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Participatory Management of Forests and Protected Areas - A Trainer's Manual

LandLibrary Resource
Training Resources & Tools
мая, 2008
South-Eastern Asia

Opportunities for forest managers to gain knowledge and skills in participatory resource management processes are still limited. A recent survey by IUCN has brought this out where a third of PA managers indicated that one of the areas priority training areas for them was related to sustainable development.

Declaração das Nações Unidas sobre os Direitos dos Povos Indígenas

LandLibrary Resource
International Conventions or Treaties
апреля, 2008

A Assembléia Geral, Tomando nota da recomendação que figura na resolução 1/2 do Conselho dos Direitos Humanos, de 29 de junho de 2006, na qual o Conselho aprovou o texto da Declaração das Nações Unidas sobre os Direitos dos Povos Indígenas, Recordando sua resolução 61/178, de 20 de dezembro de 2006, em que decidiu adiar o exame e a adoção de medidas sobre a Declaração a fim de dispor de mais te

People, Forests, and Human Well-being: Managing Forests for People in a Period of Rapid Change

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
апреля, 2008
South-Eastern Asia

Under present and foreseeable economic and social trends in the Asia-Pacific region, can we achieve sustainable forest management and better realize the potential of forests and forestry to contribute to improved human well-being? 

Under attack: a way of life

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
апреля, 2008

Much of what is happening in the conflict zones of
eastern Burma is difficult to capture with photos, video
and reports. It is a slow and insidious strangulation of the
population rather than an all-out effort to crush them...

Burma's Displaced People

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
апреля, 2008

The feature section on Burma includes 29 articles exploring the extent of the displacement crisis, factors affecting displaced people and the search for solutions. The issue also includes 19 articles on other aspects of forced migration.....
Forced displacement of Burmese people,
Inge Brees...
Burma: in urgent need of change,
Douglas Alexander...

Whose Forest Tenure Reform is it? Lessons from Case Studies in Vietnam

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
марта, 2008

Over the last two decades, Vietnam has made significant progress in forest tenure reform, which aims to meaningfully include all relevant stakeholders in the management of forest resources. Under these reforms, forest area officially under the management of local people has expanded from almost nothing in the early 1990s to nearly 3.5 million ha (27% of the national forest area) in 2006.