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Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy 2013-2018.

National Policies
Eastern Africa

The Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS) is a five year strategy designed to accelerate the progress already achieved and to shape the country’s development in the future. The document has a multi-sectoral approach and a national coverage, relating to the period from 2013 to 2018. The EDPRS is guided by the revised targets of the Vision 2020 adopted in May 2012 which outlined the clearly the objectives to be achieved as a pre-requisite for rapid growth and poverty reduction.

Agricultural Policies, Programs and Targets for a Plan for Accelerated and Sustainable Development to End Poverty (PASDEP).

National Policies
Eastern Africa

The Agricultural Policies, Programs and Targets for a Plan for Accelerated and Sustainable Development to End Poverty (PASDEP) is a national sectoral policy document of Ethiopia. It is in force for the period 2005/6-2009/10.

Programme d'Action National de Lutte Contre la Dégradation des Terres.

National Policies
Eastern Africa

Le PAN, contrairement aux autres programmes antérieurs de lutte contre la dégradation des terres, présente une tonalité originale découlant, d’une part, de son caractère d’instrument de mise en œuvre d’un accord international et, d’autre part, des principes directeurs qui sous-tendront le processus de sa mise en œuvre à savoir le partenariat, la participation effective de tous les acteurs et l’appréhension du problème de dégradation des terres dans son ensemble.Son objectif global est de contribuer au processus de développement durable du pays à travers le renforcement des capacités nationa

Plantation Development in the Turkana Basin: The Making of a New Desert?

Peer-reviewed publication

Since the early 20th century, “desert reclamation” has been synonymous with large-scale waterworks and irrigation. These techniques have made it possible to produce abundant crops in arid or semi-arid environments. The costs have often been externalized, with increased environmental productivity in the new croplands counterbalanced by increased aridity elsewhere. In this paper I consider whose interests are served by such projects, and what kinds of social constructions of the natural and human environment make them possible.

A Regional Perspective on Urbanization and Climate-Related Disasters in the Northern Coastal Region of Central Java, Indonesia

Peer-reviewed publication

Indonesia, as an archipelagic nation, has about 150 million people (60%) living in coastal areas. Such communities are increasingly vulnerable to the effects of change, in the form of sea level rise and stronger, more intense storms. Population growth in coastal areas will also increase the disaster risk mainly because of climate change-related effects such as flooding, droughts, and tidal floods. This study examines the dynamic changes of urban population and urban villages in three decadal periods, from 1990, 2000, to 2010.

Berenty Reserve—A Gallery Forest in Decline in Dry Southern Madagascar—Towards Forest Restoration

Peer-reviewed publication

Berenty Reserve, a fully protected gallery forest beside the Mandrare River is renowned for its lemurs, but the continuous canopy of the main forest is shrinking, fragmenting and degrading. The aim of this study, before any restoration can be considered, is to investigate why canopy-cover is declining and define the forest’s vegetation status and composition. Our study includes analysis of tamarind age (the dominant species) and regeneration, forest extent, climate and soil.

Monitoring and Analysing Land Use/Cover Changes in an Arid Region Based on Multi-Satellite Data: The Kashgar Region, Northwest China

Peer-reviewed publication

In arid regions, oases ecosystems are fragile and sensitive to climate change, and water is the major limiting factor for environmental and socio-economic developments. Understanding the drivers of land use/cover change (LUCC) in arid regions is important for the development of management strategies to improve or prevent environmental deterioration and loss of natural resources.

Spatial Modeling of Soil Erosion Risk and Its Implication for Conservation Planning: the Case of the Gobele Watershed, East Hararghe Zone, Ethiopia

Peer-reviewed publication

Soil erosion by water has accelerated over recent decades due to non-sustainable land use practices resulting in substantial land degradation processes. Spatially explicit information on soil erosion is critical for the development and implementation of appropriate Soil and Water Conservation (SWC) measures.The objectives of this study were to estimate the magnitude of soil loss rate, assess the change of erosion risk, and elucidate their implication for SWC planning in the Gobele Watershed, East Hararghe Zone, Ethiopia.


Reports & Research

Objectives of the DMH is as follows:
(1) To take precautionary measures against and minimize the effects of natural disasters
(2) To promote safety, comfort, efficiency and regularity of air, land (rail & road), sea and inland water transportation.
(3) To bring sustainable development of natural resources (hydro electric power, forest produce, water use, wind energy, etc.)
(4) To promote agricultural and food production.

Myanmar Climate Change Watch

Reports & Research

An apocalyptic series of earthquakes, cyclones, tsunamis and floods in the region has spooked everyone. Many people have turned to soothsayers and astrologers for advice about any impending natural disasters.

But rather than consult the Mayan calender or a fortune-teller, The Irrawaddy reporter Min Naing Thu interviewed Dr Tun Lwin, the former director-general of Burma's Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH).

Multidisciplinary approach to assess the water self-depuration characteristics of Suquía River (Córdoba, Argentina)

Journal Articles & Books

We analyzed the following characteristics of water self-depuration capacity along a polluted river (Suquía River) in Argentina: a) abundance of microbial metabolic groups, b) cover and type of vegetation, and c) type and concentration of soil and sediment humic substances. The objective was to establish the modifications of water self-depuration characteristics of the polluted sites in comparison to a reference site, in order to provide basic data for ecological restoration programs.