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Streamlining Climate Education to Tackle Climate Crisis: Call For Action to Empower Ethiopia’s Next Generation with Climate Knowledge and Build Resilience

декабря, 2022

Climate change has become a reality that requires mitigation and adaptation of climate change by devising appropriate measures and participatory approaches. Ethiopia is committed to setting policy frameworks and implementation strategies to mitigate and adapt to climate change and produce a climate change-resilient society. It is well understood that education and climate change have a reciprocal relationship, and education has a strong power for climate change adaptation and mitigation endeavours.

Influence of production situation on the incidence of brown spot of rice (Oryza sativa) caused by Bipolaris oryzae in the Philippines

декабря, 2022

Brown spot, caused by Bipolaris oryzae, is becoming more prevalent and important in the Philippines but risk assessment is limited. Surveys of 2186 farmers' fields were conducted in the major rice‐growing areas in the country from 2015 to 2018 to analyse the components of production situation (PS) that contribute to the area under the progress curve of brown spot incidence (aBS). Based on lasso regression, the components of PS that influence aBS, in decreasing order, are ecosystem (irrigated vs. rainfed), crop establishment method (direct seeding vs.

Financial inclusion choices in post-conflict and fragile states of Africa: the case of Burundi

декабря, 2022

Financial inclusion has become an important goal of the global development agenda, particularly for post-conflict and fragile states. Enhancing financial inclusion is vital for a country like Burundi which aims to achieve inclusive growth in its attempt to break free of its fragility. However, the adoption of instruments of financial inclusion such as bank account, microfinance account and mobile money account is low due to weak institutional capacity leading to high-risk exposure and a greater risk of economic instability.

Proceedings of the Workshop of the Stakeholder Consultation on Policy Coherence among Food, Land, and Water Systems in India, New Delhi, India, 16 June 2023

декабря, 2022

Under the CGIAR Initiative on National Policies and Strategies (NPS), International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and Council for Energy, Environment, and Water (CEEW) jointly organized a National Stakeholder Workshop on “Policy Coherence for Food, Land, and Water” in India on 16th June 2023 at India Habitat Center in New Delhi.

Community participation, equity and integrity in polycentric governance for climate resilience: evidence from Kenya and Zambia

декабря, 2022

Inclusive community participation in bottom-up polycentric governance is at the heart of recognitional, procedural, distributional and inter-generational equity and of integrity of international, national and district-scale interventions to improve climate resilience in marginalized rural areas.

Proceedings of the State-level Consultation Workshop on Policy Coherence in the Food, Land, and Water Systems: Case Study of Odisha, India, Odisha, India, 14 December 2023

декабря, 2022

International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and the Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) organized a state consultation workshop on 14 December 2023 on ‘Policy Coherence in Food, Land, and Water (FLW) Systems: A case study of Odisha’ at Bhubaneswar as a part of the CGIAR Initiative on National Policies and Strategies Initiatives (NPS). The Food, Land and Water (FLW) project aims to identify key state-level policies in the food, land, and water systems that have a practical scope for improving coherence and hold most potential for creating an impact.

The power of possibility in landscape governance: Multiple lives of participatory action research in Kajang, Sulawesi

декабря, 2022

In 2016, Indigenous communities began to gain access to land rights in Indonesia’s vast state forests. The Kajang community of Sulawesi was the first to achieve such legal land status. Kajang also gained attention for its use of PAR to gain consensus across stakeholder groups in securing recognition. The jointly produced local regulation became symbolic for its ability to convene activists and local government, with Kajang Indigenous leaders at the center.

The Alliance supported a regional government in Peru to develop a bio trade strategy and 2028 action plan with regional partner

декабря, 2022

To promote the sustainable use of native biodiversity, the Regional Government of Ucayali in Peru formed a Regional Technical Commission on BioTrade to develop a Regional Strategic Plan following an agroecological approach. The Alliance, together with the NGO Terra Nuova, supported the development of the strategy and its action plan. The plan aims to raise awareness on Amazonian native products, strengthen farmer organizations and institutions, and support local businesses.

Afghanistan–Pakistan shared waters: state of the basins

декабря, 2022

There is currently no water cooperation between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Of the nine rivers that flow across the border, none possess a formal agreement or mechanism to manage shared water resources. Further, there is very little information available about the status of environment, hydrology and water resources management for these river basins that could be used as a starting point for dialogues on transboundary water coordination.

Rates of tree cover loss in key biodiversity areas within Indigenous Peoples’ lands

декабря, 2022

Indigenous Peoples’ lands (IPL) cover at least 38 million km2 (28.1%) of the global terrestrial surface. These lands can be important for biodiversity conservation. Around 20.7% of IPL intersect areas protected by government (PAs). Many sites of importance for biodiversity within IPL could make a substantial but hitherto unquantified contribution to Global site-based conservation targets. Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) represent the largest global network of systematically identified sites of high importance for biodiversity.

The architecture of the Sudanese agricultural sector and its contribution to the economy between 1990 and 2021

декабря, 2022
United States of America

The paper reviews the performance of the Sudanese agricultural sector over the last three decades (1990 through 2021) and examines the drivers of that performance. Key findings show that the sector’s contribution to gross domestic product was greater during the 1990–1999 period than during the other two decades; agricultural productivity as well was higher in that decade than in the subsequent two decades. The sector has remained a major source of employment and livelihood.

The Role of Multistakeholder Platforms in Environmental Governance: Analyzing Stakeholder Perceptions in Kalomo District, Zambia, Using Q-Method

декабря, 2022

Multistakeholder platforms (MSPs) are increasingly applied in environmental governance as institutions to collectively negotiate challenges, opportunities, and policy options in contested landscapes. However, their contributions and effectiveness depend on how stakeholders perceive and frame the role of MSPs in addressing social and environmental challenges. Despite this dependence, stakeholder perceptions of MSPs are currently under-researched.