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Carinthia Wood and Pasture Exploitation Law.

Western Europe

The present Law lays down provisions relating to the right of wood and pasture exploitation in the Region of Carinthia. The text consists of 63 articles divided into 9 chapters as follows: General provisions (I); New regulation and regulation of traditional rights (II); Transfer of exploitation rights (III); Safeguard of rights of use (IV); Basic rights of wood cutting in case of need (V); Special field services (VI); Authorities and proceedings (VII); Penalties (VIII).

High Hedges (Scotland) Act 2013 (2013 asp 6).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

This Act grants the right to an owner or occupier of a domestic property who considers that the height of a high hedge situated on land owned or occupied by another person adversely affects the enjoyment of the domestic property to apply to the relevant local authority for a high hedge notice. A relevant local authority must dismiss an application in specified circumstances. Where a relevant local authority decides under section 6(5)(b) that action should be taken, it must issue a high hedge notice as soon as is reasonably practicable after making 15 that decision.

Amerindian Act (Cap. 29:01).

South America

This Act provides for local government of Amerindians, i.e. an Indian who is a member of a tribe indigenous to Guyana. For this purpose Amerindian Districts, Amerindian Areas and Amerindian Villages are established.The Act also provides for the protection of property of Amerindians and establishes the Amerindian Purposes Fund. The Minister may establish District Councils or Area Councils as a body corporate. The Councils shall, among other things, manage and regulate the use and occupation of land situated in a District, Area or Village.

Forest and Range Practices Act ([SBC 2002] Chapter 69).

Northern America

The present Act lays down provisions relating to forest and range practices. Section 136 establishes that the Forest Practices Board is continued. The text consists of 217 sections divided into 11 Parts as follows: Definition and interpretation (1); Forest stewardship plan, site plan and woodlot licence plan (2); Forest practices (3); Range (4); Protection of resources (5); Compliance and enforcement (6); General (7); Forest Practices Board (8); Regulations and standards (9); Pilot projects for forest practices or range practices (10); Nisga'a Final Agreement Transition (11).

Private Managed Forest Land Act ([SBC 2003] Chapter 80).

Northern America

The present Act applies to private managed forest land other than land that is in a tree farm licence area, a woodlot licence area or a community forest agreement area. Section 4 decrees that the Private Managed Forest Land Council is established as a corporation consisting of the members appointed under section 6. The object of the council is to encourage forest management practices on private managed forest land, taking into account the social, environmental and economic benefits of those practices.

Loi n° 2014-454 du 05 août 2014 portant statut du District Autonome de Yamoussoukro.

Côte d'Ivoire
Western Africa

La présente loi détermine le statut du District Autonome de Yamoussoukro. Le District Autonome de Yamoussoukro est compétent en matière de protection de l'environnement; la planification de l'aménagement du territoire du District Autonome; la lutte contre les effets néfastes de l'urbanisation; la promotion et la réalisation des actions de développement économique, l'entretien du patrimoine et des biens domaniaux de l'Etat transférés au District Autonome; et les travaux d'équipement rural.

Loi n°2012-1128 du 13 décembre 2012 portant organisation des collectivités territoriales.

Côte d'Ivoire
Western Africa

La présente loi fixe l’organisation des collectivités territoriales. Les organes délibérants des collectivités territoriales sont les Conseils qui exercent les attributions dévolues aux collectivités territoriales par les lois et règlements en vigueur. A ce titre, ils émettent des avis en matière de projets relatifs à l'environnement, de gestion du domaine public; l'expropriation pour non mise en valeur d'un terrain; la gestion des déchets.

Forest and Pasture Servitude Law.

Western Europe

The present Law lays down provisions relating to the right of use relating to forests and pastures. The text consists of 57 articles divided into 7 Parts as follows: General provisions on forest and pasture rights of use (I); New regulations and regulations relating to rights of use (II); Transfer of rights of use (III); Safeguard of rights of use (IV); Wood compensation in case of damage (V); Special field servitudes (VI); Provisions relating to competent authorities and proceedings (VII).

Law on Forest and Pasture Servitudes 1980.

Western Europe

The present Law lays down provisions relating to the right of use relating to forests and pastures. The text consists of 53 articles divided into 6 Parts as follows: General provisions (I); New regulations and regulations (II); Transfer of rights of use, prerequisites and modes of transfer (III); Safeguard of rights of use, afforestation and other use of pasture ground (IV); Raw wood compensation in case of damage (V); Provisions relating to authorities and proceedings (VI).

Law No. 962-IV “On land protection”.

Eastern Europe

This Law establishes legal, economic and social grounds for land protection with a view of ensuring rational land tenure, soil rehabilitation and improvement, conservation of ecological functions of soil and environmental protection. Object of particular land protection shall be total land cover (soil) within the national boundaries of Ukraine.

Ley Nº 3/2014 - Ley de Vías Pecuarias de la Comunitat Valenciana.

Southern Europe

La presente Ley tiene por objeto regular las vías pecuarias de la Comunitat Valenciana, con la finalidad de conservar y consolidar, proteger y recuperar el patrimonio pecuario para disponer de una red de caminos para el uso pecuario y medioambiental de las generaciones presentes y futuras, de manera que se articule a la vez una malla de corredores naturales por todo el territorio de la Comunitat Valenciana.

Enmienda: Ley Nº 11/1994 - Ley de espacios naturales protegidos de la Comunidad Valenciana. (1994-12-27)