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Decreto Nº 1.424 - Reglamenta parcialmente la Ley Nº 9, sobre planes de desarrollo municipal, compraventa y expropiación de bienes.

South America

El presente Decreto dispone que los alcaldes y el intendente de San Andrés y Providencia levantaran un inventario de los asentamientos humanos que, de conformidad con los estudios adelantados para tal efecto, presenten altos riesgos pera sus habitantes.

Implementa: Ley Nº 9 - Normas sobre planes de desarrollo municipal, compraventa y expropiación de bienes. (1989-01-11)

Décret nº 64-174 fixant pour les terrains urbain et ruraux le montant minimum de la mise en valeur et les prix minima de vente et de location.

Central African Republic
Middle Africa

Ce décret donne les définitions des terrains urbains et ruraux pour l'application du décret même et fixe les montants minima de leur mise en valeur, pour les zones urbaines de construction à caractère définitif et pour les terrains ruraux. Il fixe aussi les prix minima de cession et de location. En particulier il établit, pour les terrains ruraux, que leur attribution a lieu moyennant le paiement d'une somme égale au double de la redevance annuelle, fixée à son tour par la loi des finances.

Resolution No. 14 of 1992 concerning the plantation in the city of Baghdad.

Western Asia

The plantation of lands specified in the Master Plan of the City of Baghdad shall be carried out in accordance with the Plan within the limitation of the tree line. Planting of certain seasonal crops is excluded from this provision (art. 1a). The requirement laid down in article 1a concerns water share. Cultivation of lands without a water share shall commence one year after the allocation of a water share has taken place (art. 1b). Non-compliance with the requirement may bring about the modification of the lease contract (art. 2).

Interim Regulations of the People's Republic of China concerning the Assignment and Transfer of the Right to the Use of the State-owned Land in the Urban Area, 1990.

Eastern Asia

The Regulations contain 54 articles divided into 8 Chapters: General provisions (I); Sale of the right of land use (II); Transfer of the right of land use (III); Lease of land use right (IV); Mortgage of the land use right (V); Termination of the land use right (VI); Transfer of land use right (VII); Appendix (VIII).The Regulations aim at reforming the system of using urban state-owned land in order to ensure its rational development, use and management.The sale of the right of land use to users shall be based on a contract signed between the land management departments of city and county p

Tuvalu Lands Code (Cap. 46.20.2).


This Code of Laws, made under the Native Land Act, governs native land rights in specified islands of Tuvalu. The Code contains rules relative to land ownership rights and the limitation of such rights by the Land Court. The Code also concerns alienation of rights and the distribution of an estate inter vivos, in case of absentee owner, by will and without a will. Rules also concern exchanges of property, sale of property and use of (village and communal) land.

Implements: Native Lands Ordinance. (1978)

Real Decreto Nº 1.020/1993 - Normas para determinar el valor catastral de los bienes inmuebles de naturaleza urbana.

Southern Europe

El presente Real Decreto aprueba las normas tecnicas de valoracion y el cuadro marco de valores del suelo y de las construcciones para determinar el valor catastral de los bienes inmuebles de naturaleza urbana.

Enmendado por: Real Decreto Nº 1.464/2007 - Normas técnicas de valoración catastral de los bienes inmuebles de características especiales. (2007-11-02)

Ministerial Decree No. 12 regarding validation of the Regulation on the Committee of Municipal Services.

Eastern Europe

The Government decrees to validate the Regulation. Committee of Municipal Services is a central Federal Executive Body entitled to carry out state regulation and inter-departmental coordination as regards municipal services (housing facilities, heat and electricity supply, water supply and sewerage, engineering protection, equipping with services and utilities, urban planning and road-building, waste disposal, municipal bath and laundry services, ritual services for the population, scientific planning and industrial and production support).

Ordinance relating to the Building Law.

Western Europe

The present Ordinance implements various articles of the Building Law of 28 April 1985. In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to land use planning in the Canton Appenzell Innerrhoden. The text consists of 75 articles divided into 5 chapters as follows: Planning law (1); Urbanization, land consolidation and boundary adjustment (2); Building law (3); Building permit process (4); Final provisions (5). One Annex is enclosed.

Implements: Building Law. (2009-04-26)
Repealed by: Ordinance relating to the Building Law. (2014-12-01)

The urban transition: challenges and opportunities

Journal Articles & Books

Urbanisation and economic transformation - the growth of non-farm, industrial and service sectors - offer many opportunities for improvements in poor people's lives.The crucial challenge is to ensure that places work better for people, providing an enabling and supporting environment for changing livelihoods and economies. But all too often there is a failure to recognise and manage the urban transition, resulting in the continuing urbanisation of poverty, vulnerability and exclusion.

Urban and rural areas: A changing relationship

Journal Articles & Books

The relationship between urban and rural areas has undergone great change in recent years. It is now often difficult to clearly define the borders between the two; instead we find a continuum ranging from agricultural zones to suburbs, informal settlements and urban centers. But do countries and development cooperation policies have the instruments needed to promote a dynamic and balanced development of urban and rural areas and open up opportunities for the people who live there?

Regional Law No. 1929-ZRK “On establishment of purchase price of plots of land within urban areas destined for agricultural production.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes that the prices of plots of urban land destined for agricultural production in ownership by agricultural organizations or peasant farms allotted thereto on condition of permanent (open-ended) land tenure or as life-long hereditary possession shall be established with 15 percent reduction in relation to its cadastre value.