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On-farm greenhouse gas emissions and water use: case studies in the Queensland beef industry

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2011

In response to climate change, research is being undertaken to understand the on-farm greenhouse gas emissions and water use for agricultural systems and investigate options farmers may have for mitigating or offsetting emissions. In the present study, a life cycle assessment framework is used to determine on-farm GHG emissions and water use, and the overall 'cradle-to-farm gate' GHG emissions and water use attributed to beef production.

Integration of legume trees in maize-based cropping systems improves rain use efficiency and yield stability under rain-fed agriculture

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2011

Water availability is a major constraint to crop production in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) where agriculture is predominantly rain-fed. This study aimed to investigate the effect of the nitrogen-fixing legume tree Leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala) and inorganic fertilizer on rain use efficiency (RUE), a robust measure of productivity and land degradation, in three long-term (11–12 years) experiments conducted in Zambia and Nigeria.

Changes in land cover and vegetation carbon stocks in Andalusia, Southern Spain (1956–2007)

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2011

Land use has significantly changed during the recent decades at global and local scale, while the importance of ecosystems as sources/sinks of C has been highlighted, emphasizing the global impact of land use changes. Land use changes can increase C loss rates which are extremely difficult to reverse, in the short term, opposite to organic carbon (OC) which accumulates in soil in the long-term. The aim of this research is to improve and test methodologies to assess land cover change (LCC) dynamics and temporal and spatial variability in C stored in vegetation at a wide scale.

Community-based model for bioenergy production coupled to forest land management for wildfire control using combined heat and power

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2011

We propose a community-based model of land management for pre-emptive action to reduce the risk of wildfires in small communities situated in forested areas. This proposed approach transfers the responsibility of wildland-urban interface administration to the local community, giving them control in reducing their risks of property damage. A combination of community forest management using local labour and bioenergy power generation mitigates the cost of forest treatment, reduces the local cost of energy and revitalizes the community.

Desertification and livestock grazing: The roles of sedentarization, mobility and rest

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2011

Pastoralism is an ancient form of self-provisioning that is still in wide use today throughout the world. While many pastoral regions are the focus of current desertification studies, the long history of sustainability evidenced by these cultures is of great interest. Numerous studies suggesting a general trend of desertification intimate degradation is a recent phenomenon principally attributable to changes in land tenure, management, and treatment.

Desertification and livestock grazing: The roles of sedentarization, mobility and rest

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2011

Pastoralism is an ancient form of self-provisioning that is still in wide use today throughout the world. While many pastoral regions are the focus of current desertification studies, the long history of sustainability evidenced by these cultures is of great interest. Numerous studies suggesting a general trend of desertification intimate degradation is a recent phenomenon principally attributable to changes in land tenure, management, and treatment.

Water scarcity and climatic change in India: the need for water demand and supply management

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2011

Against the discussion on the rationale and scope for water demand and supply management in India, this paper provides a brief overview of the status and effectiveness, as well as the technical, institutional and financial requirements of six demand management options (i.e. water pricing, water markets, water rights, energy regulations, water saving technologies, and user and community organizations) and one supply management option (involving the implementation of the National River Linking Project, NRLP).

Identification of hydrologic and geochemical pathways using high frequency sampling, REE aqueous sampling and soil characterization at Koiliaris Critical Zone Observatory, Crete

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2011

Koiliaris River watershed is a Critical Zone Observatory that represents severely degraded soils due to intensive agricultural activities and biophysical factors. It has typical Mediterranean soils under the imminent threat of desertification which is expected to intensify due to projected climate change. High frequency hydro-chemical monitoring with targeted sampling for Rare Earth Elements (REE) analysis of different water bodies and geochemical characterization of soils were used for the identification of hydrologic and geochemical pathways.

Assessing strategic water availability using remote sensing, GIS and a spatial water budget model: case study of the Upper Ing Basin, Thailand

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2011

This paper assesses strategic water availability and use under different development pathways on a basin scale using remote sensing (RS), geographical information systems (GIS) and a spatial water budget model (SWBM). The SWBM was applied to the Upper Ing Basin in northern Thailand to investigate the spatial and temporal variations in the location of streams and water yields from different parts of the basin. The base simulation was carried out for the years 1998–2007 using a DEM and actual land-use data at 100-m resolution.

Adapting a global stratified random sample for regional estimation of forest cover change derived from satellite imagery

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2011

A desirable feature of a global sampling design for estimating forest cover change based on satellite imagery is the ability to adapt the design to obtain precise regional estimates, where a region may be a country, state, province, or conservation area. A sampling design stratified by an auxiliary variable correlated with forest cover change has this adaptability. A global stratified random sample can be augmented by additional sample units within a region selected by the same stratified protocol and the resulting sample constitutes a stratified random sample of the region.

Desertification assessment and mapping in the Russian Federation

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2011

For the first time assessment and mapping of desertification have been performed in Russia at the 1 : 2500000 scale using data of geometrical sounding of the earth and in accordance with the approaches recommended by the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). It is shown that desertified areas, areas experiencing desertification, and areas threatened by desertification occupy about 1250000 km2. Nineteen causes of changes in natural and natural-artificial systems, seven degradation trends, and three progradation trends are recognized.

Massive mortality of aspen following severe drought along the southern edge of the Canadian boreal forest

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2011

Drought-induced, regional-scale dieback of forests has emerged as a global concern that is expected to escalate under model projections of climate change. Since 2000, drought of unusual severity, extent, and duration has affected large areas of western North America, leading to regional-scale dieback of forests in the southwestern US. We report on drought impacts on forests in a region farther north, encompassing the transition between boreal forest and prairie in western Canada.