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Law on administrative and territorial units of Mongolia and their governance.

Eastern Asia

The purpose of this Law is to regulate the establishment, reorganization, dissolution of the administrative and territorial units of Mongolia and their governing system, competences, principles of operation and structure. The economic foundation of the administrative and territorial units shall consist of land, its subsoil, natural resources, local properties, accumulated assets from production and service incomes of all kinds of property, local taxes, fees and tariffs provided by law.

Diredawa Administration Charter Proclamation No. 416/2004.

Eastern Africa

This Proclamation provides rules for the administration and functioning of Diredawa City, which has been accountable to and directed by the Federal Government since 1993. The Proclamation defines the objectives, functions and powers of the city administration and provides with respect to its organization. It may, among other things, set and collect land use fees and royalties for the use of forest resources in the city and levy taxes on incomes from agricultural activities in the City.

Addis Ababa City Government Revised Charter Proclamation No. 361/2003.

Eastern Africa

This Proclamation provides rules for the administration and functioning of Addis Ababa City. The Proclamation defines the objectives, functions and powers of the city administration and provides with respect to its organization. It may, among other things, set and collect land use fees and royalties for the use of forest resources in the city and levy taxes on incomes from agricultural activities in the City. "Municipal service" shall include water and sewerage service, land development and management and sanitation. There shall be a Urban Land Clearance Appeals Commission.

Regional Law No. 11-OZ “On village chiefs”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes legal grounds for the operation of village chiefs, considered head of territorial social self-governing rural settlement elected by the local population, as a form of public participation in local government in rural areas. Village chief represents the interests of the territorial population in their interaction with local government. The scope of election of village chief shall be realization of decisions adopted by local government. Public official cannot be elected village chief.

Local-level Governments Administration Act 1997 (No. 33 of 1997).

Papua New Guinea

This Act provides with respect to local government in Papua New Guinea and declares that purposes of Local-level Government and of a Local-level Government are public purposes for the purpose of Section 53 (unjust deprivation of property) of the Constitution. “Local-level Government” means a Local-level Government established in accordance with Sections 26 and 27 of the Organic Law on Provincial Governments and Local-level Governments.

Norway House Cree Nation Northern Flood Master Implementation Agreement Act (S.M. 1998, c. 43).

Northern America

For the purpose of the present Act "Northern Flood Agreement" means the Agreement dated December 16, 1977 and concluded between a) Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada, b) Her Majesty the Queen in right of Manitoba, c) the Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board, and d) the Northern Flood Committee Inc.; "Norway House Cree Nation" means the Norway House Cree Nation, also known as the Norway House Indian Band, a band within the meaning of the Indian Act (Canada).

Ley Nº 2.028 - Ley de municipalidades.

South America

La presente Ley tiene por objeto regular el régimen municipal establecido por la Constitución Política del Estado. El ámbito de aplicación comprende: a) organización y atribuciones de la Municipalidad y del Gobierno Municipal; b) normas nacionales sobre patrimonio de la Nación, propiedad y dominio público; c) control social al Gobierno Municipal.

Local Government Act, 1998 (No. 42 of 1998).

Eastern Africa

This Act provides with respect to local government and local authority (i.e. a District Assembly, Town Assembly, Municipal Assembly or City Assembly) in Malawi. For the administration of local government, there shall be local government areas as set out in the First Schedule. This Schedule may be modified by the Minister. For every local government area there shall be an Assembly. An Assembly shall have certain powers with respect to land. Sometimes the consent of the Minister responsible land is required for dealings in land by an Assembly.

Ley del Catastro Inmobiliario del Estado de Baja California.

Central America

La presente Ley establece las normas que rigen el catastro inmobiliario del Estado de Baja California, cuyo objeto consiste en: a) identificar y deslindar los bienes inmuebles, los derechos de vía y espacios públicos; b) integrar y mantener actualizada la información relativa a los registros, padrones y documentos referentes a las características cualitativas y cuantitativas de los bienes inmuebles y aspectos asociados a ellos; c) determinar los valores catastrales de los bienes inmuebles; d) integrar la cartografía catastral de los bienes inmuebles en el territorio del Estado; e) aportar l

Décret n° 2007-448/PRES/PM/MATD du 18 juillet 2007 portant création, composition, attributions et fonctionnement de la Conférence nationale de la décentralisation.

Burkina Faso
Western Africa

Le présent décret crée une Conférence nationale de la décentralisation (CONAD) chargée d'assurer le fonctionnement du dispositif technique de suivi évaluation de la mise en œuvre de la décentralisation.A cet effet, elle est chargée de examiner les plans et les rapports triennaux de mise en œuvre de la décentralisation ; examiner et approuver les programmes et les rapports annuels de mise en œuvre de la décentralisation ; examiner et valider les rapports de suivi évaluation ; et valider les propositions issues des analyses prospectives.

Décret n° 2007-254/PRES/PM/MFB/MATD du 11 avril 2007 portant approbation des statuts particuliers du Fonds permanent pour le développement des collectivités territoriales.

Burkina Faso
Western Africa

Le présent décret approuve les statuts du Fonds Permanent pour le Développement des Collectivités Territoriales (FPDCT) qui vise le financement des programmes prioritaires de développement local des collectivités territoriales et de contribuer au renforcement de leurs capacités opérationnelles en matière de réduction de la pauvreté et de gouvernance locale.Pour accomplir sa mission, le FPDCT comprend des organes d’administration et de gestion du Fonds (le Conseil de gestion et la Direction générale).