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Institutional & promotional materials
июля, 2018

自由事先知情同意是受国际人权标准保护的一项原则,同时也与自决权相联系。自由事先知情同意原则得到了《联合国土著民族权利宣言》、《生物多样性公约》及国际劳工组织《第169号公约》的支持 。本手册是粮农组织与若干协作组织自2015年7月启动协商进程以来的结晶本手册,是专为发展组织的项目从业人员设计的工具。

FAO and Traditional Knowledge: The Linkages with Sustainability, Food Security and Climate Change Impacts

Reports & Research
июля, 2018
Burkina Faso
South Africa

In developed and developing countries all over the world, farmers and indigenous and local communities have traditional knowledge, expertise, skills and practices related to food security and to food and agricultural production and diversity. Since its creation in 1945, FAO has recognized the significant contributions these make to food and agriculture, and the relevance of on-farm/in situ and ex situ conservation of genetic resources for food and agriculture.

The Network Recap – June 2018

Conference Papers & Reports
июня, 2018

Land sector challenges are vast and complex. Insecure rights to land continues to affect more than 2 billion people living in urban and rural informality worldwide, with women, youth and indigenous people faring the worst. We need more strategic partnerships, at all levels, that drive innovative thinking and provide practical solutions to these tenure security challenges.

Collective Land Ownership in the 21st Century: Overview of Global Trends

Peer-reviewed publication
июня, 2018

Statutory recognition of rural communities as collective owners of their lands is substantial, expanding, and an increasingly accepted element of property relations. The conventional meaning of property in land itself is changing, allowing for a greater diversity of attributes without impairing legal protection.

Second Regional Land Forum

Reports & Research
мая, 2018

Following the success of the inaugural Regional Land  Forum  in  Hanoi  in  2016,  the  Second Regional  Land  Forum  was  held  from  28-30th May,  2018,  in  Bangkok.  The  Regional  Land Forum  aims  to  provide  a  multi-stakeholder platform  for  networking  and  dialogue  on  land governance  issues  across  the  Mekong  region, particularly  Cambodia,  Laos,  Myanmar  and Vietnam  (CLMV).  The  Second  Regional  Land Forum  attracted  280 participants  –  comprising government,   private   sector,   civil   society, researchers,   community   members,   donors, development partners a

Applying a Community-Based Approach to Tenure Formalization

Reports & Research
апреля, 2018

There is today a growing awareness of the importance of providing rural populations with more secure tenure to land and other natural resources, not least in Africa where approximately 90 percent of all land is still unregistered. At the same time there has been a rethinking of approaches for securing local tenure rights in practice. Experience has shown that the conventional approach, i.e., individual freehold titling, has often not worked well in areas where communal forms of customary tenure predominate, which is still the case in most parts of rural sub-Saharan Africa.

Responding to land-based conflict in Ethiopia: The land rights of ethnic minorities under federalism

Reports & Research
апреля, 2018

Argues that the institutionalization of ethnic federalism and the persistence of neo-customary tenure result in considerable ambiguity, particularly regarding the land rights of non-indigenous minorities. Highlights tensions between these three sets of land tenure institutions – state ownership, ethnic federalism and neo-customary tenure – and their implications for minority land rights.

The Community Land Act in Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2017

Kenya is the most recent African state to acknowledge customary tenure as producing lawful property rights, not merely rights of occupation and use on government or public lands. This paper researches this new legal environment. This promises land security for 6 to 10 million Kenyans, most of who are members of pastoral or other poorer rural communities. Analysis is prefaced with substantial background on legal trends continentally, but the focus is on Kenya’s Community Land Act, 2016, as the framework through which customary holdings are to be identified and registered.

Aripao: Conservando el bosque, protegiendo el territorio

Reports & Research
ноября, 2017

En el año 2000, se intensificaron las amenazas de expansión de la frontera agrícola, extracción de madera, cacería comercial y pesca masiva no controlada, creándose conflictos entre aripaeños y foráneos por el uso del bosque y sus espacios. Por ello, los comunarios del lugar iniciaron las conversaciones para concretar un Acuerdo de Conservación.

Land markets, Property rights, and Deforestation: Insights from Indonesia

Peer-reviewed publication
октября, 2017

We examine the emergence of land markets and their effects on forest land appropriation by farm households in Jambi Province, Sumatra, using micro-level data covering land use and land transactions for a period of more than 20 years (1992–2015). Based on a theoretical model of land acquisition by a heterogeneous farming population, different hypotheses are developed and empirically tested. Farm households involved in forest land appropriation differ from those involved in land market purchases in terms of migration status and other socioeconomic characteristics.

India Land & Development Conference 2017-Proceedings

Conference Papers & Reports
июля, 2017


This report was prepared by Centre for Land Governance, NRMC, the Secretariat of India Land & Development Conference 2017. This report provides an overview of the proceedings of India Land & Development Conference, organized at India International Centre, New Delhi, India on April 5-6th 2017.

This report consists sharing of experiences, knowledge and practices over eight thematic sessions, two panel discussions and a special session.

Eight Sessions in the Conference are as follows: