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The mean streets of Hlaing Tharyar

Reports & Research
августа, 2015

...While all-out street brawls might not be an everyday occurrence in Hlaing Tharyar, the township is awash with crime – everything from fistfights, robberies, rapes and extortion to assaults and home detentions by lenders against debtors.

A senior police officer from the Hlaing Tharyar Myoma Police Station said some of these cases are brought to the attention of police, but many others are “solved” by calling in local toughs who rely on intimidation.

Environmental Damage and Poverty Migration among Myanmar and its Neighbors

Reports & Research
августа, 2015

In recent years migration studies have theorized that 21st-century migration is following patterns that both incorporate and diverge from academic and policymaking explanations of late 20th-century migration. The case of Myanmar, whose out-migration is well-known and well-enumerated, nevertheless shows both a less-known pattern of in-migration in rural areas as well as environmental (and not only economic) factors in both in- and out- migration.

Dimensiones del trauma social en una población en situación de desplazamiento por conflicto armado : Estudio de caso en una comunidad desplazada en los años 2012 y 2013 a la ciudad de Medellín Colombia

Reports & Research
августа, 2015

El objetivo del estudio fue caracterizar el trauma social en una población en situación de desplazamiento que llegó a la ciudad de Medellín a causa del conflicto armado en Colombia, utilizando como estrategia de análisis la teoría fundamentada y la perspectiva del interaccionismo simbólico. Los resultados revelan tres grandes categorías: El evento expulsor, las pérdidas y rupturas y el duelo. Las relaciones e interacciones entre estas categorías y sus respectivas subcategorías se articulan a través de una red conceptual de trauma y desplazamiento.

Dimensiones del trauma social en una población en situación de desplazamiento por conflicto armado : Estudio de caso en una comunidad desplazada en los años 2012 y 2013 a la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia

Reports & Research
августа, 2015

El objetivo del estudio fue caracterizar el trauma social en una población en situación de desplazamiento que llegó a la ciudad de Medellín a causa del conflicto armado en Colombia, utilizando como estrategia de análisis la teoría fundamentada y la perspectiva del interaccionismo simbólico. Los resultados revelan tres grandes categorías: El evento expulsor, las pérdidas y rupturas y el duelo. Las relaciones e interacciones entre estas categorías y sus respectivas subcategorías se articulan a través de una red conceptual de trauma y desplazamiento.

The International Community Must Stop Funding Gvt’s Attacks on Kachin Civilians: Moon Nay Li, General Secretary of KWAT

Reports & Research
августа, 2015

Moon Nay Li is the General Secretary of the Kachin Women’s Association Thailand (KWAT), an organisation which she joined in 2002 in order to work for her people and community. The KWAT was founded on September 9th 1999 in response to recognising the urgent need for women to organise themselves to help solve the growing social and economic problems in the Kachin State...The KWAT is very concerned that foreign aid and investment is serving to subsidise the government’s war machine.

Narração de sofrimento de Comunidades reassentadas em Tete

Reports & Research
июля, 2015
África subsariana

Durante dois dias, um grupo de 23 camponeses, provenientes de oito aldeias dos distritos de Moaze e Marara, reuniram-se em Mwaladzi, para, em ambiente aberto, informal e parcipavo, parlharem estórias das suas vidas, em zonas de reassentamento ou afectadas por acvidades de mineração na Província de Tete. Através deste processo de auto- reconhecimento, a que denominamos de ʺnarração de sofrimentoʺ, as comunidades interpretam o seu percurso; dando-lhe sendo.

The Sound of Loss and Hope: Pop Music of Karen Refugees from Burma/Myanmar

Reports & Research
июля, 2015

Since late 2011, I have made contacted
with Karen refugee communities in two geographic locations –one on the Thai-Burma border and one in Melbourne, Australia, which has provided me
opportunities to observe and participate in a number of activities
organized by those
residents. During
three-year engagement,
I have
come across
many Karen
enthusiastically taken part in the production as well as circulation and consumption of Karen pop
music, especially in the form

Educational Development In A Changing Burma: The Future Of Children Of Migrant Labourers Returning From Thailand To Burma

Reports & Research
июля, 2015

Abstract: "This paper presents the findings of a research study that investigated the level of education that the children of labor migrants from Burma now living in Chiang Mai, Thailand can access to as well as looking at the possibility and different channels for their further education should their parents decide to return to Burma. The focus of the study concentrates on four different ethnic groups, Karen, Karenni, Palaung and Shan by looking at children from the age between 4-13 years old to identify factors that are involved when these migrant children move back to Burma.