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To farm or not to farm: Understanding the determinants of youth livelihood aspirations in Vietnam

декабря, 2020

In the context of commercial agriculture in Vietnam, this study investigates rural youth livelihood aspirations through an analysis of young people’s value for family farming and an assessment of whether or not they foresee agriculture as their main occupation. Using an intra-household dataset of cassava farmers in Vietnam, the study shows that the majority of youth aspire to work in agriculture, which is contrary to the popular belief that young people are not interested in agriculture. We employ the framework of opportunity space and embedded aspirations to assess the

Rethinking resilient agriculture: From climate-smart agriculture to vulnerable-smart agriculture

декабря, 2020

Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) is seeking to overcome the food security problem and develop rural livelihoods while minimizing negative impacts on the environment. However, when such synergies exist, the situation of small-scale farmers is often overlooked, and they are unable to implement new practices and technologies. Therefore, the main aim of this study is to improve CSA by adding the neglected but very important element “small-scale farmer”, and introduce Vulnerable-Smart Agriculture (VSA) as a complete version of CSA.

Livelihood assets’ influence on Ugandan farmers’ control practices for Banana Xanthomonas Wilt (BXW)

декабря, 2020

This study analyzes the influence of livelihood assets on Ugandan farmers’ decisions to control Banana Xanthomonas Wilt (BXW), a disease that has threatened banana production and the livelihoods of Ugandan farmers since 2001. The BXW control strategy is based on the simultaneous implementation of four cultural practices: de-budding, infected plant removal, disinfecting tools, and using clean planting materials.

Scaling Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration for Climate Change Mitigation

декабря, 2020

Moving towards net zero GHG emissions by 2050 is likely a pre-condition for avoiding global warming higher than 1.5ËšC by the end of the century. The land-use and agriculture sector can provide close to one third of this global commitment while ensuring food security, farmer resilience, and sustainable development. Protecting soil organic carbon (SOC) and sequestering carbon in organic matter-depleted soils might cost-effectively provide close to 15% of this target and support another 15% from large-scale restoration and implementation of best agronomic practices.

Adapting Green Innovation Centres to climate change. Analysis of value chain adaptation potential: Tomato, potato and apple value chains in Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh, India

декабря, 2020

The present report aims to provide a climate and vulnerability analysis of the Green Innovation Centres (GIC) target commodity value chains. Herein we identify climate change- related vulnerabilities, hazards, and opportunities for adaptation to the same. Ultimately, our goal is to foster awareness of risks and adaptation priorities in the selected value chains and inform climate investments and planning through the recommendations on priority innovations to manage climate risks.

Impacts of land use and land cover dynamics on ecosystem services in the Yayo coffee forest biosphere reserve, southwestern Ethiopia

декабря, 2020

Land management to increase food production while conserving the environment and associated ecosystem services (ESs) is one of the major development and research challenges of the 21st Century. Any land-use practice or change to obtain a particular ecosystem service affects the other ES positively or negatively. The dynamics of these changes is more marked in biodiversity hotspot areas like UNESCO registered Yayo coffee forest biosphere reserve in southwestern Ethiopia.

Climate-Smart Agriculture in Indonesia

декабря, 2020

This CSA Country Profile describes the risks posed by climate change to agriculture in Indonesia, discusses the potential of CSA to attenuate those risks, identifies factors that can influence the adoption of CSA practices, and highlights potential entry points for investment in CSA at scale. The report is split into two parts; the National Profile and Provincial Profiles.

Foresight for Future Planning Training Series: Information Pack

декабря, 2020

Link to the full toolkit: https://bit.ly/Foresight_Training_Toolkit
The Foresight for Future Planning Training Series is a four-part training series for applying foresight to address climate change impacts and uncertainties. The training series equips users to practically apply a range of foresight tools and methods for innovative research in development prioritisation, specifically assisting in strateg ic planning and policy formulation for climate-relevant transformation in agriculture and food systems.

Participatory community wealth ranking in banana-producing regions of Uganda and Tanzania

декабря, 2020

The report describes the approach and results of community wealth ranking (CWR) exercises conducted in 2015-2016 to ascertain the wealth groups and their characteristics of selected banana-producing communities in two regions of Uganda and four of Tanzania. The CWR information gathered was aimed at informing current and future banana breeding initiatives in and

Local Food Systems in Cambodia, Myanmar, and the Philippines: Perspective from the Local Communities

декабря, 2020

Food systems must provide adequate, healthy, and sustainable diets to the growing and changing population whilst responding to shocks and stressors related to climate variability, urbanization, globalization, conflicts, and economic change. This study examined the national food systems of Cambodia, Myanmar, and the Philippines and the local food systems of complementary Climate-Smart Villages: Chhouk, Htee Pu, and Himbubulo Weste.

A Change of Heart? Putting gender and transformative thinking at the heart of One CGIAR

декабря, 2020

From being a consortium of 15 independent research centres, the CGIAR system is in the process of
transitioning to One CGIAR - “a dynamic reformulation of partnerships, knowledge, assets, and
global presence, aiming for greater integration and impact”. This consolidation is spurred by the
recognition that “delivering science and innovation to advance the transformation of food, land, and
water systems in a climate crisis” calls for a “systems transformation approach”.