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Herbivore Dynamics and Range Contraction in Kajiado County Kenya: Climate and Land Use Changes, Population Pressures, Governance, Policy and Human-wildlife Conflicts

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2014
Eastern Africa

Wildlife populations are declining severely in many protected areas and unprotected pastoral areas of Africa.
Rapid large-scale land use changes, poaching, climate change, rising population pressures, governance, policy, economic
and socio-cultural transformations and competition with livestock all contribute to the declines in abundance. Here we
analyze the population dynamics of 15 wildlife and four livestock species monitored using aerial surveys from 1977 to

The Chinyanja Triangle in the Zambezi River Basin, Southern Africa: Status of, and Prospects for, Agriculture, Natural Resources Management and Rural Development

Conference Papers & Reports
ноября, 2014
Eastern Africa

The Chinyanja Triangle (CT) is an area inside the Zambezi
River Basin, inhabited by Chinyanja-speaking people
sharing a similar history, language and culture across
the dryland systems of the eastern province of Zambia,
southern and central regions of Malawi and Tete Province
of Mozambique. Chiefs and Chiefdoms play a critical role
in decision making and influencing social relationships. The
Zambezi River, which originates in the Kalene Hills in Zambia
is joined by ten big tributaries from six countries, and is

Does Land Use Planning shape Regional Economies?

Reports & Research
ноября, 2014

Why has job growth over the past decades been weaker in the Dutch Randstad area than in surrounding regions? In a simultaneous equations analysis, we find that employment adjusts to the regional supply of labour. Net internal migration is predominantly determined by regional housing supply and not by employment growth. Growth of the regional housing stock responds only moderately to changes in the number of people and jobs.

Optimal Contract Length for Voluntary Land Conservation Programs

Reports & Research
ноября, 2014

In many parts of the world, deteriorating environmental conditions have led policy makers to develop policies and programs aimed at promoting conservation practices on lands devoted to agriculture. Such programs have been studied by environmental economists, but little research has been done on the usefulness of strategically varying the conservation contract's length.

Demand-Side Factors in Optimal Land Conservation Choice

Reports & Research
ноября, 2014

The dominant paradigm of conservation-reserve planning in economics is to optimize the provision of physical conservation benefits (measured in units like species protected) given a budget constraint. Large-scale biology-based priority setting implies that the value we place on biodiversity and ecosystem function is not affected by human proximity to that natural capital. There is significant evidence, however, that human willingness to pay (WTP) for conservation declines with distance (e.g. Loomis 2000) – a phenomenon we refer to as “spatial value decay”.

Environmental perception of desertification process in Peru

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2014

“Environmental Perception Process of Desertification in Perú”, try to do an analysis and evaluation of Peruvian territory in terms of enviromental degradation due to problems of biodiversity loss, progressive loss of productive capacity land ecosystem in the climaterelevant ecological Peruvian territory. The purpose is to know the territorial spaces with problems of environmental degradation and prevention alternatives to existing problems.

Evaluacion de la deforestacion y sus impactos ambientales: provincia de Padre Abad

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2014

El estudio está orientado a evaluar los problemas de la deforestación, mediante la aplicación del Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG), que viene impactando en el medio ambiente, con el propósito de mostrar las áreas críticas para un mejor ordenamiento espacial y manejo de los recursos; en tal sentido, nos trazamos los siguientes objetivos: estudiar y analizar la deforestacion y el cambio en el medio con la finalidad de interpretar los impactos ambientales que está ocasionando en la provincia de Padre Abad, con la finalidad de recomendar las medidas que se deben adoptar para el ordenamie

Tropical forage-based systems for climate-smart livestock production in Latin America

Journal Articles & Books
октября, 2014

Tropical forage grasses and legumes as key components of sustainable crop-livestock systems in Latin America and the Caribbean have major implications for improving food security, alleviating poverty, restoring degraded lands and mitigating climate change. Climate-smart tropical forage crops can improve the livestock productivity of smallholder farming systems and break the cycle of poverty and resource degradation.

China’s biomass energy development – a perception change from waste to resource

Journal Articles & Books
октября, 2014

China has a longstanding tradition of using biogas for decentralised energy supply. Already, there are nearly 42 million household digesters in the rural areas, a figure set to double by 2020. But the country has even more ambitious plans. In order to achieve its own climate targets and raise the share of renewables in overall energy supply to 15 per cent by 2020, it wants to set up 16,000 middle- and large-scale biogas plants. However, implementation isn’t quite so easy.