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Soil crusting impact on soil organic carbon losses by water erosion

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013
Burkina Faso

The Sahelian region, characterized by erratic, heavy rainfalls and low soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks, is highly vulnerable to land degradation. While water erosion is recognized as being a main mechanism of SOC losses, little research has yet been done to investigate the role which soil surface crusting might have on SOC losses. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of soil surface crusting on SOC losses. This study was conducted in Tougou Catchment (37km²), northwest of Burkina Faso, which receives a cumulative mean annual rainfall of 500mmy⁻¹.

Changing Landscapes for Forest Commons: Linking Land Tenure with Forest Cover Change Following Mexico’s 1992 Agrarian Counter-Reforms

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013

Mexico’s 1992 agrarian counter-reforms opened up the country’s vast network of common property regimes, known as ejidos, to the possibility of privatization. This study investigates the relationship between dynamic common property regimes and deforestation in the wake of policy reform among eight ejidos in southeastern Mexico. Using institutional analyses, land use/land cover change (LULCC) analyses and a Forest Dependency Index, we examine how land tenure arrangements relate to land use and forest cover change patterns.

Water Scarcity in the Andes: A Comparison of Local Perceptions and Observed Climate, Land Use and Socioeconomic Changes

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013
South America

In the Andean region of South America, understanding communities’ water perceptions is particularly important for water management as many rural communities must decide by themselves if and how they will protect their micro-watersheds and distribute their water. In this study we examine how Water User Associations in the Eastern Andes of Colombia perceive water scarcity and the relationship between this perception and observed climate, land use, and demographic changes. Results demonstrate a complex relationship between perceptions and observed changes.

Change of mineral composition of Herbaceous species at the Mediterranean shrublands

Policy Papers & Briefs
декабря, 2013

A significant amount of Herbaceous species provide to be an increasing of total organic matter depending on shrub intensity in the maquis vegetation. Therefore, the yearlong mineral contents of these Herbaceous species and their importance in terms of goat feeding were investigated at this vegetation.

role of seed provenance in the early development of Arbutus unedo seedlings under contrasting watering conditions

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013

In the last decades, several studies have reported the increase of land degradation and desertification in the Mediterranean Basin. Depending on degradation severity, ecological restoration might be needed in order to promote ecosystem recovery. The ecology of the selected species and intra specific variability should be considered in order to improve restoration options, especially facing climate change. The present study tested the hypothesis that seedlings from drier provenances would be better adapted to low water content conditions.

Ecosystem functional units characterized by satellite observed phenology and productivity gradients: A case study for Europe

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013

The present study demonstrates remote sensing derived phenological and productivity indicators of ecosystem functional dynamism. The indices were derived from SPOT VEGETATION NDVI data on 1km spatial resolution across the pan-European continent using the Phenolo approach. The phenological and productivity indices explained 78% of the variance in the European ecosystem gradient measured by bio-climatic zones. Along this gradient climatic predictors could only explain 57% of the variance in the satellite metrics.

Using an ecological economics approach to support the restoration of collapsing gullies in southern China

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013

Land degradation and poverty are problems that must be tackled together for environmental conservation to succeed. However, it is rarely possible to move a population from degraded land to another area where the people can be more easily sustained. To find a new strategy that achieves both conservation and economic gains without the need to relocate a population, we examined/investigated a sustainable combination of ecological and economic development suitable for the restoration of areas of China with collapsing gullies, where the frequent steep slopes make restoration difficult.

Climate change, urban energy and planning practices: Italian experiences of innovation in land management tools

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013

Climate change and energy saving are challenging the city and the territorial organization. Innovative spatial and urban planning methods and procedures are required, and new approaches and instruments must be elaborated and applied in order to shift from the building scale to the urban and territorial ones.

Fine-particle emission potential from overflowing areas of the Tarim River

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013

Fine particulates less than 2.5 μm (PM2.5) or 10 μm (PM10) are often emitted from river bank or other alluvial lands to the atmosphere during dry and windy seasons worldwide, which contribute to land degradation and poor air quality. Investigation of PM2.5 and PM10 emission potential could contribute to the development of mitigation strategy and better land management practices. In the lowprecipitation zone (

Land use change and carbon fluxes in East Africa quantified using earth observation data and field measurements

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013
Eastern Africa

Carbon-based forest conservation requires the establishment of ‘reference emission levels’ against which to measure a country or region's progress in reducing their carbon emissions. In East Africa, landscape-scale estimates of carbon fluxes are uncertain and factors such as deforestation poorly resolved due to a lack of data. In this study, trends in vegetation cover and carbon for East Africa were quantified using moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) land cover grids from 2002 to 2008 (500-m spatial resolution), in combination with a regional carbon look-up table.

Policy Brief

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Policy Papers & Briefs
декабря, 2013

Agriculture is the economic foundation of many Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) countries, employing about 60 percent of the workforce and contributing an average of 30 percent of gross domestic product. Yet agricultural growth rates for SSA declined in the 2000 and food insecurity remains a concern, with malnourishment only dropping from 34 to 30 percent in two decades. Various projections suggest that food production must increase by 70-100 percent by 2050 to meet the demands of a world with 9 billion people and changing diets.

Amazonia security agenda: summary of findings and initial recommendations

Reports & Research
декабря, 2013
Central America
South America

Amazonia’s abundant natural resources underpin water, energy, food and health security for the people and economies of the region and far beyond. At the heart of this nexus of securities is water. So abundant in the region, but now under increasing threat as industrial and agricultural pollution increases, and extreme droughts reveal a once unthinkable water vulnerability.