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Stakeholders’ Engagement Meeting for Developing “Remote sensing- based Information and Insurance for Crops in emerging Economies” (RIICE) in Kenya

декабря, 2022

Through its Work Package 4 “Real-Time Monitoring of Food Systems”, the CGIAR Research Initiative on Digital Innovation and Transformation seeks to improve real time monitoring of food system dynamics to inform multiple stakeholders who make time critical decisions to respond to variation and shocks, improve the flow of information for a better understanding of the food systems, and enhance digital data streams for improving decision making by food system actors.

Economic Evaluation of Soil and Water Conservation Practices and Forage Mixtures Cropping Under Different Agroecosystems in Northern and Central West Tunisia

декабря, 2022

Soil erosion and land degradation are critical challenges in Northern and Central West Tunisia. This report assesses the profitability of different forage mixtures used as a key rotation practice to mitigate these challenges. Various soil and water conservation (SWC) practices were put in place using a sample of 33 small farmers in the framework of the SWC@Scale-ProSol project. Cost-benefit and a partial budget analysis were conducted to assess the profitability of the implemented agricultural practices on the selected demonstration plots.

Climate-smart cocoa in forest landscapes: Lessons from institutional innovations in Ghana

декабря, 2022

Integrated landscape approaches have been welcomed by scientists and development practitioners as a promising way to address commodity-driven deforestation and associated land degradation and greenhouse gas emissions. They present cross-sectoral approaches to manage trade-offs between multiple land uses and environmental and socio-economic objectives through participatory multi-stakeholder planning and negotiation processes. The success of landscape approaches depends on the larger institutional systems of rules, regulations, and actor networks in which they are embedded.

Genetic evaluation of growth rate and efficiency-related traits in Dorper sheep

декабря, 2022

The present study was carried out to estimate genetic and phenotypic parameters for growth rate and efficiency-related traits in Dorper sheep. Growth records from the breeding flock of Dorper sheep collected between 2012 and 2021 at Debre Birhan Agricultural Research Center, Amhara Region, Ethiopia were used in this study.

Terms of Reference: Evaluability Assessments of the Regional Integrated Initiatives, CGIAR

декабря, 2022

The CGIAR Independent Advisory and Evaluation Services (IAES) 2022‒24 multi-year workplan provides for the evaluability assessments of Regional Integrated Initiatives (RIIs) in 2023. These ToRs respond to the mandate of the CGIAR IAES Evaluation Function to execute the evaluability study; and sets out the purpose, objectives and a process to follow, in accordance with the CGIAR Evaluability Assessment Guidelines.

Water use efficiency across scales: From genes to landscapes

декабря, 2022

Water scarcity is already set to be one of the main issues of the 21st century, because of competing needs between civil, industrial, and agricultural use. Agriculture is currently the largest user of water, but its share is bound to decrease as societies develop and clearly it needs to become more water efficient. Improving water use efficiency (WUE) at the plant level is important but translating this at the farm/landscape level presents considerable challenges.

Balancing Ambitions and Realities: Stakeholder Perspectives on Jurisdictional Approach Outcomes in Sabah’s Forests

декабря, 2022

The jurisdictional approach concept emerged in response to the widespread failure of sectoral forest conservation projects. Despite its increasing popularity, understanding jurisdictional approach outcomes is challenging, given that many remain in either the formation or implementation stage. Furthermore, diverse stakeholders hold different perspectives on what exactly a jurisdictional approach is intended to pursue. These different perspectives are important to unravel, as having a shared understanding of the outcomes is important to build the critical support needed for it.

Soil Nutrient and Water management in Crop production

декабря, 2022

At the end of the module participants will be able to: to identify and demonstrate the Challenges of Climate Change to Soils and Fertility Management; to explain and demonstrate the concepts of Landscape Approach for Achieving Climate Smart Agriculture through Nutrient Management; to demonstrate and apply the Concepts and Principles of Soil Health and Soil Fertility Management for Crop Production, and to demonstrate the Approaches in Nutrient and Water Management for Sustainable Crop Production.

Mediation and moderation roles of resilience capacity in the shock–food-security nexus in northern Ghana

декабря, 2022

This paper examines how resilience capacity mediates or moderates the relationship between weather shocks and household food security based on two waves of farm household survey and satellite-based weather data in northern Ghana and applying econometric models. Results show that resilience capacity moderate or mediates the negative effects of heat stress and drought on food security. However, the mediating role of resilience capacity in the shock-food security nexus is more stable and stronger than its moderating role.

Drivers and consequences of tenure insecurity and mechanisms for enhancing tenure security: A synthesis of CGIAR research on tenure security (2013–2020)

декабря, 2022
United States of America

Research since the 1990s highlights the importance of tenure rights for sustainable natural resource management, and for alleviating poverty and enhancing nutrition and food security for the 3.14 billion rural inhabitants of less-developed countries who rely on forests and agriculture for their livelihoods. Which rights or combination of rights an individual, household, or community has affects whether they have access to land and resources, as well as how those can be used and for how long. Equally important is the degree to which landholders perceive their tenure to be secure.