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Report on Southern Regional Research-Extension-Linkage Committee’s (RELC’s) Planning Sessions, Ghana

декабря, 2022

The regional Research-Extension-Linkage Committees (RELCSp) lanning sessions are platforms where various stakeholders in agriculture sector assemble to deliberate on constraints that facing Ghana’s agricultural system. It also assesses the performance of the year’s agricultural activities under the RELCs within the regions.

Exploring the impact of women’s empowerment on health and nutritional status of children and women in India

декабря, 2022

The focus on gender equality and women’s empowerment are crucial in nurturing health and human development. Using unit-level data from NFHS5 (Demographic and Health Survey data), we developed a women’s empowerment index for India and assessed its impact on children’s (0–59 months) and women’s (15–49 years) health and nutritional outcomes.

How can gender research trigger changes to influence breeding priorities

декабря, 2022

Significant progress in agricultural technology development have remained persistently blind to social and gender inequalities. Creating agricultural research ecosystems and institutions that address gender inequality require structural and systemic analysis. One of the major areas of investment in agricultural innovation is plant breeding.

Cassava flour processors in Democratic Republic of Congo have increased their production capacity, incomes, and profitability by using the Efficient Small-scale Flash Dryer innovation

декабря, 2022

An efficient small-scale flash drying technology was scaled out from 2019 to 2022 by the CGIAR team CIAT-CIRAD-IITA. The innovation was adopted by 5 cassava flour processors and 1 equipment manufacturers from D.R. Congo. This flash drying innovation package has positively impacted the environment and considerably increased the profitability of cassava processing, as the processors doubled to tripled their production capacity, and cut their fuel consumption per ton of cassava flour produced by 30 to 50%.

Conservation and prioritization of indigenous vegetables in the Philippines

декабря, 2022

Nutrition-related problems are a widespread challenge in the Philippines. Many factors contribute to these problems - the availability and affordability of vegetables, for example, which are jeopardized by challenges such as seasonality and inconsistent yields due to the impacts of climate change. Crop improvement and on-farm diversification, particularly using indigenous vegetables (IVs), can help address these challenges, while also improving rural livelihoods, nutrition, and food security; and even safeguarding local culture and tradition.

Priorities for Research on Gender Equality, Climate Change, and Agriculture in the MENA Region: A Policy Brief

декабря, 2022

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is
extremely vulnerable to climate change and is also the
most gender unequal region in the world. According to the
Global Gender Gap report, the gender gap is highest in the
MENA region (60.9 percent progress toward parity), and “at
the current relative pace, it would take an estimated 142.4
years to close” (World Economic Forum, 2021: 26).
Agriculture in the MENA region is becoming increasingly
feminized, with women representing more than 50 percent

AICCRA 2023 Partnership Survey Results Report

декабря, 2022

Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) is a USD 60 million three-year project, funded by the World Bank and led by CIAT, with participating partners from seven countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Senegal and Zambia. This report provides an overview of two Satisfaction Surveys that were disseminated to partners to gather their feedback on three of the intermediate Project Indicators (IPI), as laid out in the Project Implementation Arrangements.

Influence of farmyard manure application on potential zinc solubilizing microbial species abundance in a ferralsol of Western Kenya

декабря, 2022

Zinc is an important nutrient for plant growth and development. Its availability is influenced by zinc solubilizing microbes (ZSMs). The effects of commonly promoted agronomic practices on the abundance of ZSMs are so far not well understood. In this study, conducted in 2019, we assessed the effects of farmyard manure (FYM) application, either sole or in combination with residue and/or inorganic fertilizer inputs, on ZSM community structure using 11 treatments in a long-term (17 years) integrated soil fertility management experiment located in Western Kenya.

Assessing the climate security sensitivity of the Gulf of Guinea Northern Regions Social Cohesion Project (SOCO) in Ghana

декабря, 2022

The CGIAR Climate Security has developed a safeguard programming assessment tool for conflict-sensitive and peace-responsive climate action in agricultural settings. The Climate Security Sensitivity Tool (CSST) is used to evaluate, ex-ante, the extent to which a proposed climate adaptation intervention addresses local drivers of conflict and insecurity and recommends strategies to strengthen their suitability. It seeks to prevent unintended consequences, avoid conflict relapses, and contribute to peacebuilding.

Local leader survey instrument on women’s voice and agency in local governance in Nigeria

декабря, 2022

This questionnaire was prepared by IFPRI. It is part of the CGIAR Research Initiatives on Gender Equality (HER+) and Fragility, Conflict, and Migration (FCM). We would like to thank all funders who supported this research through their contributions to the CGIAR Trust Fund: https://www.cgiar.org/funders.

Mapping public debates about the climate security-human mobility nexus in Jordan: A social media analysis

декабря, 2022

This working paper uses an online issue mapping approach to explore two research questions: 1) How is human mobility in Jordan represented in local and international social media conversations? 2) What associations between human mobility and climate security-related topics are present in these public debates? Overall, results show diverging agendas between national and international actors, as well as a low prevalence of climate and security related topics, both in terms of absolute frequencies and in relation to the content that garnered most attention in conversations.