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Reports & Research
октября, 2020

Les inégalités foncières sont en pleine croissance dans la plupart des pays. Pire encore, les nouvelles mesures et analyses publiées dans le présent rapport de synthèse montrent qu’elles sont sensiblement plus élevées qu’annoncé précédemment. Cette tendance représente une menace directe pour les moyens de subsistance d’environ 2,5 milliards de personnes travaillant dans l’agriculture de petite échelle partout dans le monde.


Institutional & promotional materials
сентября, 2020
América Latina y el Caribe

Declaración emitida por las 50 organizaciones integrantes de la ILC ALC, de 16 países de América Latina y el Caribe, reunidas virtualmente en la XIII Asamblea regional y en el XI Foro de la Tierra de América Latina y el Caribe 2020 que se realizó sobre el tema: “Desigualdad en América Latina y el Caribe: impacto y propuestas para la gobernanza de la tierra”, después de reflexionar sobre la desigualdad y las implicancias para los pueblos indígenas, campesinos y afrodescendientes que viven de la tierra y en sus territorios, y considerando particularmente el impacto en las mujeres y jóvenes, e


Reports & Research
июня, 2020
El Salvador

Informe de El Salvador que hace parte de Serie de informes sobre la situación de las mujeres rurales en los distintos países de la región: datos oficiales, información sobre políticas e institucionalidad, acciones adelantadas por las organizaciones y grupos de mujeres para proteger sus derechos en el mundo rural y recomendaciones a gobiernos, medios de comunicación y sociedad civil.

Devolution and the politics of communal tenure reform in Kenya

Peer-reviewed publication
июня, 2020

Increased legal access and the devolution of natural resource administration are generally seen as sources of power for local communities and their institutions. However, beyond this widely held expectation, the politics of land reform suggest that legal recognition of rights and devolution is not the only issue with implications for communal tenure reforms. Misconceptions about communal tenure, which are rooted in history, and their appropriation by local elites in the processes of communal tenure reform are characteristic of both colonial and post-colonial governments in Kenya.

BTI 2020 Country Report Pakistan

Reports & Research
апреля, 2020

ABSTRACTED FROM EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The most important event in Pakistan during the period under review was the 2018 general election. This was the third general election in a row in which rival civilian individuals and parties contested each other at the ballot box for seats in the legislatures and the chance to form a government. Moreover, it was the second consecutive transfer of power from one elected civilian government to another.

Land Conflict Mediation Guide - Focusing on private Mailo land

Training Resources & Tools
марта, 2020
Sub-Saharan Africa
Eastern Africa

Land in Uganda is a delicate resource that has caused many conflicts over the past years. About 80% of pending court cases in the country relate to land today. Looking at the country’s violent history, a rising population and increasing impact of climate change on agriculture productivity, land rights in Uganda are contested to this day. Land conflicts are either within communities, family structures or between individuals and external players such as investors.

Training Handbook for Land Governance Practitioners on Private Mailo land

Training Resources & Tools
марта, 2020
Sub-Saharan Africa
Eastern Africa

Knowledge of policies on land governance not only improves the way issues pertaining to land rights are handled; but also minimises waste of time and money lost on land conflict.

This Training Manual is a practical handbook to be used by trainers on land governance on private Mailo land. It contains several methods and approaches for content delivery carefully crafted to improve understanding and appreciation of the laws governing Mailo land.

Land Capacity Building Guide - Focusing on private Mailo land

Training Resources & Tools
марта, 2020
Sub-Saharan Africa
Eastern Africa

Responsible Land Policy in Uganda (RELAPU) is a project implemented by the German International Cooperation (GIZ) and financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). BMZ created the Special Initiative “One World, No Hunger”, aimed at eradicating extreme hunger and poverty. Within this special initiative, RELAPU is part of the Global Programme on Responsible Land Policy currently implemented in eight countries.

China National Human Development Report Special Edition

Reports & Research
ноября, 2019

2019 marks the 70th anniversary of People’s Republic of China, and 40th year anniversary of the United Nations and UNDP presence and partnership in China. The Special Edition report reflects on the remarkable changes that have taken place. It takes stock not only of the economic achievements often and widely reported, but, more importantly of the wider range of sustainable human development progress achieved by China.

Customary Land Governance Guide

Manuals & Guidelines
ноября, 2019
Sub-Saharan Africa
Eastern Africa

Responsible Land Policy in Uganda (RELAPU) is a project implemented by the German International Cooperation (GIZ) and financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). BMZ created the Special Initiative “One World, No Hunger”, aimed at eradicating extreme hunger and poverty. Within this special initiative, RELAPU is part of the Global Programme on Responsible Land Policy currently implemented in eight countries.

Differentiations in Women’s Land Tenure Experiences: Implications for Women’s Land Access and Tenure Security in Sub-Saharan Africa

Reports & Research
декабря, 2018

Most literature on land tenure in sub-Saharan Africa has presented women as a homogenous group. This study uses evidence from Ghana, Nigeria, and Zimbabwe to show that women have differentiated problems, needs, and statuses in their quest for land access and tenure security. It illustrates how women-to-women differences influence women’s access to land. By investigating differentiations in women’s land tenure in the three countries, the study identifies multiple and somewhat interlinked ways in which differentiations exist in women’s land tenure. It achieved some key outcomes.

Inequality in Bhutan: Addressing it Through the Traditional Kidu System

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2018

As global inequality is dropping, inequality within countries is rising. The problem of inequality is a cause for concern for nations as it undermines democracy and reduces welfare. Bhutan, a developing country in South Asia, also faces rising inequality. Based on the experience of the kidu system in Bhutan, this paper argues that the system is effective in reducing inequality of opportunity. The kidu functions as a welfare system in Bhutan, and is under the prerogative of the King of Bhutan. The traditional kidu system was reformed by the present monarch of Bhutan in 2006.