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Правовое руководство по земельной консолидации

Manuals & Guidelines
Policy Papers & Briefs
января, 2020
Central Asia

Консолидация земель - это высокоэффективный инструмент управления земельными ресурсами, который позволяет улучшить структуру сельскохозяйственных угодий и ферм в стране, что повышает их экономическую и социальную эффективность и приносит пользу как правообладателям, так и обществу в целом. Поскольку консолидация земель дает мобильность землевладению и другим правам на землю, она также может способствовать выделению новых территорий с особыми целями, отличными от сельского хозяйства, например, для общественной инфраструктуры или охраны и восстановления природы.

La société civile s’engage fermement dans le processus de la politique foncière rurale au Niger

Reports & Research
декабря, 2019

Le dépliant rapelle la contribution des organisations de la société civile dans le processus d'élaboration de la politique foncière rurale au Niger et leur rôle dans la mobilisation des acteurs, le partenariat créé dans une approche participative et inclusive


From poverty to complexity?: the challenge of out-migration and development policy in Ethiopia

декабря, 2019

This brief assesses the current state of migration-related policies in Ethiopia, and provides some early recommendations and policy pointers based on work carried out under the AGRUMIG project. In Ethiopia, the scale of migration and its impacts on rural and urban transformations are underestimated and probably increasing. There is a lack of a coherent national migration policy in the country, which is a potential development hindrance.

Are land-poor youth accessing rented land? : evidence from northern Ethiopia

Reports & Research
декабря, 2019

Continued strong population growth in already densely populated rural areas in parts of Sub-Saharan Africa makes it harder for youth to choose agriculture as their main source of income. We investigate whether near landless youth still can access rented land as a complementary source of income. We utilize a unique data of rural youth that have been allocated rehabilitated communal land to form formalized business groups for joint business activity. They rely on complementary sources of income and land renting is one of these.

Youth business groups and leadership : group leader and member survey statistics

Reports & Research
декабря, 2019

This working paper is an output from the research project “Youth Business Groups for Sustainable Development: Lessons from the Ethiopian Model” that is funded by Research Council of Norway under the NORGLOBAL2 research program for the period 2019-2022. This working paper provides a summary of baseline survey data collected in the period January-May 2019 primarily from 2427 sampled members of 246 active youth business groups in four districts in the Tigray Region of Ethiopia.

The Land Transfer from the State Treasury to Local Government Units as a Factor of Social Development of Rural Areas in Poland

Peer-reviewed publication
ноября, 2019

Sustainable rural development (with the development of social functions) is currently one of the basic objectives of the rural areas policy in Poland. The main purpose of this article is to determine the level of social development of rural areas and to examine whether the National Support Center for Agriculture (NSCA) activities (in the form of transferring land to communes for the implementation of social goals) have an impact on that development, and to what extent. In this article, an assessment of the social development level of rural areas using the Hellwig method was carried out.

VIVÊNCIA E APRENDENCIA: Trocando saberes e ressignificações sob a Paisagem de Buíque - PE.

Journal Articles & Books
октября, 2019
América Latina e Caribe
América do Sul
Este trabalho visa apresentar um relato de experiência acerca da aula de campo vivenciada no  Município de Buíque.  A atividade surgiu a partir da disciplina eletiva  Educação do Campo, componente curricular do Curso de Licenciatura em Pedagogia da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE).

Planning for Democracy in Protected Rural Areas: Application of a Voting Method in a Spanish-Portuguese Reserve

Peer-reviewed publication
октября, 2019

The planning of protected rural areas is usually defined by institutional decision-makers without considering the preferences of the local communities that live on the land, which frequently leads to conflicts in land management. This paper proposes a voting method based on the Borda count to rank the management goals of a protected rural area. The method was applied in a Spanish-Portuguese reserve called Iberian Plateau with the aim of collecting the preferences of institutional decision-makers (government and scientists) and rural landowners (farmers and businesspersons).

Preliminary Report on Agricultural Census 2019

Reports & Research
сентября, 2019

The Agriculture Census 2019, the sixth in its series, is an agricultural statistical venture of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS). Not only has Bangladesh recorded persistent economic growth of 7.86 to 8.13%, but it has also achieved a substantial reduction in poverty rate. Bangladesh retains a strong commitment to social cohesion and to a progressive development agenda. The accelerated economic growth in the country is a consequence of this socio-economic development particularly in regards to the growth of agriculture sector.

Designing and Implementing a Pro-Poor Land Recordation System

Reports & Research
августа, 2019

The challenges to tenure security in both urban and rural areas are not only large, but they are increasing due to the different types of pressures making land more and more scarce. There is growing acceptance that only by recognizing and supporting a continuum of land rights, can tenure security be reached for all people in an inclusive way.


Peer-reviewed publication
августа, 2019

FONCIER EN MAURITANIE : SITUATION, DÉFIS ET QUÊTE D’ADAPTATION(Article scientifique)Par Dr Ousmane WAGUE, coordinateur du master « Migrations, gouvernance foncière et territoriale »Université de Nouakchott Al Asria      SommaireLE FONCIER EN MAURITANIE : SITUATION, DÉFIS ET QUÊTE D’ADAPTATION.. 1RÉSUMÉ DE L’ARTICLE.. 3INTRODUCTION.. 41.    Rappel et situation des données. 4a.     Aperçu sur la situation du foncier en Mauritanie. 4b. Le défi de la fiabilité des données. 52.    Le foncier rural 63. Le foncier urbain. 94.Les grands défis de la gouvernance foncière. 124.1. Quelques constats.