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Banana seed systems in rural low resource communities: Community training manual

декабря, 2022

Diseases have been threatening banana plantations across the world including Burundi; causing the lack of clean planting material. Stakeholders of banana sector have been producing plantlets from vitroculture or macropropagation and acclimating them in community nurseries before distribution. Where it is possible, communities’ members were trained on how to establish and manage macropropation units and nurseries.

MGNREGA Program Asset Selection: A leaflet providing women information on how to participate

декабря, 2022

The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), one of the research centers within the global Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), has a long history of gender research relevant to its mission of reducing poverty and ending hunger and malnutrition. One of the concerns with women’s empowerment beyond the household – in public spaces, including community decision-making processes – is that women lack key pieces of information necessary to facilitate their full and effective participation.

Shamba Shape Up survey of access and use

декабря, 2022

As part of the Livestock and Climate initiative, we have been working together with MediaE to improve the advisories related to climate and financial aspects of agriculture. For instance, we have been developing content on Shamba Shape-Up (SSU) television episodes which is one of the products of MediaE. However, one of the key learnings from developing content is whether the episodes are actionable or not.

NextGen agroadvisory expanding in scope and extent: The effort to cover more crops and bundle with lime advisory

декабря, 2022

Accurate crop yield prediction is crucial for optimizing agricultural practices and ensuring food security. The NextGen advisory is a fertilizer recommendation system that can be customized for different farming systems, crop types, and locations. The system uses machine learning models to predict site-specific fertilizer rates using filed trial and covariates (soil, topography, and climate) data.

Site-specific fertilizer recommendation spilled over to other partners: The opportunity and potential for facilitated scaling up

декабря, 2022

Over the last decades, the government of Ethiopia has taken several measures to achieve food security for its population. However, crop production is still below the optimal possible. Studies show that wheat, maize, and sorghum yields in Ethiopia are about 26.8, 19.7, and 29.3 % of their water-limited yield potentials. Some legumes such as common bean even experience higher yield gap of 35.5%. These indicate the potential for increasing productivity of crops in the country through addressing the key bottlenecks. Several factors play important role in determining crop yields in the country.

Training of Trainers (ToT) Workshop on Climate Smart Nutrient and Water Management in Crop Production Course Module

декабря, 2022

As part of the AICCRA, the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) are tasked to develop curricula and training materials to accelerate the mainstreaming of Climate Information Services (CIS) and Climate- Smart Agriculture (CSA) into University’s curricula in Africa. This report describes the activities of a training of trainers’ (ToT) workshop on Climate Smart Nutrient and Water Management in Crop Production course module .

The Importance of Germplasm Health in Preventing Transboundary Spread of Plant Pests and Diseases

декабря, 2022

This presentation will present the importance of plant pests and diseases and their impact on food security, with examples of exotic invasive plant pests and diseases that cross borders, as well as the strategic role of international Gene Banks in plant genetic resources exchange. The presentation will also emphasize how the international germplasm health units function, what they are, and the measures and procedures followed to achieve safe movement of genetic resources.

Towards Building Capacity in Climate Information Systems and Climate Smart Agriculture in Africa

декабря, 2022

Climate change is one of the major concerns mankind will have to deal with for a long period of time. Judicious use of adaptation and mitigation measures are the only avenues for addressing climate change and associated impacts. Building climate science literacy is vital for citizens to understand the impacts of climate change and develop solutions to mitigate climate change and adapt to its effects. AICCRA-RUFORUM partnership aimed at developing continental-wide top-priority course modules in order to build capacity at different levels on the continent.

Challenges and opportunities for promoting use of native species for the rehabilitation of degraded silvopastoral systems in Tunisia

декабря, 2022

On September 18, 2023, the One CGIAR initiative on Livestock and Climate, in collaboration with the Direction General des Forets (DGF) and the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), hosted a webinar addressing the challenges and opportunities in leveraging native species for the restoration of degraded silvopastoral systems in Tunisia. The webinar convened 34 participants from diverse national research and development institutions, fostering a rich exchange of perspectives.