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Matrimonial Rights and Inheritance Jaffna Ordinance, 1911, as amended in 1947 (Chapter 58).

Sri Lanka
Southern Asia

This Ordinance, consisting of five Parts, applies to Tamils in property matters. It specifies that movable or immovable property a woman acquires during or before marriage remains her separate property. A woman has the power to deal with her movable property during her lifetime without the consent of her husband. However, a married woman may deal with or dispose of any immovable property to which she is entitled only with the written consent of her husband, except in the case of last wills.

Decreto Nº 1.426 - Créase el Consejo Nacional de la Mujer.

South America

Mediante el presente Decreto se crea el Consejo Nacional de la Mujer en jurisdicción de la Presidencia de la Nación. El Consejo tiene como objetivo primordial la concreción del compromiso asumido por el Estado Argentino al ratificar la adhesión a la Convención sobre la Eliminación de Toda Forma de Discriminación Contra la Mujer (ratificada por Ley Nº 23.179).

Enmendado por: Decreto Nº 291/95 - Modifícase el Decreto Nº 1.426/92 por el que se creó el Consejo Nacional de la Mujer, en su jurisdicción. (1995-08-14)

Republican Resolution on Law No. 39 of 1991 on the Land Register.

Western Asia

This Resolution is composed of 37 articles. Terms and definitions are given in article 1. Lands shall be divided into 3 parts: public lands, private lands and endowment lands (art. 2). There shall be two systems for land registration: individual and corporate body (art. 3). The inheritance right shall be written if it includes a land (art. 10). Rent contracts which exceed 5 years shall be registered in the appropriate newspaper (art. 13). Articles 20-26 deals with dispute settlements. The Prime Minister shall issue the Regulation for registration fees (art. 33).

Presidential Decree No. 2287 of 1993 regarding the conformity of the basic land legislation to the Russian Constitution.

Eastern Europe

This Decree invalidates articles 2-23, 30-32, Part 2 of article 34, Parts 3 and 4 of article 37, articles 39 and 40, Part 2 of article 41, articles 42 and 44, Part 2 of article 47, article 48, point 8 of the first part of article 52, articles 63, 65, 67, 69 and 82, Part 3 of article 83, Part 3 of article 88, articles 97-99, 115-124 of the Land Code of the RSFSR; Law of the RSFSR "On Land Reform" of 1990; articles 5-7, point (b) of the second part of point 1 of article 10 and article 26 of the Law of the RSFSR "On farming" of 1990.This Decree establishes that the authority of the Councils of

Administration of Native Estates Regulations (Cap. 46.20.4)


These Regulations, made under the Native Lands Ordinance, grant powers to the Tuvalu Lands Officer to administer native estates of deceased persons in case of non-existence of a will or non-valid will. This Officer may also be appointed by will or otherwise to be the administrator in case of death of a native ordinarily resident in Tuvalu. The Regulations further define powers and duties of the administrator and specify, in the Schedule, fees for administration of estates and costs in relation with distribution of a deceased person’s estate to beneficiaries.

Decree No. 397-1 of the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR regarding validation of the program of the revival of the Russian rural area and the development of the agro-industrial complex.

Eastern Europe

The second extraordinary Congress of People's Deputies, for the purpose of the revival of the Russian rural area and the formation of the qualitatively new social and economic conditions for the solution of food-producing and food supply, decrees as follows : 1) To approve on the whole the Program elaborated by the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR and by the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR.

Probate Rules (Cap. 53).


These Rules, made under section 29 of the Supreme Court Act, provide with respect to Probate and more in general to the administration of estates. The Rules deal with, among other things: application for Probate or Letters of Administration, or for sealing a Probate or Letters of Administration or other testamentary paper granted out of the jurisdiction; procedures regarding testamentary papers; and bonds after application is granted.

Probate and Administration Rules (2008 Revision).

Cayman Islands

These Regulations concern action, other than a non-contentious action, for the grant of probate of the will or of letters of administration of the estate of a deceased person, for the revocation of a grant or for a decree pronouncing for or against the validity of an alleged will. They also concern administration of estates of the estate of a deceased person. There is established a Probate Registry in which all applications and grants and all matters connected therewith are registered.

Política Nacional de la Mujer: Primer Plan Nacional de Igualdad de Oportunidades, 2002-2007.

National Policies
Central America

El presente documento tiene por objeto la Política Nacional de la Mujer y el Primer Plan Nacional de Igualdad de Oportunidades, de alcance nacional y relativo al período 2002-2007. El objetivo general es garantizar los derechos de las mujeres hondureñas y luchar contra la pobreza de las mismas.

Afar National Regional State Rural Lands Administration and Use Proclamation No. 49/2009.

Eastern Africa

This Proclamation of the Afar National Regional State establishes a rural land administration system that is suitable for natural resource management and protection and that incentivizes investment within the traditional clan-based communal land tenure system. Laws that pertain to lands designated as forest lands, wildlife sanctuaries, biodiversity protected lands, environmental and natural resource conservation and preservation areas shall not be affected by this Proclamation. The Proclamation, among other things: provides for survey, registration, certification etc.