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Revising the Land Law to Enable Sustainable Development in Vietnam

Training Resources & Tools
Policy Papers & Briefs
сентября, 2012
Eastern Asia

Vietnam's rapid and sustained economic growth and poverty reduction in the last two decades benefitted from the policy and legal reforms embodied in the Land Laws of 1987, 1993 and 2003 and subsequent related legal acts. This note outlines reforms related to four main themes. The first relates to the needed reform for agriculture land use to create opportunity to enhance effectiveness of land use as well as to secure farmers' rights in land use. Prolonging the duration of agricultural land tenure would give land users greater incentives to invest and care for the land.

World Bank Corporate Scorecard September 2012

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
сентября, 2012

The corporate scorecard provides information on the Bank's overall performance and results achieved by its clients against the backdrop of global development progress. The scorecard facilitates dialogue between management and the board on progress made and areas that need attention. The four-tier scorecard covers the full spectrum of International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and International Development Association (IDA) activities.

Understanding Land Investment Deals in Africa. Massive Deforestation portrayed as Sustainable Development. The Deceit of Herakles Farm in Cameroon

Reports & Research
сентября, 2012

Includes the destruction of livelihoods for thousands of Cameroonians, the irreversible environmental impact, opposition to the project, deceit and cynicism: the development label of the project.

Sugar beet and its use in agroenvironmental measures

Policy Papers & Briefs
сентября, 2012
Czech Republic

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of biostrips on the bio­diversity of plants and game animals in fields near Sardice (Czech Republic) and to propose some improvements. The experiment was carried out in an organic farm with cereals as the main crops. The biodiversity was assessed by the line method (game birds and mammals) and according to Dostal (flora) and Braun-Blanqueta (plant coverage). As shown by our results biostrips have an important function in agroecosystems. We suggest to include seeds of sugar beet to the seed mixtures used in biostrips.

Germination and initial growth of tree seedlings on deforested and natural forest soil at Dulhazara, Bangladesh

Journal Articles & Books
сентября, 2012

La destrucción de los bosques naturales se está incre- mentando debido a la urbanización y la industrialización, así como por la expansión agrícola en las últimas décadas, por lo tanto deben llevarse a cabo los respectivos estu- dios para su recuperación. Este estudio comparativo fue diseñado para ver los efectos de la tierra deforestada en la germinación y crecimiento de cinco especies diferentes de árboles.

La cooperativa de trabajadores rurales de San Vicente : una experiencia organizativa

Reports & Research
сентября, 2012

La Tesis estudia la posibilidad de que los pequeños productores rurales puedan estar en mejores condiciones para resolver sus condiciones de vida y trabajo a través de la organización. El objetivo es comprender el valor de la existencia de la Cooperativa de Trabajadores Rurales de San Vicente, analizando la perspectiva de su aporte al conocimiento social. Quedará el interrogante acerca de la mejor utilización de las tierras, discutiendo el marco de las relaciones sociales que generan la existencia de tierras improductivas.

Efecto de la deforestación en la hidrología del sur y oeste de la Ciudad de México, 1973-2002.

Reports & Research
сентября, 2012

Los bosques ubicados al sur y oeste de la Ciudad de México son muy importantes para la recarga de mantos acuíferos que suministran agua a los habitantes de esta ciudad, pero se encuentran afectados por tala, incendios forestales, plagas, enfermedades y urbanización.

Revised Compendium on Circulars & Guidelines on the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 & Rules, 2008 and Amendment Rules, 2012

Manuals & Guidelines
августа, 2012

The Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India enacted the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006, a tribal friendly legislation to address the historical injustice and critical issues, pertaining to the forest rights deprivation of the Forest Dwellers. To facilitate its implementation, FRA Rules, 2008 was framed and then made amendment to the Rules in 2012. However, several constraining factors and issues came to the notice in the implementation process of the Act in letter and spirit.

Identifying spatial priorities for protecting ecosystem services

Peer-reviewed publication
августа, 2012

Priorities for protecting ecosystem services must be identified to ensure future human well-being. Approaches to broad-scale spatial prioritization of ecosystem services are becoming increasingly popular and are a vital precursor to identifying locations where further detailed analyses of the management of ecosystem services is required (e.g., examining trade-offs among management actions).