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Carbon accounting in forests: proceedings of an international workshop on 'facilitating international carbon accounting in forests' 2003

декабря, 2002

The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief introduction to greenhouse and climate change, international frameworks, carbon sequestration and carbon trading. It focusses in particular on policy relating to Australia.The paper demonstrates that increasing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide have been identified as a major cause of global warming. The Kyoto Protocol set the collective target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions of industrialised countries by 5% of 1990 levels by 2008-2012.

Ethnic conflict, institutions and the tragedy of the commons: when human diversity hinders economic growth: empirical evidence from a sample of African countries

декабря, 2002
Sub-Saharan Africa

This paper analyses the effect of ethnic conflict on economic growth. It presents an econometric approach which develops a simple growth’s model with four ethnic variables and institutional regressors (a democratic and a rule of law index) along with two production factors (capital and labour).The report argues that these events shed light on how multi-ethnic societies are subject to “the tragedy of the commons” as each ethnic group seeks to benefit alone from common resources.

Wildlife management and land reform in Southeastern Zimbabwe: a compatible pairing or a contradiction in terms?

декабря, 2002
Sub-Saharan Africa

Is land reform compatible with wildlife management? Zimbabwe is seeking to combine the redistribution of large, 'under-utilised' landholdings to smallholders, with wildlife management, which needs extensive land holdings to be viable. Whilst one stresses direct redistribution, equity and land for crops, the other emphasises maximising foreign exchange earnings, encouraging public-private partnerships and relies on trickle down.

Tanzania Agricultural Sector Policy.

National Policies
декабря, 2002

Tanzania Agricultural Sector Policy 2003 is a national cross-sectoral policy with an overall goal to promote sustainable development of the agricultural sector for economic, social and environmental benefits for its people.Improvement of food insecurity and nutrition is amongst the objectives of this strategy.

Programme d'Action National sur la lutte contre la Desertification.

National Policies
декабря, 2002

Le Programme d'action national de lutte contre la désertification fixe des modalités d’articulation entre les actions et différents programmes sectoriels mis en œuvre dans le cadre de la lutte contre la désertification et dégager les moyens nécessaires et supplémentaires afin de soutenir la mise en œuvre de ces actions par la recherche d’une synergie et d’une harmonisation que doit induire le processus du PAN.

Rwanda Environmental Policy.

National Policies
декабря, 2002

The protection and management of environment are among the pillars of Vision 2020. The objective of the Government is that by 2020, it will have built a nation in which pressure on natural resources, particularly on land, water, biomass and biodiversity, has significantly been reduced and the process of environmental pollution and degradation has been reversed; a nation in which the management and protection of these resources and environment are more rational and well regulated in order to preserve and bequeath to future generations the basic wealth necessary for sustainable development.