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Rural-rural Migration and Land Conflicts: Implications on Agricultural Productivity in Uganda

Reports & Research
апреля, 2016

We use community and household data with plot-level information to explore the determinants of different forms of land conflicts and the conflicts’ impact on agricultural productivity in Uganda. Tracing rural-rural migration patterns, we find that communities that receive/host more immigrants (and thus have many coexisting tribes) tend to have more land conflicts than those sending migrants out.

Immobilized land market caused by lack of secure property rights: case of the cerrado Piauiense

Conference Papers & Reports
февраля, 2016
Latin America and the Caribbean
South America
This article shows the case of the cerrado region where because of a lack of clear property rights the land market is completely immobilized.
It started with the land occupation of Piauí's cerrado region and the creation of its land market in the seventies by the State Development Agency (CONDEPI), which sold with symbolic prices very large properties for cattle and fruit production.


Reports & Research
декабря, 2015

As months of protest and civil unrest hurl Ethiopia into a severe political crisis, a new report from the Oakland Institute debunks the myth that the country is the new “African Lion.” Miracle or Mirage? Manufacturing Hunger and Poverty in Ethiopia exposes how authoritarian development schemes have perpetuated cycles of poverty, food insecurity, and marginalized the country’s most vulnerable citizens.

Giải quyết chồng lấn đất đai dựa trên sự tôn trọng truyền thống của cộng đồng: Cách tiếp cận cho một giải pháp bền vững

Reports & Research
декабря, 2015

Thiếu tôn trọng các tập quán canh tác truyền thống và vai trò của người dân trong quá trình quy hoạch sử dụng đất, giao đất giao rừng làm cho tình trạng chồng lấn, lấn chiếm đất lâm nghiệp xảy ra ở nhiều địa phương. Điều này gây ảnh hưởng đến công tác quản lý bảo vệ rừng bền vững.

Ensuring Women’s Participation in Forest Decision-Making: Annual report 2015-2016

Institutional & promotional materials
декабря, 2015
South-Eastern Asia

Community forestry – as promoted by RECOFTC – provides an effective and cross-cutting solution that is aligned with the SDGs. This includes SDG goal 5 to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. RECOFTC has long understood that the long-term viability of community forest management is dependent on the inclusion of women. RECOFTC works to ensure that policies and programs of forestry stakeholders mainstream gender dimensions so that they are not at risk of creating or exacerbating inequalities, and ignoring women’s contribution to livelihoods.

Social capital, conflict, and adaptive collaborative governance : Exploring the dialectic

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2015

Previously lineal and centralized natural resource management and development paradigms have shifted toward the recognition of complexity and dynamism of social-ecological systems, and toward more adaptive, decentralized, and collaborative models. However, certain messy and surprising dynamics remain under-recognized, including the inherent interplay between conflict, social capital, and governance. In this study we consider the dynamic intersections of these three often (seemingly) disparate phenomena.

Resolving Land Disputes

Reports & Research
ноября, 2015
Sri Lanka

This manual outlines dispute resolution mechanisms, procedures and strategies that are or will be put in place by the Sri Lanka Ministry of Justice’s Special Mediation Boards (Land) to promote the resolution of a variety of housing, land and property disputes in the country. Sri Lanka has a long history and experience utilizing collaborative resolution methods to address a wide variety of disputes, and many recent positive experiences with mediation.

Infographic: Equity in forests and climate change

Institutional & promotional materials
ноября, 2015
South-Eastern Asia

This two-part infographic explains the importance of social equity in forests and the basics on putting it into practice. The infographic defines equity and provides an easy to understand overview of the key elements that will empower forest-dependent communities. Through understanding equity, forest communities will better understand their rights and be prepared to participate in the decision-making process so they gain a fair share of benefits from forest resources.

Rapport d’étude sur les pratiques d’expropriation, d’indemnisation, de délocalisation/réinstallation des communautés affectées par les projets miniers en Guinée

Reports & Research
ноября, 2015

La République de Guinée recèle d'importantes ressources naturelles dont un potentiel minier reconnu comme l’un des plus importants en Afrique, le pays concentrant à lui seul plus de la moitié des réserves mondiales de bauxite (2/3 avant les découvertes récentes de grands gisements en Asie du Sud Est), d’importants gisements de fer (9 milliards de tonnes), de l’or, du diamant, du nickel, du cuivre et du titane.

Impossible développement agricole en République centrafricaine ?

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2015
Central African Republic

L’abandon, déjà ancien, de l’agriculture a contribué à l’émergence des crises politico-militaires récentes en République centrafricaine. Un retour à la paix ne pourra donc pas être durable sans une action volontariste et prolongée en faveur du développement agricole, et notamment sans la recherche d’une meilleure articulation entre agriculture et élevage. Telle est la thèse défendue par les auteurs de l’article, qui envisagent ensuite quelques-unes les modalités que pourrait prendre cet appui à l’agriculture.

Le contrôle des ressources dans une guerre civile régionalisée (Centrafrique).

Journal Articles & Books
сентября, 2015
Central African Republic

Ce numéro des Cahiers d’Outre-Mer traite d’une question classique de géographie politique, la relation entre ressources et conflits armés, dans un contexte original, celui de la République centrafricaine (RCA). Afin d’introduire les textes qui composent ce dossier, il s’agit d’abord de situer le cas centrafricain par rapport aux principales approches développées dans les sciences sociales sur la thématique des conflits et des ressources, et de trier celles qui semblent le plus opératoires pour éclairer l’imbroglio centrafricain.