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Insécurité Foncière, Fragmentation et Choix des Cultures : Preuve de l'Ouganda

Reports & Research
марта, 2021

Cette étude utilise des données au niveau du ménage, de la parcelle et du terrain pour analyser l'effet de l'insécurité foncière et de la fragmentation des terres sur le choix des cultures. Nous utilisons les titres fonciers formels comme indicateur des droits fonciers de jure, et les droits de transfert perçus sur les parcelles comme indicateur des droits fonciers de facto.



Reports & Research
марта, 2021

Les Directives volontaires pour une gouvernance responsable des régimes fonciers applicables aux terres, aux pêches et aux forêts dans le contexte de la sécurité alimentaire nationale (les Directives) et le Cadre et lignes directrices sur la politique foncière en Afrique (F&G) sont des instruments importants au niveau international et du continent africain pour améliorer la gouvernance foncière des terres, de la pêche et des forêts dans l’optique d’une meilleure sécurité alimentaire et nutrition.

National Strategy on Climate Change of the Lao PDR

Policy Papers & Briefs
марта, 2021

Climate change is the greatest challenge facing our generation. It touches all segments of society and it jeopardizes the future prosperity of the global communities, including the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR). In Lao PDR, climate change has resulted in higher temperatures, variable rainfall, longer dry seasons and droughts, and more severe and frequent flood and drought. Droughts and flooding harm agriculture, food security, forest and land use, water resources, energy, industries, public work and transportation, urban and public health.

Assessing sponge cities performance at city scale using remotely sensed LULC changes: Case study Nanjing

Journal Articles & Books
марта, 2021

As a result of high-density urbanization and climate change, both the frequency and intensity of extreme urban rainfall are increasing. Drainage systems are not designed to cope with this increase, and as a result, floods are becoming more common in cities, particularly in the rapidly growing cities of China. To better cope with more frequent and severe urban flooding and to improve the water quality of stormwater runoff, the Chinese government launched the national Sponge City Construction (SCC) program in 2014.

Modeling urban development and its exposure to river flood risk in Southeast Asia

Journal Articles & Books
марта, 2021

Countries in Southeast Asia have been developing quickly from a predominantly rural to predominantly urban society, leading to a rapid increase in urban land. This increase in urban land has mainly occurred in river deltas and floodplains, exposing humans and human assets to flood hazard. Here we present an assessment of current and future flood risk in five countries of mainland Southeast Asia, using a new modeling approach that accounts for differences in urban land systems.

Examining the effects of green revolution led agricultural expansion on net ecosystem service values in India using multiple valuation approaches

Journal Articles & Books
марта, 2021

Ecosystem Services (ESs) are bundles of natural processes and functions that are essential for human well-being, subsistence, and livelihoods. The ‘Green Revolution’ (GR) has substantial impact on the agricultural landscape and ESs in India. However, the effects of GR on ESs have not been adequately documented and analyzed. This leads to the main hypothesis of this work – ‘the incremental trend of ESs in India is mainly prompted by GR led agricultural innovations that took place during 1960 - 1970’. The analysis was carried out through five successive steps.

Modelling transformational adaptation to climate change among crop farming systems in Romagna, Italy

Journal Articles & Books
марта, 2021

As the impact of climate change on the agricultural sector has begun to manifest itself in its severity, adaptation planning has come under scrutiny for favoring the preservation of status-quo conditions over more substantial changes. The uptake of transformational adaptations, involving a significant re-structuring of the agricultural system, is however hindered by a lack of assessment tools capable of quantifying the effects of these often more complex, far-reaching, and unprecedented changes.

Land, Women, Youths, and Land Tools or Methods

Journal Articles & Books
марта, 2021

The importance of land manifests in various components of the everyday lives of people insocieties: cultural heritage, livelihood, the environment, economy, and community, among manyothers. Land is a factor of development. It is the most influential determinant of developmentbecause women, youths, and men (and households) depend on it for their livelihoods and formaintaining their living conditions in urban, peri-urban, and rural areas.

Seizing the Urban Opportunity. How national governments can recover from COVID-19, secure shared prosperity, and tackle the climate crisis through cities.

Journal Articles & Books
марта, 2021
South Africa
Southern Africa

Today, the Coalition for Urban Transitions releases a new report ‘Seizing the Urban Opportunity’, which provides insights from six emerging economies on how national governments can recover from COVID-19, tackle the climate crisis and secure shared prosperity through cities. Launching as a call to action for national governments ahead of COP26 in Glasgow, it builds on the Coalition’s flagship 2019 report: Climate Emergency, Urban Opportunity.

Peoples' Climate Vote. Results

Journal Articles & Books
марта, 2021

UNDP's "Peoples' Climate Vote" reflects over half the world's population after results processed by the University of Oxford. Sixty-four percent of people believe climate change is a global emergency, despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic

FUTURE BRIEF: The solution is in nature

Journal Articles & Books
марта, 2021

Nature-based Solutions (NbS) work with nature to benefit both natural ecosystems and the people that depend on them. By putting nature at the centre, NbS address a range of societal challenges: protecting, sustainably managing or restoring natural or modified ecosystems and supporting their health, function and biodiversity.

The research collated in this brief confirms that NbS deliver simultaneously multiple benefits and shows the wide-ranging beneficial impacts of scaling up their implementation across Europe.

Land Tenure Security and Health Nexus: A Conceptual Framework for Navigating the Connections between Land Tenure Security and Health

Peer-reviewed publication
марта, 2021

The rise of urban populations has rendered cities in both developed and developing countries vulnerable to poor health and diseases that are associated with urban living conditions and environments. Therefore, there is a growing consensus that while personal factors are critical in determining health, the urban environment exacerbates or mitigates health outcomes, and as such the solution for improving health outcomes in urban settings can be found in addressing socio-environmental factors that shape urban environments.