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Developing recommendations for increased productivity in cassava-maize intercropping systems in southern Nigeria

декабря, 2020

Cassava-maize intercropping is a common practice among smallholder farmers in Southern Nigeria. It provides food security and early access to income from the maize component. However, yields of both crops are commonly low in farmers’ fields. Multi-locational trials were conducted in Southern Nigeria in 2016 and 2017 to investigate options to increase productivity and profitability through increased cassava and maize plant densities and fertilizer application.

Climate suitability predictions for the cultivation of macadamia (Macadamia integrifolia) in Malawi using climate change scenarios

декабря, 2020

Climate change is altering suitable areas of crop species worldwide, with cascading effects on people reliant upon those crop species as food sources and for income generation. Macadamia is one of Malawi’s most important and profitable crop species; however, climate change threatens its production. Thus, this study’s objective is to quantitatively examine the potential impacts of climate change on the climate suitability for macadamia in Malawi.

Farmers’ demand for quality and nutritionally enhanced sweetpotato planting material: Evidence from experimental auctions in Rwanda

декабря, 2020

Most farmers source sweetpotato vines from neighboring farmers or from cuttings taken from
their own plots during the previous season. In the absence of “clean” vines prepared with more
attentive production practices, farmer-to-farmer vine exchanges and own-saved vines tends to
encourage the accumulation of pests and diseases that ultimately affect yields. In addition, the
perishability and bulkiness of its primary propagation material – vines – there is relatively little

Outcome Harvesting in a Climate-Smart Village: The Case of Guinayangan, Quezon, Philippines (2014-2020)

декабря, 2020

The pioneering work of establishing a Climate-Smart Village (CSV) in Guinayangan, Quezon Province in 2014 became an avenue for promoting interventions to address climate change in a local government in the Philippines. The CSV served as a laboratory where climate-smart technologies and practices were tested, promoted, and scaled out. Through a CSV, Climate-Smart Agriculture was introduced as an integrated approach that aims to achieve short- and long-term agriculture development priorities in the face of climate change.

Accelerating digital technology in agriculture: India agtech startups’ transition to scale

декабря, 2020

Digital technologies and services are rapidly expanding in virtually every aspect of the global economy and society, and the agriculture sector is no exception. This expansion creates new opportunities to deploy massive, agile, personalized, cost-effective, and digitally-enabled agricultural services capable of reaching even the poorest and most vulnerable populations , and driving a new digital revolution in agriculture that may prove to be as consequential as the Green Revolution of 1965-1986.

Guidebook on the Development of Climate-Smart Maps and Adaptation Plans (CS-MAP) for Rice Production in Viet Nam

декабря, 2020

This guidebook explains how to develop and implement the Climate-Smart Map and Adaptation Plan (CS-MAP). Using participatory tools, CS-MAP serves as a guide for local communities to develop their own risk maps and adaptive plans, which cater to their respective local contexts.
The five key steps to develop the CS-MAP are: (1) define climate-related risks; (2) define the border of risk extents; (3) recommend adaptation plans; (4) modify climate-smart maps and adaptation plans; and (5) integrate outcomes at the sub-regional and regional levels.

Synthesis of Learning from a Decade of CGIAR Research Programs

декабря, 2020

The objective of this forward-looking synthesis was to bring together learning from a decade of experience with CGIAR research programs (CRPs), based on existing evaluative evidence. The purpose of this meta-review is to review lessons from the CRP experience to inform the development of future research programs of One CGIAR. The 2021 Synthesis and Lessons Learned from a Decade of CRPs is delivered in response to the request of the CGIAR System Council and aligned with the synthesis terms of reference endorsed by SIMEC in February 2021.

Seed yam production using high-quality minitubers derived from plants established with vine cuttings

декабря, 2020

Yam (Dioscorea spp.) is a valuable food security crop in West Africa, where 92% of the world production occurs. The availability of quality seed tubers for increased productivity is a major challenge. In this study, minitubers weighing 1, 3, and 5 g produced from virus-free single-node vine cuttings of two improved yam varieties (Asiedu and Kpamyo) growing in an aeroponics system were assessed for suitability in seed production at a population of 100,000 plants ha−1.

Integrating the soybean‑maize‑chicken value chains to attain nutritious diets in Tanzania

декабря, 2020

In Tanzania, diets are dominated by starchy staple crops such as maize, levels of malnutrition are high and largely attributed to lack of dietary diversity. We employed fuzzy cognitive mapping to understand the current soybean, maize and chicken value chains, to highlight stakeholder relationships and to identify entry points for value chain integration to support nutritious diets in Tanzania.