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Introducing the non-rancidity trait into pearl millet seed : scenarios for achieving future impact in Kenya

декабря, 2022

The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) and partners are working to apply CRISPR technology to achieve a step-change in pearl millet seed product design: altering fatty acid metabolism to achieve the non-rancidity trait to create grain that when milled into flour has extended shelf life. Kenya is a country where the regulatory environment permits the introduction of gene-edited seed products when derived from site directed nuclease 1 and 2 derived technologies.

Annual Innovahub Meeting: Exchange of results and learnings between national and local agrifood actors in Guatemala and Honduras

декабря, 2022

Under the Latin American Regional initiative AgriLAC Resiliente, the establishment of Innovahubs in Guatemala and Honduras has been a pivotal focus. At year end, in each country intensive stakeholders' meetings were organized at the subnational level to foster participatory discussions and delineate key aspects on how to consolidate and mature the Innovahubs and its core activities. Rooted in a hub model approach, the Innovahubs aim to catalyze innovation by facilitating spaces for collaborative learning, adapting to local contexts, and promoting interactive knowledge acquisition.

Impacts of Climate Smart Agriculture on livelihoods in sub-Saharan Africa: A Meta-analysis

декабря, 2022

Sub-Saharan Africa is grappling with surging food demand amid a growing population and challenges of climate change. Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) emerges as a holistic solution, aiming to counter these complexities and enhance livelihoods. However, the evidence remains thin and mixed. We used a meta-analysis with 18 studies to assess the impacts of climate smart agricultural practices on livelihood indicators in sub-Saharan Africa. We find that adoption of climate smart agriculture is positively correlated with crop and household income and food security in sub-Saharan Africa.

Partnerships for Capacitation and Promotion of Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization (SAM) in Ghana

декабря, 2022

The adoption of sustainable agricultural mechanization (SAM) can sustainably increase productivity, and increase ecosystem resilience. Thirty (30) baby trials and One mother trial were established to expand access to smallholder farmers to SAM technologies and generate and share scientific evidence on the performance of SAM technologies, services and information in Ghana. The demonstration trials utilize participatory research and extension approaches by using existing partnerships.

Farmers’ perspective toward a demand led yam breeding in Nigeria

декабря, 2022

This study seeks to increase the efficiency of yam breeding practice using farmers’ insight at the trait and socioeconomic levels. A three-staged multisampling procedure was employed and 792 yam farmers from four geopolitical zones, comprising 10 states and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja in Nigeria were randomly selected. Farmer’s preference criteria and factors pertinent to improving the efficiency of yam breeding in Nigeria were documented.

Climate Change 2023 Synthesis Report

декабря, 2022

This Synthesis Report (SYR) of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) summarises the state of knowledge of climate change, its widespread impacts and risks, and climate change mitigation and adaptation, based on the peer-reviewed scientific, technical and socio-economic literature since the publication of the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) in 2014.

Recovery and conservation of the paramo ecosystem through the use of livestock management strategies and implementation of home-gardens in the indigenous resguardo cumbal

декабря, 2022

Se examina el context de la ganadería en una parte del complejo de paramo Chiles- Cumbal,Nariño, Colombia, su impacto asociado a la erosión del suelo, la pérdida de biodiversidad y las consecuencias para la seguridad alimentaria. Se identificaron varios factores clave, como la deficiente capacitación técnica de los productores en temas técnicos y ambientales, conflicto en el uso del suelo debido a diferencias sociales, y presencia de grupos al margen de la ley.

Linkages between EU Deforestation-Free Regulation and traceability tools: An exploration from the Honduran coffee sector

декабря, 2022
United States of America

Under the new EU deforestation regulation (EUDR), dated 31/05/2023, coffee producers and other producers of other significant commodities —cocoa, oil palm, rubber, soya, cattle, and wood— will have to comply with three aspects to export their products into the European Un ion. These aspects are i) Deforestation-free; 2) Production under the relevant legislation of the country of production; and 3) Due diligence statement. (Council of the European Union, 2022).