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Development and Scaling of Sustainable Feeds for Resilient Aquatic Food Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa: Climate change and environmental analysis

декабря, 2022

This study used a landscape approach to investigate the climate and environment and the links between
current fish feed ingredients and their potential as novel sources of fish feed in the three project countries
of Kenya, Nigeria and Zambia. The objective was to analyze the climate and environment in relation to local ingredients and current feeds and to identify opportunities for FASA to harness the environment within
the novel fish feed landscape and prevailing climatic and environmental conditions in Kenya, Nigeria and

Climate finance and charting a resilient future: Insights from CGIAR at COP 28

декабря, 2022

This brief emphasizes CGIAR's commitment to integrating scientific research into the development of climate resilient strategies. It underlines the imperative of aligning these strategies with an intricate web of local, regional, and global climate finance objectives. Central to CGIAR's advocacy is the strategic utilization of scientific research in policy, innovative finance and investment decisions to augment and strategically direct climate finance for maximal impact.

Gendered effects of migration on social organization and smallholder production in Oubritenga Province, Burkina Faso

декабря, 2022
Burkina Faso

Shifting and intensifying migration flows are causing profound changes in household structures, livelihood portfolios, and rural landscapes worldwide. Yet, migration trends, including who migrates within the household, whether migration is permanent or temporary, and the relationship the migrant maintains (or not) with the household, have strong geographic particularities.

Training on Introduction to Climate Information Services for Agriculture Module: Training Evaluation Report

декабря, 2022

Climate information services (CIS) are critical for making important decisions in agriculture in order to assess and manage risks associated with climate change and climate variability. The partnership between RUFORUM and IRI aims to develop and increase accessibility of climate information services curricula for training in African universities as well as ensure utilization of among key stakeholders in agriculture such as extension workers and farmers. The CIS for agriculture is piloted to increase awareness and adoption of climate relevant curricula in African Universities.

Modeling the Impact of Climate Variability on Tomato Crop Pest: A Case Study in Ghana

декабря, 2022

Despite the functioning of tomato production in the financial and nutritional healthy living of most farm families in Ghana, the effects of climate variations on tomato production via the outbreak of tomato pest is generally understudied. Thus, this study aims to explain the effects of climate variation on tomato crops via the outbreak of tomato pests using structural equation modeling (SEM). The profile of the study regions involved the Ashanti Region (AR), Bono Region (BR), and Upper East Region (UER).

Regional Training of Trainers on Enhancing Forecasting Capacities and Crop Capability Prediction Model/Tool

декабря, 2022

The detrimental impact of hydro-meteorological risks on agriculture frequently leads to food insecurity, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Policy-makers should, therefore, adopt suitable policies that reduce the consequences of hydro-meteorological hazards on communities and economies. Moreover, there is an urgent need for timely and targeted climate-related knowledge, information, and solutions to help decision-makers prevent climate-related losses and maximize benefits.

Guidance note for peace-informed programming at the Green Climate Fund: Forest and Land Use

декабря, 2022

Land has historically been a focal point of conflict, especially in Fragile and Conflict-affected Settings (FCS), where disputes over forests and land use often intersect with broader socio-political dynamics, including unfair resource allocation, marginalization, and governance challenges. Factors such as climate change, population growth, and urbanization are anticipated to intensify these conflicts in the coming decades.

Potentials and barriers to land-based mitigation technologies and practices (LMTs) - a review

декабря, 2022

Abstract Land-based mitigation technologies and practices (LMTs) are critical for achieving the Paris Agreement’s aim of avoiding dangerous climate change by limiting the rise in average global surface temperatures. We developed a detailed two-level classification and analysis of barriers to the adoption and scaling up of LMTs. The review suggests that afforestation/reforestation and forest management are LMTs with wide application and high potential across all continents.

Against the odds: Network and institutional pathways enabling agricultural diversification

декабря, 2022

Farming systems that support locally diverse agricultural production and high levels of biodiversity are in rapid decline, despite evidence of their benefits for climate, environmental health, and food security. Yet, agricultural policies, financial incentives, and market concentration increasingly constrain the viability of diversified farming systems.

A capacity-building toolkit for integrated rice–fish system

декабря, 2022

Increased reliance on fertilizers and pesticides in rice production has proven unsustainable and ineffective due to soil depletion and pesticide-induced pest outbreaks, rising fertilizer costs, and the negative effects of pesticide and fertilizer use on human health and the environment. The integrated rice-fish system offers a large range of environmental, economic, and social benefits by improving diversification, intensification, profitability, and sustainability through the complementary utilization of land and water uses.