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impopo River Basin Focal Project: Framework and guide to review of policy and institutional literature

декабря, 2007
Sub-Saharan Africa

This paper is intended to provide a framework and guide for the review of policy and institutional literature relevant to understanding the issues and opportunities for future development of the Limpopo River Basin. The actual literature review will be carried out during the first year of the Limpopo Basin Focal Project, and will be supplemented with key informant interviews.

CARP institutional assessment in a Post-2008 transition scenario: implications for Land Administration and Management (LAM)

декабря, 2007

The objective of this paper is to present the land administration and management (LAM) issues on CARP and determine the necessary institutional reforms on LAM in view of CARP expiration in 2008. The paper discussed the adverse effects brought about by weak land policy and poor land administration on attaining the objectives of CARP.

Programme national de développement rural, 2008.

National Policies
декабря, 2007

La mission assignée au Programme National de Développement Rural (PNDR) est la suivante: « Infrastructure reliée, le développement rural, l’économie à forte croissance et la préservation de l’environnement » Pour réaliser cette vision, le PNDR s’articule autour de 5 grandes orientations, à savoir: promouvoir la bonne gouvernance au sein du secteur de développement rural; faciliter l’accès au capital et aux facteurs de production (foncier, infrastructures, finances rurales, matériel/équipement, énergie); améliorer la sécurité alimentaire et augmenter la production et la transformation agrico

Poverty Reduction Strategy.

National Policies
декабря, 2007

Liberia’s Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) is built on the foundation of the Government’s 150-Day Action Plan. The PRS is part of a longer-term continuum of the Government’s strategy for rapid, inclusive and sustainable growth and poverty reduction, including progress toward achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The PRS covers the three-year period from April 2008 to June 2011.

Think Big Go Small: Adapting business models to incorporate smallholders into supply chains

Policy Papers & Briefs
декабря, 2007

This paper tries to show the advantages - both in productivity and consumer appeal - of domestic and global companies connecting with smallholder suppliers. It draws on programme experience and case studiesin the food and drinks sector where companies aimed to deliver value for their business in ways that would also benefit smallholder suppliers.

Unjust-Enrichment-Volume 2

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2007

The figures of public resources estimated to have been channeled into private pockets are so high one hopes, obviously against hope, that they would turn out to be typographical errors. The figures of public resources estimated to have been channeled into private pockets are so high one hopes, obviously against hope, that they would turn out to be typographical errors.