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Law on transfer of land into ownership for agricultural production.

Central Asia

The present Law establishes the legal basis for transfer of land into ownership of citizens for agricultural production in conformity of the provisions of land reform. Public land can be transferred into ownership exclusively to the Turkmenistan nationals. Foreign citizens or stateless persons can have access to land resources on condition of lease (art. 2) Land can be transferred into ownership to the households of peasants’ associations for agricultural production.

Règlement grand-ducal concernant les aides pour l'amélioration de l'environnement natural.

Western Europe

Ce règlement prévoit la possibilité d'attribuer des subventions pour les travaux exécutés en zone verte dans l'intérêt de la conservation du caractère et de la beauté de l'espace rural et des forêts. Les subventions peuvent profiter aux collectivités publiques autres que l'Etat, aux propriétaires de fonds agricoles ou forestiers, ainsi qu'aux associations agréées. Les montants des subventions sont function de la nature des travaux: plantations d'arbres, de hales ou de bosquets, protection et entretien d'habitats naturals; etc.

: Joint Decree No. 939/13 of the Council of Ministers and the National Bank amending Joint Decree No. 303/9 of the Council of Ministers and of the National Bank validating the Regulation on transfer of privately owned land in mortgage for land-based cr...

Eastern Europe

Item 3 regarding certification of land ownership shall be supplemented with the following phrase: “Shall be certified by a state land registration certificate.”

Amends: Joint Decree No. 303/9 of the Council of Ministers and of the National Bank validating the Regulation on transfer of land plots in private ownership in mortgage for land based credit. (2000-03-07)

Decreto Nº 41 - Reglamenta la Ley Nº 80, sobre derechos posesorios y titulación de predios en las zonas costeras.

Central America

El presente Decreto aprueba el Reglamento de la Ley que reconoce los derechos posesorios y regula la titulación de predios en las zonas costeras y el territorio insular, que tiene como objetivo establecer el conjunto de normas y procedimientos con el propósito de cumplir las acciones de reconocimiento de derechos posesorios y la titulación de predios ubicados dentro de los bienes patrimoniales de la nación, tierras baldías nacionales, zona costera y territorio insular.

Ley Nº 8.710 - Modifica la Ley Nº 5.695, que crea el Registro Nacional y la Ley Nº 6.545, Ley del catastro nacional.

Costa Rica
Central America

La presente Ley modifica la Ley que crea el Registro Nacional y la Ley del catastro nacional, en aspectos relacionados con la creación del Registro Inmobiliario.

Implementado por: Decreto Nº 35.509/J - Reglamento de organización del Registro Inmobiliario. (2009-09-30)
Enmienda: Ley Nº 5695 - Crea el Registro Nacional. (1999-09-13)
Enmienda: Ley Nº 6545 - Ley del catastro nacional. (1981-03-25)

Presidential Decree No. 1767 of 1993 regarding the regulation of land relationship and the promotion of land reform in Russia.

Eastern Europe

The President decrees that the plots of land and the property connected with them must be considered real estate. The real estate contracts are regulated by Civil Code in accordance with Land, Forestry, Environmental, other specific Legislative Acts and this Decree. Physical And juridical persons, that own plots of land, have the right to sell, to bequeath, to give as a gift, to mortgage, to lease, to exchange and to render them as a share to the-joint stock companies. Each landowner is provided with land certificate that must be registered into land cadastre.

Regional Law No. 2314-ZTO “On allotment of plots of land in ownership to citizens free of charge”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law sets forth the modalities of allotment of plots of land in ownership to citizens free of charge for gardening, citizens awarded with the Order the Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Russian Federation, Hero of Socialist Labour, Hero of Labour of the Russian Federation, Full Cavalier of the Order of Military Glory and Full Cavalier of the Order of Labour Glory for horticulture, subsistence farming, family farming , commercial farming and individual residential housing construction.

Theft Ordinance (Cap. 3.10).

Turks and Caicos Islands

This Ordinance provides with respect to theft, and defines "theft" including theft of land and things forming part of the land such as game or wild plants. The Ordinance also concerns restoration orders by court.

Ministerial Decree No. 1 of the Cabinet of Ministers “On improvement of registration of rights to immovable property”.

Central Asia

This Decree sets forth the modalities of state registration of rights of natural and legal persons related to land plots and perennial plants, and also mortgage contracts and other ownership rights to land plots. It shall not be applicable to subsoil. Right of ownership, origin thereof, transfer, restriction, termination of rights and transactions therewith shall be subject to mandatory state registration. Body performing state registration shall be responsible for issuance of state registration certificate.

Resolución Nº 015/15/VIVIENDA - Modifica la Norma para la determinación de valores oficiales de terrenos rústicos a nivel nacional.

South America

La presente Resolución modifica la Norma para la determinación de valores oficiales de terrenos rústicos a nivel nacional, por cuanto corresponde denominarlos Valores Arancelarios de Terrenos Rústicos a nivel nacional, que son expresados en nuevos soles por unidad de superficie, para cada una de las regiones geográficas y dentro de éstas a nivel de departamentos, provincias y distritos.

Decree No. 4122 concerning the transfer of a part of the public property river (irrigation canal) as State private property and substituting it by a concrete channel in the region of Ain Saade - Matn District.

Western Asia

This Decree defines the public property boundaries of the irrigation channel in the region of Ain Saade. The applicant, for the transfer, should comply with determined actions such as the construction of a concrete drainage channel. This Decree is applicable only after the applicant guarantees the natural flow of water in the irrigation channel.