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Admission is Free Only if Your Dad is Rich! Distributional Effects of Corruption in Schools in Developing Countries

февраля, 2014

In the standard model of corruption, the
rich are more likely to pay bribes for their children's
education, reflecting higher ability to pay. This prediction
is, however, driven by the assumption that the probability
of punishment for bribe-taking is invariant across
households. In many developing countries lacking in rule of
law, this assumption is untenable, because the enforcement
of law is not impersonal or unbiased and the poor have

Market Facilitation by Local Government and Firm Efficiency : Evidence from China

февраля, 2014

This paper uses data from a large survey
of Chinese firms to investigate whether local government
efforts to facilitate market development improve firm
efficiency. Both government provision of information about
products, markets, and innovation and government assistance
in arranging loans are positively associated with firm
efficiency. Those private firms with weak access to and
knowledge of financial, input, and product markets benefit

Performance, Monitoring, and Evaluation in China

февраля, 2014

Amidst all the hoopla about China's
rise, it is useful to remember that China is a developing
country whose transition to a market economy is not yet
complete, with institution building still underway. The
uneven pace of progress is reflected in the state of its
public sector, but in some respects, China s public sector
looks formidable. Most often mentioned is the government s
treasure chest of US$3 trillion in foreign reserves. Even

Kenya Social Protection Sector Review : Executive Report

февраля, 2014

There is now broad consensus among
policymakers that social protection is a powerful way to
fight poverty and promote inclusive growth. This
international consensus is most clearly articulated in the
African Union's Social Policy Framework (SPF), which
was endorsed by all African heads of state in 2009. The SPF
explains that social protection includes 'social
security measures and furthering income security; and also

Macro and Micro Perspectives of Growth and Poverty in Africa

февраля, 2014

This article reviews trends in poverty,
economic policies, and growth in a sample of African
countries during the 1990s, drawing on the better household
data now available. Experiences have varied. Some countries
have seen sharp drops in income poverty, whereas others have
witnessed marked increases. In some countries overall
economic growth has been pro-poor and in others not. But the
aggregate numbers hide systematic distributional effects.

Country-Level Effectiveness and Accountability Review : Madagascar

февраля, 2014

This Country-Level Effectiveness and
Accountability Review (CLEAR) examines the efficacy of
microfinance aid in Madagascar, based on an objective
analysis of donor assistance for the sustainable development
of financial systems targeting the poor. The three levels of
the financial system are the micro level (e.g., retail
institutions), the meso level (e.g., apex, technical service
providers), and the macro level (e.g., regulations and

The Politics of Russian Enterprise Reform : Insiders, Local Governments, and the Obstacles to Restructuring

февраля, 2014

Russia and other countries in the
commonwealth of independent states that have implemented
voucher privatization programs have to account for the
puzzling behavior of insiders manager-owners-who, in
stripping assets from the firms they own, appear to be
stealing from one pocket to fill the other. This article
suggests that asset stripping and the absence of
restructuring result from interactions between insiders and

Beyond Oil : Kazakhstan's Path to Greater Prosperity through Diversifying, Volume 2. Main Report

января, 2014

Kazakhstan aspires to become one of the
world s 30 most developed economies by 2050. The focus is on
laying the basis for the accelerated diversification of the
economy through industrialization and infrastructure
development, including enhancing human capital to drive
innovation and economic efficiency. This country economic
memorandum report adopts an analytical framework that looks
into options that will be explored to help authorities think

Beyond Oil : Kazakhstan's Path to Greater Prosperity through Diversifying, Volume 1. Overview

января, 2014

Kazakhstan aspires to become one of the
world s 30 most developed economies by 2050. The focus is on
laying the basis for the accelerated diversification of the
economy through industrialization and infrastructure
development, including enhancing human capital to drive
innovation and economic efficiency. This country economic
memorandum report adopts an analytical framework that looks
into options that will be explored to help authorities think

Zambia Economic Brief, October 2013 : Zambia's Jobs Challenge--Realities on the Ground

января, 2014

Zambia shares its robust economic growth
and capital inflows in the past few years with other
Sub-Saharan countries, growth supported by high commodity
prices that while declining are still at historical high
levels. High commodity prices have induced large foreign
direct investment (FDI) flows, mainly in extractive
industries but also in services sector, supporting growth.
Zambia's mining sector has benefited from FDI,

Women and Trade in Africa : Realizing the Potential

января, 2014

Regional trade in Africa can play a
vital role in diversifying economies and reducing dependence
on the export of a few mineral products, in delivering food
and energy security, in generating jobs for the increasing
numbers of young people, and in alleviating poverty and
promoting a shared prosperity. Women play a key role in
trade in Africa and will be essential to Africa's
success in exploiting its trade potential. In many countries

The Implementation of Industrial Parks : Some Lessons Learned in India

января, 2014

Industrial parks are as popular as they
are controversial, in India and globally. At their best they
align infrastructure provision and agglomeration economies
to jolt industrial growth. More often, they generate
negative spill-overs, provide handouts, sit empty, or simply
do not get built. This paper disaggregates how parks are
built and how they fail. It contextualizes parks in India,
followed by a thick case study of an innovative scheme that