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Sub-decree No.124 on downsizing 605.8134 hectares in Ou Chum district, Ratanakiri province from forest cover 2002 and reclassifying to private state land for granting purpose to Tumpoun indigenous communal ownership for one community and issue ownershi...

июня, 2016

Land area of 605.8134 hectare in Ou Chum district, Ratanakiri province has downsized from Forest Cover 2002 and reclassified as "State Private Land" for granting purpose as communal ownership to 96 families of Tumpoun indigenous community on 16 land parcels including 07 parcels for residential, 06 parcels for traditional agriculture, 01 for swidden farm, 01 parcels for land of guardians, and 01 parcel for burial forest land in Ou Chum commune and L'ak commune, Ou Chum district, Ratanakiri province.

Sub-decree No.125 on downsizing 1496.3127 hectares in Ou Chum district, Ratanakiri province from forest cover 2002 and reclassifying to private state land for granting purpose to Kreung indigenous communal ownership for one community and issue ownershi...

июня, 2016

Land area of 1496.3127 hectare in Ou Chum district, Ratanakiri province has downsized from Forest Cover 2002 and reclassified as "State Private Land" for granting purpose as communal ownership to 205 families of Kreung indigenous community on 21 land parcels including 02 parcels for residential, 09 parcels for traditional agriculture, 07 for swidden farm, 02 parcels for land of guardians, and 01 parcel for burial forest land in Kalai commune, Ou Chum commune, Pouy commune and L'ak commune, Ou Chum district, Ratanakiri province.

India Land Governance Assessment

июня, 2016

As India continues to urbanize and move
towards a less agricultural- and more industry-based
economy, land demands will continue to grow. Its urban
population is expected to increase by more than 200 million
by 2030, requiring 4 to 8 million hectares of land for
residential use alone. Demands for infrastructure and
industry could add a similar amount, summing to total land
demand of 5 to10 percent of the land area currently used for

Quilombolas de Macapazinho: A liberdade da terra titulada

Reports & Research
апреля, 2016

O processo de reconhecimento e de titulação coletiva de Macapazinho teve início logo após a regulamentação dos procedimentos para titulação de terras quilombolas no estado do Pará, pelo Instituto de Terras do Pará, em 1999 (Decreto estadual n. 3572/99 e Instrução Normativa n. 2/99). A comunidade quilombola possui 27 famílias distribuídas em 68,7834 hectares. Está localizado no estado do Pará.

Políticas de tierras en Perú

Policy Papers & Briefs
апреля, 2016
South America

El Instituto para el Desarrollo Rural de Sudamérica (IPDRS) continúa con la difusión de artículos de análisis sobre políticas de tierras en los países de la región sudamericana. En esta oportunidad se trata del texto escrito por el reconocido investigador peruano Laureano del Castillo, quien elaboró un documento (base de este artículo) para el Movimiento Regional por la Tierra (MRT) con una breve sistematización de las políticas vigentes en el Perú en torno al acceso y control de la tierra por parte de pequeños agricultores y comunidades.

People's Law Journal

Reports & Research
февраля, 2016
South Africa

The first volume of the People's Law Journal was written by the Land and Accountability Research Centre (LARC) in the Faculty of Law at the Universityof Cape Town and edited and published by Ndifuna Ukwazi. The journal explores a wide range of relevant issues including land restitution, elite capture, traditional leadership, mining and the erosion of communal land rights in the post-apartheid era

Land and Governance under Fifth Scheduled Areas-An Overview of the law

Journal Articles & Books
января, 2016

This book made an attempt to bring together various legislative protections available to the tribals communities pertaining to the land and governance in the scheduled areas and the role of different institutions to achieve the goals enshrined in the Constitution. It examined the Fifth Schedule of the Constitution and its various provisions and special arrangements made for areas inhabited by Scheduled Tribes and the law relating to local self governance in these areas, primarily through village panchayat-an institution of local self governance.

Luta, suor e terra

Journal Articles & Books
января, 2016
América Latina e Caribe
América do Sul

Esse trabalho analisa as inter-relações entre campesinato e etnicidade a partir de um olhar comparativo sobre as trajetórias de dois grupos que se reconhecem como etnicamente diferenciados no contexto rural brasileiro. Compostos principalmente por famílias que tem buscado se afirmar como agricultoras, o Povo Indígena Tingüi-Botó (Feira Grande) e a Comunidade Quilombola Guaxinim (Cacimbinhas) estão localizados entre as zonas agrestina e sertaneja de Alagoas.

Communal Land Tenure - A Social Anthropological Study in Laos

Reports & Research
января, 2016
South-Eastern Asia

"A developing country like Lao PDR is struggling to gain recognition from other countries
in the world. This requires that the country applies a human rights perspective to
governance of land. In this case the land rights are the rights of the ethnic groups in the
uplands that practice customary communal tenure. These groups would like the
government to accept and register their communal land use legally. The first step
towards this is in the development of the National Land Use Policy which is still in draft.


Reports & Research
декабря, 2015
South-Eastern Asia

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: "In recent years, many governments globally have formally recognized community land and natural resource tenure, either based on existing customary practices or more recently established land governance arrangements.1 These tenure arrangements have been called by a variety of names, such as community, customary, communal, collective, indigenous, ancestral, or native land rights recognition. In essence, they seek to establish the rights of a group to obtain joint tenure security over their community’s land.

Large-scale land grabbing in Cambodia: failure of international and national policies to secure the indigenous peoples' rights to access land and resources

Conference Papers & Reports
декабря, 2015

Indigenous communities in Cambodia are legally recognized and should thus have been protected by the Land Law and the Forestry Law, entitling them to communal land titles. A number of national and international instruments including the Cambodian Land Law of 2001, the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the ILO Convention no. 169 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples and the World Bank Safeguard Policy recognize both collective and individual Indigenous Peoples’ rights.