increased population density on per capita household consumption expenditure.

Opportunities and challenges for community involvement in public service provision in rural Guatemala

Reports & Research
декабря, 2012
Latin America and the Caribbean

The purpose of the research summarized in this paper is to provide policy-relevant knowledge on the governance of rural services in Guatemala and thus to contribute to improving the provision of services that are essential for agricultural and rural development. Based on quantitative and qualitative primary data, we examine how services are actually provided today and how community preferences and participation affect service provision in rural Guatemala. Our main finding is that the provision of formally decentralized services by local governments is incomplete.