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Smallholders, food security, and the environment

Reports & Research
ноября, 2013

There are 1.4 billion poor people living on less than US$1.25 a day. One billion of them live in rural areas where agriculture is their main source of livelihood. The ‘green revolution’ in agriculture that swept large parts of the developing world during the 1960s and 1970s dramatically increased agricultural productivity and reduced poverty. Many of the productivity gains accrued to smallholder farmers, supported through research and extension services.

Human Impact and Land Degradation in Mongolia

Peer-reviewed publication
ноября, 2013

Climate warming and human actions both have negative impacts on the land cover of Mongolia, and are accelerating land degradation. Anthropogenic factors which intensify the land degradation process include mining, road erosion, overgrazing, agriculture soil erosion, and soil pollution, which all have direct impacts on the environment. In 2009–2010, eroded mining land in Mongolia increased by 3,984.46 ha., with an expansion in surrounding road erosion. By rough estimation, transportation eroded 1.5 million ha. of land.

Devolution : a mechanism for scaling adoption of sustainable land management in Eastern Africa highlands

Peer-reviewed publication
ноября, 2013
Eastern Africa

Land degradation is severe in the steep sloping highlands in eastern Africa; natural resource management is central to good governance and increasing enfranchisement of rural people. Devolution, the transfer of roles, responsibilities and rights of natural resource management to institutions and communities has proved effective in accelerating adoption of sustainable land management (SLM) innovations beyond pilot sites. The SLM technologies practiced in the area include the use of trenches, contour bunds, terraces and agro forestry.

Stronger UNCCD for a land-degradation neutral world. Issue brief

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2013

Land-degradation neutral world is an aspirational goal, which was agreed at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in June 2012. To achieve this goal, land degradation should be avoided and for every hectare of degraded land a hectare of land should be restored preferably in the same ecosystem and landscape. A land-degradation neutral world is a prerequisite for assuring water, food and energy security, alleviating poverty and mitigating climate change.

Costs and Benefits of Policies and Practices Addressing Land Degradation and Drought in the Drylands. White Paper II

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2013

Drylands are complex social-ecological systems, characterized by non-linearity of causation, complex feedback loops within and between the many different social, ecological, and economic entities, and potential of regime shifts to alternative stable states as a result of thresholds. As such, dryland management faces a high level of uncertainty and unpredictability.

Database Management System Construction for the Evaluation Results of Intensive Land Use in the Development Areas of Hunan Province

Reports & Research
ноября, 2013

Using spatial data integration and database technology, analyzing and integrating the assessment results in all the development zones at different time in Hunan Province, the paper is intended to construct the database and managerial system for the assessment results of land use intensity in development zones, thus formulating “one map” of Hunan Development zones and realizing the integrated management and application of the assessment results in all the development zones at any time of Hunan above the provincial level.

Certifying sustainability: opportunities and challenges for the cattle supply chain in Brazil

Reports & Research
ноября, 2013
Central America
South America

Up to 75% of deforestation in Brazil is associated with cattle ranching. To reduce forest conversion and increase sustainability in the cattle supply chain, government, private sector and civil society support interventions based on combinations of institutions and policies, incentives, and information and technology. In this paper we analyse the observed and expected interactions among the Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN) Standard for Sustainable Cattle Production Systems certification program and other interventions associated with livestock and deforestation in Amazonia.

Mediating forest conflicts in South East Asia: Getting the positive out of conflicts over forests and land

Reports & Research
ноября, 2013

Executive summary: "The high incidence of forest conflict in Southeast Asia underscores the need for conflict-transformation tools to maximize
the positive impacts and reduce potential damage. Mediation is considered one of the most effective approaches in
transforming conflict over natural resources. Mediation is often chosen when negotiation between conflict parties fails due
to the complexity and intensity of the conflict and because of unequal negotiating power. It is also chosen when the judicial

Myanmar's Rosewood Crisis: Why Key Species and Forest Must be Protected Through CITES

Reports & Research
ноября, 2013

... Extremely rapid growth in Chinese imports of ‘redwood’, ‘rosewoods’ or ‘Hongmu’ timbers from Myanmar in the past two years is directly driving increased illegal and unsustainable logging, posing a real threat to governance, the rule of law and the viability Myanmar’s dwindling forests. EIA research shows that, based on current trends, the two most targeted Hongmu species in
Myanmar - tamalan and padauk - could be logged to commercial extinction in as little as three years.

Ley Nº 438 - Ley de protección de áreas de cacao silvestre y de fomento a la producción de cultivos agroforestales de cacao.

ноября, 2013

La presente Ley declara de prioridad nacional la protección de áreas de cacao silvestre y el fomento a la producción de cultivos agroforestales de cacao, con el fin de promocionar la producción, industrialización y comercialización del cacao. El fin último es garantizar la soberanía y seguridad alimentaria enmarcados en las políticas nacionales del Vivir Bien.