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Improving phosphorus acquisition efficiency through modification of root growth responses to phosphate starvation in legumes

декабря, 2022

Phosphorus (P) is one of the essential macronutrients for plant growth and development, and it is an integral part of the major organic components, including nucleic acids, proteins and phospholipids. Although total P is abundant in most soils, a large amount of P is not easily absorbed by plants. Inorganic phosphate (Pi) is the plant-available P, which is generally immobile and of low availability in soils. Hence, Pi starvation is a major constraint limiting plant growth and productivity.

Landscape management innovations in Ghana by CGIAR and IWMI

декабря, 2022

Most social-ecological landscapes are under threat due to poor resource management compounded by the impacts of climate change. The international Water Management Institute (IWMI) employs an inclusive landscape management approach for scaling innovations to transform food systems in degraded landscapes. This video highlights such innovations being deployed in Ghana through the #ONECGIAR Initiative on Transforming Food Systems in West and Central Africa (TAFS-WCA).

Global actions for Sustainable Rangelands and Pastoralism to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality

декабря, 2022

This presentation focuses on the global actions required to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) through sustainable rangelands and pastoralism, aligning with the International Year for Rangelands and Pastoralists (IYRP) and its sub-working group on LDN. The challenges and threats to rangelands are outlined, emphasizing the climatic and anthropogenic pressures leading to natural resource degradation, productivity losses, and land-related conflicts.

Direct seeded rice: What are the benefits, potential and suitability in Haryana, India?

декабря, 2022

Rice is one of the most widely grown cereal crops in India, providing primary nutrition as well as key livelihood and economic value – $23.3 billion in 2020. It is a water-intensive crop, however, and requires 1,000–2,000 millimeters of irrigation per cropping cycle, contributing to almost 40% of freshwater withdrawals in India. Most irrigation water is abstracted from groundwater, which relies on pumping that has led to a significant decline in the groundwater table in many places. Shifts in cultivation practices and management may foster greater sustainability.

Future scenarios of fish supply and demand for food and nutrition security in Bangladesh: An analysis with the AsiaFish model

декабря, 2022

Bangladesh has made significant progress in social and economic development in recent years, but micronutrient deficiencies and poor dietary diversity remain a significant challenge. This paper developed five scenarios to explore futures of fish supply-demand in Bangladesh using the AsiaFish model, with special emphasis on the role of fish in macronutrient and micronutrient supply to address the nation's malnutrition and nutrition security challenges. A business-as-usual (BAU) scenario followed historical trends for exogenous variables used in the model.

The carbon footprint of young-beef cattle finishing systems in the Eastern Plains of the Orinoco River Basin of Colombia

декабря, 2022

Introduction: Previous research has shown increased productivity amongst sown grass pastures compared to native savanna pastures by year-round grazing for fattening of adult and young Brahman (Bos indicus)-bred cattle in the well-drained native savanna ecosystem of the Colombian Orinoquía. But there is limited information on the carbon footprint (CF) of commercial young-Brahman heifers and steers reared throughout life on well-managed Brachiaria decumbens Stapf pastures.

Seeds that give revisited: Participatory plant breeding and rural revitilization

декабря, 2022

In 2003, the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) of Canada published “Seed that give. Participatory plant breeding,” synthesizing the achievements and lessons learned of the first 10 (pioneering) years of participatory plant breeding (PPB), a concept first tabled at an international workshop in Wageningen, the Netherlands, in 1994. IDRC was one of the early and most fervent supporters of PPB. See: https://publications.gc.ca/site/eng/9.648982/publication.html

Chitetezo Cooperative Federation Proof of Concept: Legume Value Chains, Changing Lives, Protecting Nature

декабря, 2022

Community Markets for Conservation (COMACO) is a social enterprise with a mission to work with communities to secure a better life and become good stewards of their natural resources. COMACO finances enhanced climate-smart agricultural practises through the adoption of a legume-based farming system and agroforestry that increase crop yields.

Phenotypic assessment of genetic gain from selection for improved drought tolerance in semi-tropical maize populations

декабря, 2022

Most maize production across the globe is rain-fed, and production is set to be negatively impacted as duration and occurrence of droughts increases due to climate change. Development of water-deficit tolerant maize germplasm has been a major focus for most breeding programmes. Here, we sought to assess the genetic gain for grain yield in two maize populations developed for drought tolerance at CIMMYT by evaluating their cycle progeny through hybrid performance.