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Land Act.


This Act provides for recognition and protection of titles in land, administration of land, use of land for public purposes, the land court and adjudication and various other matters relating to land.The Act consists of 170 sections divided into 10 Parts: General (I); Administration (II); Hereditary estates (III); Tax and town allotments (IV); Tongan leases (V); Mortgages (VI); The Foreshore (VII); Registration of title (VIII); Land for public purposes (IX); The Land Court (X).Section 3 declares all land of Tonga to be property of the Crown.

Curatelle Act.

Eastern Africa

This Act defines powers and duties of Curator of Vacant Estates in respect of vacant estates and provides for the administration of such estates by the Curator.The Officer of the Curator of Vacant Estates is created under this Act and the Curator shall be appointed by the President. “Vacant Estates” shall comprise vacant successions and unclaimed property. The Curator shall act on the authority of a Vesting Order to be issued by a judge after procedures as prescribed by this Act have been completed.

Land Tenure Act of 1992 (No. 12 of 1992).

Eastern Africa

Preliminary (I); Public land (II); Right of occupancy to land (III); Right of ownership of trees (IV); Grants of public lands (V), Leases (VI); Termination of rights of occupancy (VII); Miscellaneous provisions (VIII).All land in Zanzibar is declared to be public land and is vested in the President (sect. 3). Land taken by the Government is declared to be confiscated land and any irregularities in acquisition shall be resolved through procedures under the Land Adjudication Act. Section 5 concerns easements on banks of waterways.

Decree No.2418-XII of the Supreme Soviet regarding validation of the law regarding the right to land property.

Eastern Europe

The Supreme Soviet decrees as follows: 1). to put into effect the law regarding the right to land property from the 1st of September 1993; 2). till the conformation of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus to the law regarding the right to land property the effective legislative acts must be used to the extent that they do not contradict the aforesaid law; 3).

Law No.2417-XII of 1993 regarding the right to land property.

Eastern Europe

The present Law establishes the form of land ownership, the base of origin, changes and cessation of land ownership, regulates the order of realization of the rights and the duties of landowners. The land relationship connected with privatisation of buildings, structures, and constructions belonging to state property are regulated by special acts related to land legislation. Land ownership in the Republic of Belarus is present in the forms of state and private ownership.

Married Women Act 1957.

South-Eastern Asia

This Act, consisting of 16 sections, applies to the States of Peninsular Malaysia and makes provision in matter of land family ownership as follows: Section 3: The Act contains provisions relating to “Muslim married women and their property, rights and obligations subject to the Islamic law and the customs of the Malays governing the relations between husband and wife”. Section 4: A married woman is capable of: i. acquiring, holding and disposing of, any property; ii. suing and being sued in her own name; iii.

Ley Nº 34/92 - Que crea la Secretaría de la Mujer.

South America

Mediante la presente Ley se crea la Secretaría de la Mujer, dependiente de la Presidencia de la República. El objetivo es propugnar la participación de la mujer en la vida política, familiar, laboral y económica. Se contempla expresamente al acceso libre, igual y solidario de la mujer al mercado de trabajo y a la propiedad y explotación de la tierra.

Ley Nº 19.023 - Crea el Servicio Nacional de la Mujer.

South America

La presente Ley tiene por objeto la creación del Servicio Nacional de la Mujer, cuya misión consiste en colaborar con el Ejecutivo en el estudio y proposición de planes generales y medidas conducentes a que la mujer goce de igualdad de derechos y oportunidades respecto del hombre, en el proceso de desarrollo político, social, económico y cultural del país. La Ley busca fomentar políticas que promuevan el acceso igualitario de la mujer a los diversos ámbitos de la sociedad.

Recovery of Rent Act (Cap. 54:70).


This Act makes provision with respect to the recovery of rent due by a tenant to a landlord. Distress in case of arrears for tenancy includes the seizure of animals and crops. The Act also concerns the protection of interests of a landlord against illegal action by the tenant.

Administration of Small Estates Act (Cap. 9:06).


This Act provides for the administration of small estates in case of an owner dying intestate or with a will leaving a small estate. "Small estates" means all property, real and personal, of a deceased person which does not exceed a specified value. Persons specified in section 3 may apply to the Registrar to be appointed as administrator. Section 4 provides for nomination by a Judge in case of probate of will of a deceased person. Duties and powers of the Registrar are set out in sections 5 and 6.