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Estrategia de Lucha contra la Desertificación, la Degradación de la Tierra y los Efectos de la Sequía.

National Policies
мая, 2007

La presente Estrategia MERCOSUR de Lucha contra la Desertificación, la Degradación de la Tierra y los Efectos de la Sequía se inscribe en el marco de la Convención de las Naciones Unidas de Lucha contra la Desertificación y la Sequía y, en particular, en su Anexo III de Aplicación Regional para América Latina y el Caribe. El documento fue elaborado por el Grupo Ad hoc de Lucha contra la Desertificación y la Sequía que fuera creado en 2005 durante la IV Reunión de Ministros de Medio de Ambiente del MERCOSUR.

Land degradation in Afghanistan

Reports & Research
мая, 2007

Land is very important natural resource to the human being as it provides the basis for more than 95% of human food. On the broader context, land has many other functions, e.g. provision of biological habitats and physical and connective space; regulation of hydrology and climate; storage of minerals, raw materials and historical/pre-historical records; and as a buffer to control waste and pollution. Expanding human requirements and economic activities are placing ever increasing pressures on land resources, creating competition and conflicts and resulting in suboptimal use of land.

Plan National Protection Nature (PNPN 2007–2011).

National Policies
апреля, 2007

Le Plan national concernant la protection de la nature est un document à portée nationale qui vise l’atteinte de deux objectifs stratégiques: a) enrayer la perte de la biodiversité, en particulier par le maintien et le rétablissement d’un état de conservation favorable des espèces et des habitats menacés, d’intérêt national ou communautaire; b) préserver et rétablir les services et processus écosystémiques à l’échelle paysagère et nationale.

Efecto de la explotación forestal sobre la estructura, diversidad y composición florística de los palmitales de la Selva Atlántica en Misiones, Argentina

Journal Articles & Books
марта, 2007

Se analizó el efecto del aprovechamiento forestal (maderero y de la extracción de palmitos; Euterpe edulis, Palmae) sobre la estructura, diversidad y composición florística de los bosques denominados palmitales de la Selva Atlántica Argentina (54 °13' W, 25°41' S), en la provincia de Misiones, Argentina. Se establecieron 3 ha de parcelas permanentes, dos ubicadas en la zona intangible del Parque Nacional Iguazú (PNI) y otra en un sitio lindante aprovechado forestalmente. Se midieron tres parcelas no permanentes cada una de 0.2 ha.

Financing Clean Energy

Conference Papers & Reports
марта, 2007

Paul Wolfowitz, President of the World Bank, discussed how to meet the rising demand for energy while reducing our carbon footprint. Rich countries need to lead by example, renovating and replacing infrastructure and investing in clean technology. Rich countries also need to lead with direct support to developing nations, both to reduce poverty and reduce carbon emissions. Moving to a low carbon path will require investments, and a long-term equitable global regulatory framework to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Civil Society Position on The Draft National Land Policy

Policy Papers & Briefs
марта, 2007

The Civil Society commends the Ministry of Lands for spearheading the important process of developing the Draft National Policy, and affirms that land is central to the livelihoods of most Kenyans and as such its access, use, ownership, administration and distribution are of key national concern. Thus, having critically examined the Draft Policy we do hereby make our position on the way forward on the salient policy proposals of the Draft National Land Policy document.

The impact of climate change on smallholder and subsistence agriculture

Reports & Research
февраля, 2007

Some of the most important impacts of global climate change will be felt among the populations, predominantly in developing countries, referred to as ‘‘subsistence’’ or ‘‘smallholder’’ farmers. Their vulnerability to climate change comes both from being predominantly located in the tropics, and from various socioeconomic, demographic, and policy trends limiting their capacity to adapt to change.

De grondmarkt in gebruik; Een studie over de
grondmarkt, ten behoeve van MNP-beleidsonderzoek en grondgebruiksmodellering

февраля, 2007

Land use developments are to a large extent determined by the functioning of the land market. Therefore the land market influences the living environment, nature and landscape. The price difference between urban and rural land is very high in Holland, which causes considerable pressure on the land use planning process. Land price increases hamper the realisation of nature and recreation plans, especially around urban areas.

National Environmental Action Plan of Estonia for 2007-2013

National Policies
февраля, 2007

The National Environmental Action Plan of Estonia is a national cross-sectoral action plan of Estonia for the period 2007-2013. Its main objective is to present a consensual list of nationally prioritised activities aimed at achieving the primary goals of the environmental policy specified in the national Environmental Strategy, indicating the financing needs and discussing the most optimal use of non-budgetary funding sources.The Action Plan aims to ensure food and potable water safety.

Remarks at Washington Legislators Forum on Climate Change, Washington, D.C., February 14, 2007

Conference Papers & Reports
февраля, 2007

Paul Wolfowitz, President of the World Bank, remarked that we are seeing today an emerging global consensus that we must do something about climate change. But equally important is the agenda to reduce poverty. We face this double challenge of reducing damaging carbon emissions, and still meeting the energy demands of the world’s poor.